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War Club Tells the Good Story 6

1Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and his followers left there and went to Seed Planter Village (Nazareth), where he grew up as a boy. 2On the following Day of Resting at the local gathering house, he began to teach the people. When they heard him, they were amazed and wondered at his words.
“Where did he learn about these things?” they asked with contempt in their voices. “Who gave him this wisdom and ability to perform such powerful medicine? 3Is he not the wood carver, son of Bitter Tears (Mary) and brother to He Leads the Way (James), He Gives More (Joseph), Strong of Heart (Jude), and He Hears (Simon)? Look, his sisters are also here with us!”
And so they were offended and turned their faces away from him.
4“A prophet is given much honor,” he said to them, “except in his own village, among his own clan and relatives, and even in his own family.”
5Because of this he could do no great miracles among them, except to touch and heal a few sick people. 6He was troubled by their lack of trust in him. So he left his boyhood village and went about teaching in other villages.
7He then gathered his twelve message bearers together, gave them power over unclean evil spirits, and began to send them out two by two. 8He told them to take nothing with them except a walking stick—no traveling bundle, food, or money pouches. 9They were to wear only one outer garment and have one pair of moccasins for their feet.
10“When you come to a village, stay in one home until you leave. 11If no one in that village welcomes you or will listen to your message, then go from there and shake the dust from your moccasins as a sign against them.”
12So the twelve went out traveling two by two, and everywhere they went, they told people to return to Creator’s right ways. 13They forced out evil spirits and poured herbal oils on many who were sick and healed them.
14The reputation of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) reached the ears of Chief Looks Brave (Herod). Some told him, “Gift of Goodwill (John) has come back from the world of the dead. That is why he can work so much power!”
15At the same time others said, “He must be Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah),” and still others said, “He is a prophet! Just like one of the ancient prophets.”
16But Looks Brave (Herod), after hearing all this, said, “Gift of Goodwill (John), the one whose head I cut off, has come back from the dead to haunt me.”
17-18He said this because he was the one who had Gift of Goodwill (John) arrested and put in prison. Gift of Goodwill (John) had spoken out against Looks Brave (Herod) for marrying the wife of his brother Friend of Horses (Philip).
“It is not permitted in the Sacred Teachings for you to be with your brother’s wife!” he told Looks Brave (Herod).
19So Daring Woman (Herodias) held this against Gift of Goodwill (John) and wanted to kill him. 20But Looks Brave (Herod) knew he was a man who walked in an upright and holy manner, so he was afraid and protected him. From time to time Looks Brave (Herod) liked to sit and listen to Gift of Goodwill (John), even though his words troubled him.
21Daring Woman (Herodias) was waiting for a chance to have him killed. This chance came on the birthday of Looks Brave (Herod). He had a great feast prepared to celebrate his birthday and invited government officials, head soldiers, and important dignitaries from Circle of Nations (Galilee).
22-23The daughter of Daring Woman (Herodias) came in and danced before them, pleasing Looks Brave (Herod) and all the guests.
“Ask anything from me and I will give it to you,” he said to her, making a solemn promise, “up to half of all that I rule over.”
24So she went out to her mother and said, “What shall I ask for?”
“Ask for the head of Gift of Goodwill (John), the one who performs the purification ceremony,”#6:24 Baptism she replied with a sly grin on her face.
25Right away she hurried back to the feast, went right up to the chief, and said, “Give to me, here and now, the head of Gift of Goodwill (John) in a basket!”
26The heart of Chief Looks Brave (Herod) fell to the ground, but because he had made a solemn promise in front of his guests, he could not refuse her request. 27So right then he ordered a soldier to bring him the head of Gift of Goodwill (John). So the soldier went to where he was in prison and cut off his head. 28He brought his head to the young girl in a basket, and she gave it to her mother.
29Now, when the followers of Gift of Goodwill (John) heard about his tragic death, they came for his body and buried it properly.
30The message bearers returned from their journeys and with full hearts told Creator Sets Free (Jesus) about all that they had done and taught. 31There were so many people coming and going all around them that they did not even have time to eat.
So Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to them, “Come with me, and we will find a quiet place in the wilderness to rest for a while.”
32Then they left in a canoe to go to an out-of-the-way place to be alone and rest. 33But the people saw where they were going and ran ahead of them. They came from all the surrounding villages and were waiting for them when they arrived.
34As Creator Sets Free (Jesus) climbed out of the canoe, he saw the great crowd of people, and his heart went out to them again. He saw that they were like sheep with no shepherd to watch over them. He stayed there with them and began to teach and tell them stories about Creator’s good road.
35It was late in the day, so his followers said to him, “This is a deserted place, and the day is almost over. 36We should send the people away to the villages in the countryside so they can find food to eat.”
Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked around at the great crowd of people—over five thousand men and also women and children. Then he turned and looked right at his followers.
37“You feed them!” he said to them.
They could not believe their ears! How could they feed so many people?
“It would take over eight moons’ worth of gathered food to feed all these,” they answered him. “Do you want us to go and trade for that much?”
38Then he said to them, “Go and see how many pieces of frybread we have.”
After looking around they said, “We have five pieces of frybread and two fish.”
39Then Creator Sets Free (Jesus) instructed the people to sit down in groups on the green grass. 40So the people gathered up their traveling bundles and their children and sat down, some in groups of one hundred and some in groups of fifty.
41Then he took the five pieces of frybread and two fish and held them up to the sky. He looked up into the spirit-world above and spoke words of blessing over them. He broke the frybread into smaller pieces and gave them to his followers to give to the people. Then he did the same with the fish.
42Everyone ate until they could eat no more. 43When they gathered up the leftovers, there were twelve baskets full. 44The number of men fed in this great gathering of people was about five thousand!
45Right away Creator Sets Free (Jesus) urged his followers to get into their canoe and sent them ahead to the other side of the lake toward House of Fishing (Bethsaida), while he sent the crowd on their way. 46He then left them and went up by himself into the mountainside to send his voice to the Great Spirit.
47As the sun was setting, his followers were still in the canoe out in the middle of the lake, while Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was alone on the land. 48He could see them paddling hard against the wind. Then, early in the morning, just before sunrise, he walked out on the lake and was going to pass right past them.
49His followers looked out in the dim light and saw him walking on the lake. Thinking he was a ghost, 50they wailed and cried out loud as fear took hold of them.
Right away Creator Sets Free (Jesus) called out to them, “Do not fear. Take heart. It is I!”
51He then came to them and climbed into the canoe as the wind calmed down. His followers were amazed beyond words, for their hearts were still too hard. 52Even the miracle of the frybread and fishes did not open their eyes to see who Creator Sets Free (Jesus)truly was.
53They came to shore at the village of Chief Garden (Gennesaret) and tied their canoe to a rock. 54As soon as they got out of their canoe, the people recognized Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 55So they ran to all the nearby villages, gathered up the sick on their sleeping bundles, and brought them to Creator Sets Free (Jesus).
56Wherever he would go—into villages, camps, or in the countryside—they would take the sick, lay them in front of the trading posts, and beg him to let them touch the fringes of his clothes. And all who touched him were healed.





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