Mak 13
Tisase fuane kale, kimo tébele iko sáklieabe, helo le
(Matiu 24.1-2, Luk 21.5-6)
1Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou fafuo tébele i mena seséwó fe wlelele. Fe wlelo, helo tukumo telc lia somo tc kole "Weoulc Lia, no tébele i, i fei fei yeyeketa eleko heafio nane! To i mali youko! Ele tobeki ekaelelele fato ae wewelie, tititeli, yeketa you!"
2Teko kawo tc kole "Ele i no melou nanemito liou fei boleko sáklio kla uwokeabekebe. Tobeki ae ele léka tolele, kimo somo fa lékolc saomo hcbc teabeno, liko likofi sáklio kla uwokeabekebe!" Teko boneele.
"Teimabi ae nobo moso bo uwofukekeme." Tisase tekoko koule, helo le
(Matiu 24.3-14, Luk 21.7-19)
3Tisase teko koeoko, tena tc bofio felele, helo tukumo telc liou fafuo. Feleko tc fe tolele, Olibi eliomo. Teno fe toleko tc to kekowálele. Kekowáleko, fio nomokaemo eikawe tc nanelele, tébele ito. Bita Tiemese Tiono Ātclu, to liou Tisase moso boleko, wiosanemo, tc leletialele. 4"Weoulc Lia, oko kou! Tébele i sáklieabeto, halekokota, halekokono bo uwofukemeko? Beli meta helele bo uwofuno naneliko tc wenenoyeabiko 'O! Bc tébele i sáklieabe bc towono! Bc bo uwofunokeme tane.' Beli meta heleleko naneliko tc wenenoyeabiko?"
5Leletialo tc koule "Nobo hábomo you! Liou fei noboko bo koflioulabe! 6Kimo liou fei ae boabekebe. Boleko tc bo kofliouabekebe 'Yoto Klaise Lia! Yo bc bomo tane!' Teko bo kofliou eabekebe, yowo híno. Teko kalo, liou tieli teko koeabekebe 'E! To mokeyu, Klaise bc bomelelc!' Koflioulc liou teko bo kofliouabekebe, tekota nobo hábomo you!"
7Tisase teko kouoko tc koule "Kimo nobo teko leleamukomu 'Wó, liou klebale towono ebe!' 'Wó, liou fei klebale wábu ebe!' Nobo tekoko leleamuto, luo eamu! Tekoko lowane kimo uwofuabekebe tekokolc, tetekokele emiele bckomo hcbc kla uwokeabeno. To kla uwokoleleleto nomo kimo uwofukekeme. 8Fei mena bo liou feimo fe bíabekebe. Wó, welifle imasiou somo helo bo liou fafuo feimo fe bíabekebe, welifle imasiou fei helo bo liou fei fafuoko. Wó feito, sao feimo sao feimo ya tamolo e eikekeme. Wó feito, sao fei sao feimo be alaiwólelele bc bo bo uwofu eabekebe. Tane. Elo lokono neeinokoko imasiou bo loko hé hé enono, kimo lokono helo bokwolelele bo ae hélelele lowane, tekoko lowane ele tetekokele emiele nanimo bc boabekebe, memeta emieleko kla uwokolelele fako helo imasiou bo loko komo. To fako helo teimabi ae welie, to kimo boukeme."
9Kouoko tc koule "Nobo hábomo you! Tekokono noboko hlileko, káúsolo lioule kamo hli fe bcbae e eabekebe. Busu kolc liou noboko busu le ko ko eabekebe, noboko koubeki faekaelokoko. Wó fei, nobo Tiuta lioule ilikolc i kemo teamuto, noboko bo otokae e eabekebe. Helo tibu tekoko, nobo yowo kimo kla bolc liou. Tekota nobo feito kabcmane helo weliweli helo mene tino, feito weliweli imasiou helo mene tino hli fe héwlio eabekebe, yowo híno. Toko olo tane, nobo yowo le you toko bc ú fuaweeamukomu, to lioule e tino. 10Nobo teimabi mono teko héamukomu tekokolc, ya bckomo hcbc kla uwokaikemeno. Imasiouto Kotole lakene elelele leto liou liou wiya emielemo fe bukokanoko."
