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Matiu 15

Koto helo ifei le haumele ifei leko iyo tekio tonoko, helo le
(Mak 7.1-13)
1Tisaseme Kenesalete ya fiomo teno tolo, Falisi liou, ifei leko weoulc liou fafuo Tielusaleme sao mena bolele. Boleko, Tisaseko tc bo nanelele. Bo naneleko tc kalele. 2"Nobo haume ifei le beli yalele, liou helo ka wi hókaeabeto, halekoko olokoko. Hano, neno le tukumo telc liou haumele ifei leko iyokléáfu ebeko, ka mome hókae teteko tc be be e ebe. To liou helo ka haume yalele ifei le alookame lowane, to le sosowono tekoko lowane hókae ekeyo metako?"
3Teko leletialo, wesiowe Tisase tc hábeo koule. "Nobo yowo tukumo telc liouko teko likamokaemulc, nobeito wanowoko molalekakeyo. To metako, nobo Koto teli likolc ifei leko iyokléáfu e omuko, nobeito ifei le komo hábomo tc kla fe e omu? 4Yo noboko mome kakeyo. Ei, fei nobo iyokléáfu e omuto, to tekoko. Koto le himolc teko likale.#15.4 Kis 20.12, 21.17, Wkp 20.9, Lo 5.16 Somoko teko yale. 'No neno ina aeyoko eiyoyo.' Wó himoko teko yale. 'Keli ina aeyoko biowalewólc le kaikemeto, wesiowe toko iyosokafulo. Onuanoko.' 5Koto tekoko ifei le beli likalelc. Nobo to ifei leko iyokléáfu omuko nobo haumele likalele ifei le to komo tc kla fe e omu. Haume ifei le teko yalele. 'Lio lokono somo helo ina aeyoko teko kaikeme. "O hano, yo noboko ukoulelele heleale fa lioko temolc. Ele heleale Kotoko beli alooko yomo, kimo neeinokoko. Tekota yo noboko hcbc baeinono." 6To lia teko kaikemeto, nobo ifei le teko alooko e eme. 'To lia helo ina aeyoko tekoko tibuno ukoukeyo, to you. Helo ina aeyoko eiyoyolelele hale fakeya.' Haume tekoko ifei le yalo tc kliko fe e omulc. Hanome, nobo to ifei leko teko kliko fomuto, Koto helo ifei leko fitio kwitiko omuko nobeito haumele likolc ifei le to komo we youno tc hé to e omu!"
7Tisase teko kouoko, le hekekemo tc ko kwitikale. "Hanome! Nobo koflioulc mukulo úlc liou noboko Aisaia le beli ko fuane neneleto, nobo wanowoko mokeyu le ko fuanele. Teko nenele.#15.7 Ais 29.13 8'Ele liouto, eselo yowo hí hé to e ebelc, helo muku yo moso siofu tekeyo. Welina tebe. 9Helo muku welina teko tobo, liouko weou e ebeto, tei tu le komo weou e ebeko tc ko ko e ebe. "Ele leto, Koto tei tu ifei le." Liouko teko kofliou e ebeko tane, mome yowo hí koko tc hé hé to e ebe.' Tane, Aisaia teko neneleto, nobo lioule wanowo komo ko fuane nenele."
Wanowo ekaelelele Koto helo mene tino tetono fa telelele, helo le
(Mak 7.14-23)
10Tisase to Falisi liou, ifei leko weoulc liou fafuoko teko kouoko, liou fei tieli toko tc kou kokalile. "Towono bolo." Towono bolo tc koule. "Nobo yowo le lelonuko, hábomo weneno fifiyalo. 11Lio lokono be ese kemo hé yolelele, tekoko elelelelo Kotole mene tino tetono fa hcbc teikemeno. Ei, to liale ese ke mena fifimo bo uwofulelele to lomo to lokonoko e biowaleyonono, Koto helo mene tino tetono fa tc telelele."
