2 Corinthians letter 1
1Paul, a Shliach of the Moshiach Yehoshua through Hashem's will, and Timothy, the brother, to the kehile of Hashem, which finds itself in Corinth, together with all holy ones, who are in all Achaia: 2grace to you (PL) and peace from G-d our Father and of the L-rd Yehoshua the Moshiach.
3praised is the G-d and Father of our L-rd Yehoshua the Moshiach, the Father (of) mercies and G-d of every consolation; 4who consoles us in all our troubles, so that we should be able to console those, who find themselves in whatever not is trouble, with the comfort, with which we ourselves are being comforted by Hashem. 5because just as the Moshiach's sufferings are increasing on us, so increases itself also through the Moshiach our consolation. 6and suffering we troubles, is it for your consolation and salvation; to become we comforted, is it for your comfort, which reveals itself virtually in enduring with patience the same sufferings, which we ourselves to suffer also; 7and our hope about you (PL) stands firm, because we know, like you (PL) are participants in the sufferings, so will you (PL) also be (participants) in the consolation. 8because we want not, that you (PL) shall not know, brothers, about the trouble, which is (to) us happened in (Minor) Asia, that very much over the (our) powers did we crushed become, so, that we did ourselves even despaired even of living; 9yes, we alone did have in ourselves the sentence verdict of death, so that we should not have any confidence in self alone, but in Hashem, who is raises the dead; 10who did us save from such great death, and will save; to whom we have hoped, that he will yet save; 11while you (PL) do also help with your prayer do for us; so that for the gift, which is (to) us given been from a many persons, shall a many give up a praise for our sakes.
12because just the these is our boasting, the witness say of our conscience, that in holiness and in sincerity before Hashem, not in fleshly wisdom but in Hashem's grace, did we live in the world, and the primarily with you (PL). 13because we write you (PL) not anything otherwise, only what you (PL) (can) read or understand, and I am confident, that you (PL) will it understand until the end; 14just as you (PL) have us already partly understood, that we are your glory, as you (PL) are also our (glory) in the day of our L-rd Yehoshua.
15and in the this confidence did I at first want come to you (PL), so that you (PL) shall have a twofold grace, 16and through you (PL) to go to Macedonia, and again/after from Macedonia to come to you (PL), and from you (PL) escorted (sent) to be to the (land of) Yehudah. 17and wanting the these, did I then show frivolity? or the matters, which I plan, do plan I then according to flesh, so that it shall be with me (at the same time) this yes, yes and that no, no? 18but Hashem is faithful, that our word to you (PL) is not yes and no. 19because the Son of the Most High, Yehoshua the Moshiach, who is through us preached become among you (PL), through me and Silvanus and Timothy, is not was yes and no; but it is (always) was yes in him; 20because however many promises of Hashem there is, in him (there) is this yes; therefore is also through him the Amen, to Hashem's glory through us. 21and the One, who did us together with you (PL) established firmly in the Moshiach and us anointed, is Hashem, 22who did us also seal and gave in our hearts the pledge of the Spirit.
23I however call Hashem as witness on my soul, that so that you (PL) to spare did I yet not come to Corinth. 24not that we dominate over your faith, but we are co-helpers of your joy; because you (PL) stand firm in the faith.
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