San Lucas 13
Bayal sc'oplal te ya jsujt'es co'tantic yu'un jmultic
1Jich ora ay mach'atic ba yalbeyic yaiy te Jesuse te bit'il ay galileaetic te ticunotic ta milel yu'un te Pilatoe, soc tey mero malbot xch'ich'elic a te banti yacalic smilbel smajt'an te Diose. 2Te Jesús la yalbey:
—¿Yu'un bal acuyojic te c'axem to xan ay smul stuquelic te bit'il ay smulic te yantic slumale, te bit'il jich c'ot ta swentaique? 3¡Ban c'an jichuc! Melel teme ma xasujt'es awo'tanic yu'un te amulique, jich me ya xlajex ta apisilic uuc. 4¿Soc acuyojic bal te c'axem to xan ay smulic te bit'il yantic ta Jerusalén ay waxaclajuntul (18) te lajic ta net'el c'alal jin tel te snajt'il sts'ajc'ul ta bay Siloé? 5¡Ban c'an jichuc! Melel teme ma xasujt'es awo'tanic yu'un te amulique, jich me ya xlajex ta apisilic uuc —xi' te Jesuse.
Seña-c'op te higo-te' te ma sitin
6Albot yaiyic yu'un Jesús in seña-c'op to:
—Ay jtul winic sts'unoj jpejt' higo-te' ta yawal-sts'unub. Tal yil teme ay site, ma'yuc sit la stabey.#Is 5.1-7; Jer 2.21; 8.13. 7Jich la yalbey te jcanan-awalts'unubile: “Aiya awaiy stojol, yoxebalix ja'wil te ya xtalon ta yilulayel te higo-te'e. Xujt' ma'yuc sit ya jtabey. Jich yu'un, boja loq'uel. Yu'un tojol smacoj q'uinal”, xi' soc. 8Jich la yal te jcanan-awalts'unubile: “Cajwal, ac'a ainuc xan junuc ja'wil tey a. Ya me joc'bey slumil, soc ya cac'bey sc'a'al-lumil. 9Jich wan ya yac' sit. Teme ma la yac' site, ya me xju' ta bojel loq'uel”, xi' me —xi' te Jesuse.
Ta sc'aalelal cux-o'tan Jesús la scoltay jtul ants te c'ujul spate
10Te Jesús ba yaiy p'ijubteswanej ta bay sinagoga ta sc'aalelal cux-o'tan. 11Ay jtul ants tey a te ayix ta xwaxaclajunebal (18) ja'wil te uts'inbil yu'un te pucuje. Ma'yuc yip te sbaq'uetale, soc c'ujul spat ya xbeen. Xujt' ma xju' yu'un te toj ya stejc'an sbae. 12Te Jesús la yil soc la yic' tel ta stojol. Jich la yalbey:
—Me'tic, libre ayatix yu'un te achamele —xi'.
13Soc la scajanbey sc'ab ta sjol. Ora tojob spat te antse. Jajch' yalbey bayal wocol Dios yu'un. 14Yan te mach'a yich'oj yat'el ta sinagoga, ilin yo'tan yu'un te bit'il Jesús la slamantesbey xchamel ta sc'aalelal cux-o'tan. Jich caj yalbey te mach'a stsoboj sbaique:
—Ay waqueb c'aal te ya xju' ya x'at'ejotique. Ja' me yorail ya xtalex a te ya awac' ta lamantesel te achamelique. Ma me ja'uc ta sc'aalelal cux-o'tan#Ex 20.9-10; Dt 5.13-14. —la yut.
15Te Cajwaltique jich la sujt'esbey:
—Cha'lam awo'tanic te ja'exe. ¿Ma bal yacuc acoltay ta sc'aalelal cux-o'tan te awacaxe, te aburroe te ya xba awac'bey ja' yuch'e? 16¿Ja' xan in ants to te sts'umbal Abraham te ayix waxaclajuneb (18) ja'wil te chucbil yu'un te Satanase? ¿Ma bal lecuc te la yich' coltayel uuc ta sc'aalelal te cux-o'tane? —la yut.
17Te c'alal la yal jich te Jesuse, q'uexawic spisil te yajcontroe. Spisil te lume bayal bujts'naj yo'tanic ta yilel yutsilal yat'el te la spas te Jesuse.
Seña-c'op te sbac' mostaza
(Mt 13.31-32; Mr 4.30-32)
18Soc la yal te Jesuse:
—¿Bila a te pajal c'oem soc te bit'il ay ta ajwalinel te Diose? ¿Bila ya jpaj soc a? 19Ja' pajal c'oem soc te sbac' mostazae te ya sts'un ta bay yawal-sts'unub te jtul winique. Ya xch'i soc muc' ste'el ya xc'ot. Te ja'mal mutetique ya xtal spas xpechechic tey a ta bay te sc'abc'abe —xi'.
