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1 Corinthians letter 15

chapter fifteen
1and I am letting you (PL) know, brothers, (again) the Good News, which I have (to) you (PL) announced, which you (PL) have also accepted, and in which you (PL) stand firm, 2through which you (PL) gets also saved; if you (PL) hold fast the word, which I have you (PL) announced; except, that you (PL) have in vain believed. 3because before all have I (to) you (PL) handed over, what also I did receive was, that Moshiach is died for our sin according to the Scriptures (the Holy); (Yeshayah 53, 5-12.) 4and that he is buried become; and that he is stand up again the third day according to the Scriptures (the Holy); (Psalms 16, 10.) 5and that he has Himself appear to Kefa; later to the Twelve; 6then did He Himself appear to more than five hundred brothers at once, the most of of which live still until now, some however are already asleep; 7later did He Himself appear to James; after that to all (the) Shlichim; 8and last after (to) everyone did He Himself appear also to me, who I am likened to an untimely born child. 9because I am the very least of the Shlichim, and am not worthy called to to be Shliach, because I did persecute the kehile of Hashem. 10but through Hashem's grace am I, what I am; and His grace to me is not was in vain; but I did labor more than them all; yet not I, but Hashem's grace, which is with we. 11therefore whether I, or they, so preach we, and so did you (PL) believe.
12if however of Moshiach it is preached, that he is raised up from the dead, how then say this some among you (PL), that it is is not any resurrection of the dead ones? 13and if it is is not any resurrection of the dead ones, did also Moshiach not stand up/arise; 14and if Moshiach is not stand up/risen, is actually our preaching futile, and your faith is also in vain. 15and we find ourselves also as false witnesses of Hashem; because we did witness say against Hashem, that He did rouse/awaken the Moshiach; whom He had not rouse, if the dead will actually not stand up again. 16because if the dead will not stand up again, is also Moshiach not stand up again/risen; 17and if Moshiach did not stand up/arise, is your faith, without a sense; and you (PL) are yet in your (PL) sin. 18in that case are even the sleeping in the Moshiach lost become. 19if we have set our hope on the Moshiach only in the this life, are we the most forlorn of all men.
20now however is Moshiach yes stood up from the dead, as the reshit the firstborn of the sleeping. 21because as the death is come through a man, so is also resurrection of the dead ones through a man. 22because as in Adam (the first) dies all, so will also in the Moshiach all alive made to be. 23and every one in his proper order: Moshiach as first fruits/Bikkurim, then the (ones), who are the Moshiach's, with his coming. 24after that the end, when He will give over the kingdom to G-d the Father; when He will null and void make every dominion and every authority and power. 25because he must rule, until he will put all his enemies under his feet. (Psalms 110, 1.) 26the last enemy rendered ineffectual to to be, is the death. 27because all has He put under His feet. and when He says, that all is placed, it is clear, that it is with the exception of Him, who had all placed under Him. 28and when all will be placed under Him, then will also the Son Himself self be subject to Him, who has all put under Him, so that Hashem shall be all in all.
29otherwise, what will do the (ones), who are themselves immerse in the mikveh “for the dead” (quote unquote)? if the dead will nothing stand up/arise, why shall they self after immerse to be in the mikveh “for their sake” (quote unquote)? 30and why stand we in danger every hour? 31I die daily, I affirm it at your boasting, brothers, which I have in the Moshiach Yehoshua the L-rd our. 32if I have fought simply like a man with the wild animals in Ephesus, what is useful it to me? if the dead are raised not up, let us eat and drink, because tomorrow die we! (Yeshayah 22, 13.) 33deceive yourselves not alone; bad company corrupts good morals. 34be sober as it do belong to be, and sin not; because some (among you (PL)) know not Hashem; to your shame say I this.
35but someone will say: how stand the dead up? and with what for a body come they? 36you (SG) fool (goilem), what you (SG) sow, is not alive made, when it dies not; 37and what you (SG) sow, sow you (SG) not the body, which will be, but only a kernel, perhaps of wheat, or of something different. 38Hashem however gives it a body, as He wills, and every one seed its own body. 39not every flesh is (one and) the same flesh; but an other's (is the flesh) of men, and an other's is the flesh of beasts, and an other's is the flesh of birds, and an other's of fishes. 40and are there bodies heavenly and bodies earthly; but the glory of the heavenly is an another (is different), and of the earthly an another (different still). 41the son has a different glory, and the moon has a different glory, and the stars have a different glory; because one star is different self from an (other) star with the glory. 42just so is also resurrection of the dead ones. it gets sown in perishability, it stands up in imperishability. 43it is sown in no glory, it stands up in glory; it is sown in weakness, it stands up with power; 44it is sown a natural body, it stands up a spiritual body. if there is there a natural body, is also there a spiritual. 45and just so stands actually written: the first man, Adam, is become a living soul (Genesis 2, 7); the Adam last to a alive making Spirit. 46however the first is not the spiritual, but the natural; then the spiritual. 47the first man is of the earth, earthly; the second man is from heaven. 48as the earthly is, so are also the earthly; and as the heavenly is, so are also the heavenly. 49and as we did carry that image of the earthly, so will we also carry the image of the heavenly.
50and the these say I, brothers, that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of Hashem (Joh 3:3); also will the perishable not inherit the imperishable. 51look tell I you (PL) a mystery: not all will we fall asleep, but we will all transfigured to be. 52in a moment, in an eye blink, by the last trumpet; because they will blow trumpet, and the dead will stand up again imperishable, and we will transfigured to be. 53because the these perishableness must self clothe with with imperishableness, and the these mortality must clothe with immortality. 54when however the these perishableness will clothe with imperishableness, and the these mortality will clothe with immortality, will then fulfilled become the word, which stands written:
swallowed up is the death in victory:
55o death, where is your victory?
o death, where is your venomous bite?
(Yeshayah 25, 8; Hoshea 13, 14)
56the venomous bite of the death is the sin; and the power of the sin is the law; 57however thanks be Hashem, who gives us the victory through our L-rd Yehoshua the Moshiach. 58therefore, beloved brothers of mine, be steadfast, immovable, and abounding you (PL) always in the things of the L-rd, because you (PL) know, that your labor is not in vain in the L-rd.





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