12Tisase tekoko le teko weoule helo kimo helo tukumo telc liou towono boleko tc kalele. "Hano Welifle, no beli wenenoyami o? Falisi liou no kami le lelebeko, neleko muku biowale eko tebe." 13Teko kalo, wesiowe tc koule. "To lioule bo mukuko muku ae eamu. Ei, yowo Aeyo, beibei saomo telc Aeyo to kaneno teli lelile toko naneko likoko teme. Meta helele teli lelikeyo, ya ke mena mome lekalo tolelele, emiele nekli fako bc yelikaeneko tc li likofikekeme. 14Tane, to Falisi liouko mome nane kalokalo. To liouto, mene bubusuwĂłlc liou mene bubusuwĂłlc liou feiko monoko weoulelele liou lowane. Tane, mene busukolc lia somo mene busukolc lia feiko mono wee fenono, himeli somomo ya kemo bc fe wlelelele."
15Tisase teko kouwo, Bita tc kole. "No be belelele ifeli le kami helo tibu oko ko fifiyo." 16Kawo wesiowe tc koule. "Hanome! Nobo yowo tukumo telc liou tekokolc, nobo fato yowo leko nomo lele fifiyakeyo o?" 17Teko kouoko tc koule. "Nobo weneno fa. Lio lokono be esemo hé be weonono, haliomo tc fe wlelelele. Kimo ni yamo tc fe fe yolelele. 18To be muku kemo wle tekeyo tekota tekoko be esemo hé belelelelo mukuko hcbc e biowaleyaikemeno. Hcbc e biowaleyaikemeno tekokolc, meta helele ese ke mena bo uwofulelele, beli imasiou to liale muku kemo telelele. Teno teleko, kimo muku ke mena bo teteko, ese ke mena fifimo tc bo uwofulelele. Bo uwofunono to liako e biowaleyonono tane, Koto helo mene tino tetono fa tc telelele. 19To tekoko. Liou helo muku kemo tetekokele wanowo biowale fei fei ekaelelele toko molalekae e ebeko, to wanowo biowale fei fei tc eekae e ebe. Feito, liouko iyosokafulelele. Feito, muku wi wanowo ekaelelele. Feito, iweni wanowo ekaelelele. Feito, iwo wanowo ekaelelele. Feito, liou feiko lowai le busu likolelele. Feito, liou feiko wlelekaelelele. Tetekokele wanowo biowale emiele imasiouno muku kemo te teteko tane, tena fifimo tc bo bo uwofu elelele. 20Muku ke mena fifimo bo uwofunono, to liako e biowaleyonono, Koto helo mene tino tetono fa tc telelele. To tetono fa teko telelelelc, lio lokono ka wi hékeyo te teteko be hé beleleleto, tolo Koto helo mene tino tetono fa telelelekeyo." Tisase helo liouko teko tc koule.
Kenane li te somo Tisaseko mokeyu molalekale, helo le
(Mak 7.24-30)
21Kimo Tisase Kenesalete ya fio mena bofieoko tc fele. Te mena feoko, Taia sao Saitono sao helo ya fiomo tc fe hóóle. 22Temo fe hóówó, to fiomo telc elo somo, Kenane li te Tisasemele kimo kliko feko teko, le hekekemo tc kukuáko helio e fele. "Welifle Weno, no Lebiti helo súó, no yowo tieni lokonoko mumuku eniko uke! Ésolo biowale somo helo halio kemo temeko neiyomo hekekemo e biowaleyo eko teme. No toko uke!" 23Le hekekemo teko kukuáko helio e felelc, Tisase helo le lele teteko hábeakeyo. Ese lobetioko feko tele. Teko ewo, helo le tukumo telc liou towono boleko Tisaseko tc kolele. "Hano, o meele li sao mena elo helo kukuáko helioko teme leko yowe ae ebi tane. No toko kliko weo, fenoko!"
24Tisaseko teko kolelelc, to eloko kliko weakeyo. Ei, toko teko tc hábeo kole. "Koto yoko elele yano ko wealeto, li sao liou moso ko weakeyo. Ei, Isclele liou sibisibi ba fe nonabeowólelele lowane tebe, to liou komo ukounokoko, yoko tc ko weale." 25Teko kolelc, to elo helo le lele kalokeoko towono booko, helo ikeli tino owelao loloko lelioko tc kale. "Welifle Weno, no yoko uke!" 26Tane, to elo teko kaleto, Tiuta elokeyo tekota Tisase wesiowe ifeli lelo teko kole. "Lokokole be so moso li likofilelele, to yeketakeyo." 27Teko kawo, wesiowe to elo tc kale. "Welifle Weno, to mokeyu tekokolc. Helo nawe benono, be hle fei seyau tukumo wle telelele, so fato to be tc be be e ebe." 28Teko kawo Tisase tc kale. "Hano Kebio, no yoko mokeyu koleleleno teno hekeke youmo héketemi! Yo neno mukulo kla bonoko, neno lokonoko tc e youyaikomo." Teko bc kawo, tebita akomo to ésolo biowale to elole lokonole halio ke mena bofio fewo, you tc tele.
