2 Corinthians letter 5
chapter five
1because we know, that when the tent, our earthly house, will destroy become, have we a building of Hashem, a house, not with hands made, an eternal, in heaven. 2because in the this (tent) groan we, longing clothed to become with our dwelling, which is of heaven; 3and if we will indeed clothed become, will we not found to be naked. 4because we, who are in the this tent, sigh under a burden, because we want not to be unclothed, but clothed so that the mortal shall swallowed up be by the life. 5and the One, who has us prepared for this, is Hashem, who has us also given the pledge of the Spirit. 6therefore are we always comforted and know, that all as long as we dwell in the body, are we not at home with the L-rd. 7because we live in faith, not in sight. 8we are comforted, and want rather go out from the body and be at home with the L-rd. 9therefore strive we also, whether we are at home or we are away, to be well pleasing before him. 10because we all must appear before Moshiach's throne of judgment, so that every one shall receive that, which he has done in the body, good or evil.
11therefore, knowing of the fear before the L-rd, seek we to persuade men, before Hashem however are we made manifest; and I hope, that we are also made manifest in your (PL) conscience. 12we commend ourselves not again to you (PL), only give you (PL) an occasion yourselves to boast on our account, so that you (PL) shall have something against the (ones), which boast themselves with the face and not with the heart. 13because if we are beside ourselves, is it for Hashem; are we by the in our right mind, is it for for your sake. 14because the love of the Moshiach compels us, which judges thus, that if one is died for all, are all died; 15and he is died for all, so that the the living should more not live for self themselves, but for the One, who is for them died and stood up again. 16therefore from now on know we nobody according to flesh; and if even we have have known Moshiach according to flesh, know we him now no longer. 17therefore, if someone is in the Moshiach, is he a new creation; the old is passed away, look, all is become new! 18and this all is from Hashem, who has us made peace (Yeshayah 53, 5) with self alone through the Moshiach and us given the ministry of the to make of peace; 19because Hashem was in the Moshiach, peace to make the world with self alone, not reckoning them their sin, and has laid down in us the word of the peace to make.
20we are therefore peace ambassadors for the Moshiach, as Hashem would through us exhort; we ask in Moshiach's Name, be yourselves peace make with Hashem (Yeshayah 53, 5)! 21because the One, who has not known any sin (Yeshayah 53, 9), has Hashem made sin (Yeshayah 53, 6.) for our sakes (Yeshayah 53, 5); so that we should become Hashem's righteousness in him (Yeshayah 53, 11).
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