(Galatians) Small Man to the Sacred Families in Land of Pale Skins 4
1What I am saying is that a father might die and leave everything to an only son. As long as that son remains a child, he has no say in the family,#4:1 Lit. no different from a household slave even though one day all will be his. 2He must wait until he reaches the age that was decided by his father. Until then, he is under the care of his aunts and uncles and other relatives.
3In the same way, we were also children held in bondage under the spiritual powers that rule this world. 4But when the time was right, Creator sent his Son, who was born of a woman and born under our tribal law. 5He came to set free#4:5 Lit. purchase the freedom of the ones who were under the law, so that all of us could take our place in Creator’s family as mature sons and daughters. 6Because this is true of you, Creator has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out from within us, “Abba! My Father!”
7So then, you are no longer slaves to the spiritual powers of this world that use the law to accuse you and bring you under bondage. You are now taking your place as mature sons and daughters ready to share in the family blessing promised by the Great Spirit.
8Before you fully knew about the Great Spirit, you served spirits that do not share the nature of the Great Spirit.#4:8 Lit. those who by nature are not gods 9But now that you know the Great Spirit, and even more, that the Great Spirit knows you, how is it that you desire to turn back to serve those weak and pitiful spirits thatuse the law to make you their slaves? 10This is what you are doing when you require people to take part in things like special days, moon cycles, ceremonial seasons, and yearly festivals, in a useless attempt to gain the blessing of Creator’s good road. 11I am worried that my work among you has come to nothing.
12My sacred family members, I beg you to become like me, for I was once like you when I served those weak and pitiful spirits—but now I am free. You did not treat me in a bad way when I first came to you. 13As you know, I was sick and weak in my body when I first told you the good story. 14But even though the weakness in my body was hard for you to bear, you did not look down on me with scorn or turn away from me in disgust. Instead, you welcomed me as if I were a spirit-messenger from Creator, or even as if I were the Chosen One, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) himself.
15Have you lost your desire to be such a blessing to me? I am telling you the truth that in those days, if it had been in your power, you would have sacrificed anything to help me, even your own eyes. 16Do you now see me as an enemy because I speak truth to you?
17These false teachers I am warning you about are working hard to snatch you away from us and win you over to their way of thinking. They do not truly care about you. They only want more followers to help them spread their lies. 18Yes, to win people over is a good thing, but only when it is done for the right reasons, and not just when I am there with you.
19My little children! Once again I am like a mother struggling to give birth to a child. My struggle will continue until the Chosen One has been fully formed within you. 20O how I wish I were there with you so we could speak face to face! Then we could sit in counsel together, where you could hear my heart and not just my words. I do not know what to do about you.
21So then, you who wish to remain under our tribal law, are you ready to hear what it means to be under the law?
22Let me tell you a story from our Sacred Teachings. Father of Many Nations (Abraham) had two sons. A slave named Wandering Woman (Hagar) gave birth to one son, and Noble Woman (Sarah) gave birth to the other. 23The son born to the slave woman was born because of broken desires, by trying to force Creator’s promise to come true. The son born to the free woman was born because Creator himself made the promise come true.
24-25This story reveals a deeper truth. These women represent two peace treaties between the Great Spirit and his people. One peace treaty was made from Mountain of Small Trees (Mount Sinai), where our tribal law was given. This mountain is in Land of Wanderers (Arabia) and is represented by Wandering Woman (Hagar), whose children are all born into slavery. Wandering Woman (Hagar) also represents the present-day Village of Peace (Jerusalem), for this village and its people remain in slavery.
26But the Village of Peace (Jerusalem) from the spirit-world above is represented by Noble Woman (Sarah), the free woman. This Village of Peace (Jerusalem) is our mother, and we are her children, born in freedom.
27For it is written in our Sacred Teachings, “O childless woman who has never given birth or felt the pains of childbirth, dance for joy and shout as loud as you can! For the woman who was barren has more children than a woman with a husband.”#4:27 Isaiah 54:1
28Now you also, my sacred family members, are children born of promise. For it was by Creator’s promise that He Made Us Laugh (Isaac) became the child of Father of Many Nations (Abraham).
29At that time the one who was born from broken desires hunted down and brought trouble to the son born of the Spirit’s promise. The same kind of thing is happening today from our own Tribal People.
30But what do our Sacred Teachings tell us? “Send the slave woman and her son far away. For the son of the slave woman cannot share the family blessings with the son of the free woman.”#4:30 Genesis 21:10
31So then, my sacred family members, we who trust in the Chosen One are not children of the slave woman but of the free woman.
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(Galatians) Small Man to the Sacred Families in Land of Pale Skins 4: FNVNT

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