Tisase liou tieli aeko ekae youwále, helo le
29Tisase to lokonoko e youyale helo kimo te fio mena bofieoko, Kalili fokumo tc fele. Helo wiselimo hóóoko, eliomo tc fe tole. Tooko helo wlealemo teno tc to keatele. 30Teno keatewo, li lisobo tieli ae you to moso tc bo tolele. Tane, to bo tolele liouto, liou tieli ae fei fa li eleae tolele. Feito, ikeli keko hóólc liou. Feito, ikeli ka waleewólc liou. Feito, mene bubusuwólc liou. Feito, ese lobetiwólc liou. Tekoko liou, eyee fa liou tieli ae fei fafuoko tc li eleae tolele. Li eleae toleko, Tisase helo ikeli tino tc li bo loleekaeko likalele. Loleekaeko likalo, Tisase tc ekae youwále. 31Teko ekae youwáwo tane, ese lobetiwólc liou, le tc úlele. Ikeli ka waleewólc liou tc hlasosowowálele. Ikeli keko hóólc liou, aleo yeketa tc hóólele. Mene bubusuwólc liou, mene yeketa tc nanelele. Tisase to liouko teko ekae youwáwo tane, to liou tieli ae toko naneleko tc uwoflokoluwálele. Uwoflokoluwáleko tc kalele. "Nobo Isclele lioule Koto hekeke ae you fa!" Kaleko, Koto helo hí tc hé toko telele.
Tisase be liou tieli tieli ae youko baele, helo le
(Mak 8.1-10)
32Tisase liouko teko ekae youwéoko kimo helo tukumo telc liouko tc kou kokalile. Kou kokaliwo towono bolo tc koule. "Hano, ele liou fako hluelc eleno beli bo tebe. Bo tebeko helo be emiele beli bekae uwokabele. Be fakeya tebe tekota yo to liouko mumuku emo. Be lomo tolo kou wlaeinoto, teko eko monono be teko fe wle limaelabe!" 33Teko kouwo, helo tukumo telc liou wesiowe tc kalele. "Hano! Ele fiomo liou fa telc saokeyo. Ele liou tieli tieli ae youko be foweko lesekaelelele fakeya, be nifuwálokoko!" 34Teko kalo, wesiowe Tisase tc koule. "Nobo towe tasi halekososowo lioko tomu?" Tc kalele. "Towe tasi 7-bela, bli lokouwóko somo somo fafuo. To be komo tebelc."
35Teko kalo, Tisase to liou tieli aeko tc koule. "Sei! Nobo ya eleno kekowá felo." 36Bc kekowá felo tane, Tisase to towe tasi 7-bela bli fafuo lioko, Kotoko ko lakene eoko tc tokwale. Tokwo tokwo eoko, helo tukumo telc liouko tc baele. Baewo, li lisobo tieli aeko tc bae bukokalele. 37Bae bukokalo, bekae bekaeleko tc kalele. "O nifu ae fa tebi. Bcsosowo." Kalo, to be totowake nomo teleleto, bolo bulc ekaelc ikei 7-bela ae wewelie teno tc lisikaelele. Teko lisikaeleleto, eikoko ese ti youno to to bubuóko te elele. 38Wó tane, to liou tieli tieli ae you to be teko beleleto, lisobo lokoko etiaekeyo. Loloko lomo etiaelelele helo aloo 4000-bela teko telele.
39Tekoko liou tieli ae be bc be nifuwé hekekewálo, Tisase to liouko tc kou wlaele, teito sao meni menimo eiko felokoko. Bc felo, Tisase helo tukumo telc liou fafuo to elio mena bofio wleoko, Kalili foku wiselimo tc fe wlelele. Fe wleleko, imukuno to wle kekowáleko tc o felele. O feleko, Makatane sao fiomo tc fe leiyalele.

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Matiu 15: SIA





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