Seña-c'op te levadurae
(Mt 13.33)
20Soc jich la yal xan te Jesuse:
—¿Bila pajal soc te bit'il ay ta ajwalinel te Diose? 21Ja' pajal soc te levadura te la scap ta wots'el soc oxp'is harina te antse, ja' to te pujc' yip ta sc'olol —xi'.
Te ti'nail te tsail nax sjamalul
(Mt 7.13-14,21-23)
22Te c'alal yac ta beel ta sbelal Jerusalén te Jesuse, la yaiy p'ijubteswanej c'axel ta bay te lumlumtique soc ta bay ch'in lumetic. 23Ay mach'a jojc'obot yu'un:
—Cajwal, ¿ajtaybil nax bal te mach'a ya xcolique? —xi'.
La yal te Jesuse:
24—Ac'aic puersa ta ochel bael ta bay tsail nax sjamalul te ti'naile. Ya calbeyex te ay me tsobol mach'atic te patil ya sc'an yo'tanic te ya x'ochic tey a, ja'uc me to, ma xju'ix yu'unic. 25Melel teme la smaquix ti'nail a te yajwal nae, jich ya xjajch' atijic te ti'naile te bit'il ayex ta amaq'ue. Jich ya xjajch' awalic: “Cajwal, Cajwal, jambotic te ti'naile”, ya me awutic. Ja'uc me to, ya yalbeyex te yajwal nae: “Ma jna' te banti talemex te ja'exe”, ya me yutex. 26Jich me ya xjajch' awalic ts'iin: “Ay la join jbatiquix ta we'el-uch'ajel, soc ja'at la ap'ijubtesotiquix ta banti te jlumaltique”, ya me awutic. 27Jich me ya yalbeyex: “Ma jna' te banti talemexe. Q'ueja abaic ta jtojol ja'ex te yacalex ta spasel te bila ma lecuque”,#Sal 6.8. ya me yutex. 28Tey me ya awoq'uetay abaic a soc ya me ajets'ulay aweic#Mt 22.13; 25.30. yu'un te bit'il ya awilic te Abrahame, te Isaaque, te Jacobe, soc spisil te namey q'uinal j'alwanejetic te ochemic ta banti ay ta ajwalinel te Diose. Yan te ja'exe, ayex ta fuera atuquelic. 29Soc ay me ya xtal xan yantic ta stojol sloq'uib c'aal, soc ta stojol smalib c'aal, soc ta bay norte, soc ta bay sur. Ya me x'och snajc'an sbaic ta we'el ta banti ay ta ajwalinel te Diose.#Mt 8.11-12. 30Jich te mach'atic slajibal ayique, ja' sbabial ya xc'otic. Yan te mach'atic sbabial ayique, ja' me slajibal ya xc'otic stuquelic#Mt 19.30; 20.16; Mr 10.31. —xi' te Jesuse.
Te Jesús la yoq'uetay te Jerusalene
(Mt 23.37-39)
31Ja' nix sc'aalelal a te ay fariseoetic talic ta stojol. Jich la yalic:
—Anan loq'uel li'to, yu'un ya sc'an smilat te Herodese —xiic.
32La yal te Jesuse:
—¡Pajal soc wax me to! Baan albeya yaiy: “Ta ora to soc pajel ya to jloq'ues pucujetic soc ya to me jlamantes jchameletic. Ja' to cha'wej te ya xlaj co'tane”, uta me. 33Melel ya to me xbeenon ta ora to, soc pajel, soc cha'wej. Yu'un ma xju' te q'uejel ya xlaj jtuluc j'alwanej yu'un te Diose, tey me ya xlaj ta puersa ta bay Jerusalén.
34“¡Jerusalén, Jerusalén! C'aemat ta smilel te j'alwanejetic yu'un te Diose soc c'aemat ta xch'ojel ta ton te mach'atic ticunbilic ta c'op yu'une. Bayal buelta te c'an jtsobeyex te awal-anich'nabe, jich bit'il ya stsob yalatac ta yanil xic' te me'mute. Ja'uc me to, ma la ac'anic. 35Ya calbeyex awaiyic, jochol me ya xjil te alumalique. Soc ya calbeyex te ma ba ya awilbonic xan jsit ta ora bael to, ja' to teme ya awalic: “Bin nax yutsil te mach'a talem ta swenta te Cajwaltique”,#Sal 118.26. teme xaexe —xi' te Jesuse.
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San Lucas 13: TZOXCH
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Biblia en Tzeltal de Oxchuc y Tenejapa © Sociedad Bíblica de México, A.C., 2001.