11Teko kouoko tc koule. "Kimo noboko teko elekae li fe eabekebe, likamokaelc liou helo mene tino. Teko eabeto, nobo teko molalekeamu 'A! O hakoko le úabiko?' Tekoko molalekeamu! Ei, Uwo Koto noboko tekokotano baeikeme le, to le komo ú fuawealo, to lioule e tino."
12Tisase teko kouoko tc koule "Tekokotano liou le biowale biowale youmo bc ekae eabekebe, yoko mokeyu molalekolc liouko. Tekeiabo teito tekei youko helo bokowole kamo bae olo tc iyosokafu. Iyosokafunono tc onuo. Aeyo teito lokonoko helo bokowole kamo bae ono tc iyosokafu. Lokoko helo iname aeyemele le iyokléáfu e eleko, teito iname aeyemeko helo bokowole kamo bae olo tc iyosokafu. Yoko mokeyu molalekolc liouko teko tc ekae eabekebe."
13Teko kouoko tc koule. "Liou emiele noboko 'Tisase helo liou' kaleko, tekoko tibuno halio biowale tc ekae eabekebe. Noboko teko eabe tekokolc, nobo yoko halekamo seakeyo onuko yowo kimo kla bonuko tc limaeamuto, to you. Koto noboko biowale mena li bo likoyaneko, tc eleae toukekeme, beibei saomo." Teko koule.
Fei biowale biowale you bo uwofukekeme, helo le
(Matiu 24.15-28, Luk 21.20-24)
14No keli kimo ele le nane úkowáíkemito, hábomo wenenoyo, helo tibu toko! Tisase helo le tukumo telc liouko le fei tc fuane koule. Teko koule "Kimo biowaleyolc somo Koto helo hábei fa i teno bo héketono, to i Kotole helo mene tino tetono komo tc alaiyo teikekeme. Tane, teko héketono keli toko naneabeto, Tiulia ya teabe liou luoko tc hliwá feloko, eliomo. 15Keli helo i bei fofomo teabe, i kemo eiko wle seséwó felabe, heleale liabikoko! Akomo fe húáloko, eliomo. 16Keli kaneno sisomo teabe fato, imo eiko boko helo osukolc weno hélabe. Akomo fe húáloko, eliomo. 17Tekokono, keli lisobo lokoko tei fa, keli lisobo lokoko ne bekaelc, hano to lioule helo luoko felelele mono, to efeolc, efeolc you!"
18Teko kouoko tc koule. "Nobo Kotoko neiyomo ú ú elo, tekoko biowaleyolelele wlikono, lelebi ae tono bo uwofulame. 19Koto memeta helele emiele utatokaleta, kimo tekota liou teimabi tc tiosiko li li eleleto, bo húámeleto, bc melou ele tane. Teimabi li li e ebe tekokolc, to teimabi ae welie fei kimo bo uwofukemeto, tebiko, tekio fe húáikekeme, belimenale teimabi emieleko. Kimo fato, teimabi ae ele lowane eikoko hcbc bo uwofuabeno. 20Welifle Weno liou teli alookaele tei tuele toko mumuku e eme. Toko mumuku e eme, tekota tc kaikekeme 'Ele teimabi ae welie beibei hcbc teikemeno. Yo helo fako wio somo tc iyoleeafukomo.' Tane. To iyoleeafukeyo eikemeto, ya mena liou emiele bc limae uwokeabekebe."
21Kouoko tc koule "Tekokono noboko teko kou eabekebe. 'Nobo nanelo! Klaise ele tane!' Wó feito teko kou eabekebe 'To elefe teme tane!' Teko kouabeto, to lioule le leleamu! To noboko kofliou eabekebe. 22To tekoko, liou fei fei uwofu eleko kokofliou eabekebe. Somo fei bo tc ko 'Yo Klaise, Koto teli ko weale lia!' Fei bo tc ko 'Yo Koto alookale lia, Klaise!' Wó feito teko kaikeme 'Yoto Kotole leko ko fuanelc lia.' Lio lokono fei fato boneeko kaikeme 'Yo Kotole leko ko fuanelc lia!' Fei fei teko bo uwofu eleko tc kokofliou eabekebe. Tetekokele hale hekeke you liou fei fa elelekeyo hale lioule mene tiono tc ekae eabekebe, Koto alookaele liou tei tuele toko fa kofliouabikoko. Teko eabelc, to liouko hcbc kofliouabeno." 23Tisase teko kouoko tc koule "Lioume, yowo le neoko telo! Yo noboko beli weoumo, memeta helele emiele kimo bo uwofuabekebe toko."
Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokonoto eiko boukekeme, yamo, helo le
(Matiu 24.29-31, Luk 21.25-28)
24Tisase le fei tc ú fuaweale "Liou teimabi ae welie you teko héabe helo kimo ne bc bíkaikekeme. Enikene hcbc sakaikemeno. 25Mosowo úwo mena yelikoluko bo wleko teabekebe. Teko eko tolo, Koto tetekokele hekeke úwomo tebe toko tc tioko hneneawliaikekeme.
26"Tane, tekokotano yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono, yo nebe kemo eiko boukomo. Hekeke ae welie you hefo ae fa boukomo. Teko eiko bounoto tane, ya mena liou bc naneabekebe. 27Tane. Yo bonoko, ésolo liouko tc kou wlaeikomo. Ne wlememo, ne tomemo, hcbomo hcbomo ya, wábu wábu temo fe li eleae boabekebe, liou Koto teli alookaele tei tueleko. Yo moso eleae bo wlaeabekebe."
Liou kiamu ame lebe nane wenenoyaloko, helo le
(Matiu 24.32-35, Luk 21.29-33)
28Tisase tc koule "Noboto kiamu ame toko nanomuko tc wenenoyo e omu. Kiamu ame kano mukuno wi fa, lebe flika feleleto, nobo teko ko ko omu 'Wéto bc táínokoko eme!' 29Tane, to le yo noboko koumoto, to wenenoyolelele, kiamu ame lebe nane wenenoyo e omu lowane. Nobo ele teimabi ae mono bo uwofuno naneamuto, nobo toko wenenoyeamukomu. 'Woso mokeyu, bc towono towono you, wenebitino teme! Iyéé ikeli fitioko teme! Bc boukekeme!' Nobo teko wenenoyalo." 30Tisase teko kouoko tc koule "Yo noboko mokeyu mokeyu you komo. Ele liou feito nomo ncnabeowákeyono, ele memeta helele noboko koumoto emiele tc bo uwofuabekebe. 31Ūwo ya bc ncnabeowéabekebe tekokolc, yoweito le hcbc ncnabeoyaikemeno. Tekomo komo te te eikekeme."
Weneno lia fa nabeo, Tisase meta fakono eiko boukeme, helo le
(Matiu 24.36-44)
32Tisase teko kouoko tc koule "Lio lokono somo fa wenenoyakeyo, halekoko fakono, to fako helo heleleno yo eiko bounoto. Ésolo beibei saomo tebe fato wenenoyakeyo, seli. Kotole Lokono, yoweli fato wenenoyakeyo. Aeyo teli nosoma weneno fa teme. 33Tekoko fako Aeyo alookaleto, nobo fa seli. Tekota, nobo hábomo hábomo you! Mene hábomo naneko telo!"
34Teko kouoko tc koule "Yowo ifeli le toko lelonuko tc wenenoyalo, yowo eiko bolelele leto. I haulia somo aleo feinokoko, helo mome hale elc liouko kou kokalile. Kou kokalioko tc koule 'Yowo i heko telo!' Hale somo somo tc alookaele. Wenebiti heko telc liako tc kole 'Yowo i wenebiti hábomo hábomo you heko te!' Teko kouoko tc lukofiae fele.
35"Tane, halekokota, halekoko fakono i haulia eiko boukeme? Alasio eniko fao, eniko wábuno fao, eniko wiakono fao, fakowiolc boukekeme fao? I haulia helo hale elc liou seli telele lowane, tekoko lowane nobo fato seli, yowo eiko bolelele fakoto. Seli tomu tekota nobo fato hábomo hábomo you! 36Yo i haulia lowane akomo eiko bonoko, nobo nomuku tówáfukaeko tonuao tc bo laloulai! 37Ele le yo noboko koumoto, liou emieleko koumo. Nobo emiele hábomo you naneko telo!" Tisase helo le tukumo telc liouko teko koule.
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Mak 13: SIA

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