1. Mose 13
O Abram oun o Lot
1O Abram djas dran o them Egiptia: yob oun leskri romni oun halauter hoy les his, oun leskro phraleskro čavo Lot. Oun yon djan an o them Negev. 2O Abram his bravelo: Les his boud firhe, roup oun sonakay. 3Oun ko themestar Negev djas yob doureder foun yek platsa ap i vavar. Oun vas pash o foro Betel ap koy platsa mank Betel oun Ai, kay leskro plarhteno kheer o ersto kopo tardo his. 4Kote his koy platsa, kay yob i Debleskri rhačepaskri kras#13:4 Debleskri rhačepaskri altaro . Oun kote kharas yob pale o baro Debles an.
5O Lot, kay djal o Abrameha, koles his ninna bakre, groumya oun plarhtene khera. 6O Abrameskro bravlepen oun o Loteskro bravlepen his yaake baro, kay nashte djivan yon bouder gar khetne. Lengre firhe hatsan gar doha te rhal. 7Yaake čingran pen o Abrameskre boudepangre oun o Loteskre boudepangre, kay dan garda ap lengre firhende. An ko tsiro djivan ninna i Kanaanitarya oun i Perisarya an ko them.
8Koy penas o Abram ap o Lot: “Me kamau kek čingepen mank mende, vitar gar mank tire boudepangre oun mire boudepangre. Mer ham phrala. 9Rode touke vin, havo them tou kameh. Oun dja touke mandar! Kameh tou serves te djal, djau me čačes. Oun te kameh tou čačes te djal, djau me serves.” 10O Lot dikas ap o tselo them pash o pani Yordan. Kova his halauter sapeno. Bis pash o foro Soar his ko them har o baro Debleskri baar#13:10 baar garta oun har o them Egiptia. Kova his glan ko tsiro, kay kol forya Sodom oun Gomorra rhačedo van.
11Oun o Lot rodas peske o tselo them pash o pani Yordan vin. Oun djas kote, kay o kham pre djala. Oun hakeno djas i vavar drom: 12O Abram djivas an o them Kanaan. Oun o Lot djivas an kol forya pash o pani Yordan, oun čivas peskre plarhtene khera pre bis pash o foro Sodom. 13Kol menshe an Sodom his čilačo oun djivan an baro čilačepen glan o baro Debleste.
O baro Devel penell o Abrameske, te dell lo les boud čaven oun i them
14Har o Lot peske djas, penas o baro Devel ap o Abrameste: “Dik tout trouyel oun dik kote, kay tardo hal, ap haki rig: serves, čačes, glan toute oun pal toute! 15Ko tselo them, hoy dikeh, kova dau tout oun tire čaven, kay pal toute venna. Ko them hi t'maro hako tsiro. 16Oun me dau tout boud čaven, kay pal toute venna, – yaake boud har i čik ap i phoub. Kek mensho nay djinell, har boud čik ap i phoub hi. Yaake djinell nay kek, kitse menshe toutar venna. 17Dja trouyel an o tselo them! Tout dau ko tselo them.”
18Oun o Abram djas peskre plarhtene kherentsa trouyel, oun vas pash o foro Hebron oun ačas tel i bare rouka ko morshestar Mamre#13:18 dik: 1. Mose 14:13 . Oun kote kras yob i rhačepaskri#13:18 rhačepaskri altaro o baro Debleske, kay venn firhe leske rhačedo.
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1. Mose 13: Sint-Man2024

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