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First Letter from Small Man to the Sacred Family in Village of Pleasure 10

1My sacred family members, never forget that our tribal ancestors, who are our spiritual fathers, when they left Black Land (Egypt) were all guided to safety under a cloud. They all walked through the Red Sea on dry land when the waters opened before them. 2The cloud and the water became for them a purification ceremony#10:2 Baptism that was performed by Drawn from the Water (Moses). 3They all ate the same spiritual food 4and they all drank the same spiritual drink. They drank from the spiritual rock that traveled with them, and that rock was the Chosen One.
5But the Great Spirit was not pleased with most of them, so their dead bodies were left scattered over the desert wasteland.
6We should see in this story a spiritual warning for us today. It means we must not desire wrong things like they did. 7We must not honor spirit-images, as some of our ancestors did, for our Sacred Teachings tell us, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and then got up to dance and sing in honor of the golden calf.”#10:7 Exodus 32:19
8We must not give in to wrong sexual desires, as some of our ancestors did, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day.#10:8 Numbers 25:9 9We should not put our Honored Chief to the test, as some of our ancestors did, and were killed by poisonous snakes.#10:9 Numbers 21:5 10And we must not grumble, as some of our ancestors did, who were then destroyed by the spirit-messenger of death.#10:10 Numbers 11
11These things happened to them as a warning to us. These stories were written down so we would learn not to walk in their footsteps. We are the people who live in the time when Creator’s plan has reached its full meaning and purpose.#10:11 Lit. those upon whom the ends of the ages has come 12So the ones who think they stand strong should watch out that they do not fall.
13 You are not so different from your ancestors who all faced temptation. All human beings are tempted in similar ways. So remember, the Great Spirit is faithful. He will not permit you to be tempted beyond your ability to resist. For when temptation comes, he will show you how to break free from it and stand firm.
14So then, my much-loved family, break free and run away from following after spirit-images and what they represent. 15I speak to you as wisdomkeepers. You are well able to decide for yourselves if what I say is true.
16 Think about it in this way: When we give thanks and drink from the cup Creator has blessed, are we not participating ceremonially in the blood of the Chosen One? When we ceremonially break and eat the frybread, are we not participating in the body of the Chosen One? 17For we who are many all eat from one piece of frybread. This shows that we are all one body.
18Think about those who by human ancestry are of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). When they eat from the sacred offerings, are they not participating in the sacred altar?
19So am I saying that a spirit-image or the food offered to a spirit-image is anything at all? 20No, but I am saying that when the Outside Nations offer food to spirit-images, they are not offering it to the Great Spirit but to evil spirits. And I do not want you to participate in following those evil spirits.
21You cannot eat both from the cup of our Honored Chief and from the cup of evil spirits. In the same manner, you cannot eat bread from the ceremonial table of our Honored Chief and from the table of evil spirits. 22Are we trying to anger our Honored Chief by making him jealous? Do we think we are stronger than he is?
23We may be free to do anything we desire, but not all things we can do will lead to harmony with one another or with the Great Spirit. Not all things bring help and strength to each other. 24So then, no one should seek only what is good for oneself, but also what brings good to others.
25 Go ahead and eat the food offered at the trading posts without asking any questions. Then you will not have to trouble yourself about it. 26“For the earth and all that is in it belongs to the Great Spirit.”#10:26 Psalm 24:1; 1 Timothy 4:4
27In the same manner, if you are invited to the home of someone who is not a member of the sacred family, eat whatever is set before you without asking any questions. Then no one’s sense of wrong or right will be questioned. 28-29But if they say to you, “This food has been offered to spirit-images,” do not eat it. Not because you think it is wrong to eat, but for the sake of the one who told you.
But someone might say, “Why is my freedom to eat being decided by what someone else thinks is right or wrong? 30If I give thanks for it, then why should anyone be able to accuse me of wrongdoing?”
31 Here is my answer: whatever you do, whether it is eating or drinking or anything else, do it all to bring honor to the Great Spirit. 32Walk softly in a manner that will not offend Tribal Members or Wisdom Seekers (Greeks) or anyone who belongs to the sacred family of the Great Spirit.
33This is the manner in which I also walk. For I am not looking out only for my own good, but also for the good of others. I do this so they too may be set free and made whole.





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