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Matiu 12

Tiuta lioule mome telelele fako, helo le
(Mak 2.23-28, Luk 6.1-5)
1Kimo lowó Tiuta lioule mome telelele fako somo boleno Tisase helo le tukumo telc liou fafuo witi laisi kaneno siso wábuno felele monono tc felele. To kaneno wábuno teko feko teleko, helo tukumo telc liou be tc alaiwálele. Be alaiwáleko, witi si lileko, kano momasokaeleko, mono somo tc bekae felele.
2Li bekae feko tolo, Falisi liou fei tc laloulele. Lalouleko, Tisaseko tc kalele. "No meteko lalou! Neno liou kaneno be likaelelele hale ekaeko tebe! Teko hale ebeto, mome telelele fako helo ifei leko iyokléáfube tane!" 3Teko kalo, wesiowe Tisase to liouko tc hábeo koule. "Koto helo le beli neneleleko#12.3 1 Sml 21.1?6 beli úkowánunu. Nobo to leko muku mekliamu fao? Belimo Lebiti helo liou fafuo hóóleletano, teko feleleno, be tc alaiwálele. 4Be alaiwálo, Lebiti Koto helo hí hé tolelele i, to ba ákolo elc i helo amafu kemo séko fele. Séko feoko, ki yeelc welifle imasiouko beko leletiale. Leletieoko tane, Kotoko yeelele towe tasi to moso mena tc lile. To Kotoko yeelc towe tasito, mome telele liou belelelekeyo. Ei, ifei le teko alookale. 'Ki yeelc liou lomo belelele.' Ifei le teko alookale tekokolc. Lebiti to liko yeelc towe tasi li booko, helo kimo klako hóólc liou fafuo tc likowó belele. Tane, to yeelelele towe tasi tekoko hábei fa tekokolc, Lebitime be alaiwáleko toko beleleto, Koto helo mene tino yeki fa tekeyo. Nobo to leko muku mekliamu o?"
5Tisase teko kouoko, le fei tc koule. "Nobo Mosese nenele ifei le helo fio fei#12.5 Nam 28.9-10 fato, hábomo molalekakeyo. To ifei le teko alookame. Ki yeelc liou helo hale tébele imo ekae e ebeto, mome telelele fakono fato helo hale ekaeko toloko. To fakono hale teko eekae e ebe tekokolc, Kotole mene tino yeki fa hcbc teabeno. Ei, tébele i hale ekae e ebe tekota to you. 6-8Wó tane, tébele i, nobo mukuno, to ae welie tekokolc, yo noboko teko kounokomo. Tébele iko iyo tekiolelele somo fa teme. To yoweli, Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono. Yoweli tébele iko iyo tekio temoko, welifle we youno tc temo. Teko temoko, mome telelele fako, to fato yowo kamo teme. Yowo kamo teme tekota, memeta helele hale mome telelele fakono ekaelelele, yoweli sosowo alookaeikomo."
Teko kouoko tc koule. "Hanome, nobo Kotole le beli nenelele toko hábomo úkowo weneno fifiyakoto, you. Koto kale le teko nenelele.#12.6-8 Hos 6.6 'Yowo muku aeto, nobo liou feiko mumukuyanuko ukoulo. Nobo liou feiko teko ekeyo eamuto, nobo yoko yeeleleleko lakene hcbc einono.' Koto helo le teko nenelelelc, nobo to leko hábomo weneno fifiyakeyo. Ei, nobo toko hábomo weneno fifiyakoto, to yeki fakeya liouko ka leleolelele le hcbc okono."
Mome telelele fakono Tisase ka biowale liako e youyale, helo le
(Mak 3.1-6, Luk 6.6-11)
9Tisase tena bofieoko tc fele. Feoko, to lioule ilikolc imo tc fe séko fele. 10To imo teko séko feleto, ka waleewólc lia fato teno tc keatele. Teno keatewo, Falisi liou toko naneleko, Tisaseko tc leletio nanelele. "No haleko molalekami, mome telelele fakono liouko ekae youwólelele hale to you fao? O, to hale nobo ifei leko iyokléáfulelele?" Tisaseko teko leletialeleto, mome leletiakeyo. Ei, to liou helo muku tekoko. "Tisase to e youwólelele hale you kaikemeto, toko ka sosowo leleeabikebi. 'No hale mome telelele fakono ekaeleleko you kamito, ifei leko iyokléáfumi tane!' Ka teko bc leleeabikebi!" Falisi liou tekoko muku fa teleko, to e nanelelele le tc kalele.
11Tisaseko e nanelelele mono teko olo, wesiowe to liouko tc hábeale. "Nobo somo sibisibi ba fa teikemito, to sibisibi mome telelele fakono ya kemo fe wleikemeto, no toko haleko eikemiko? No teko kaikemi fao? 'Melouto, mome telelele fako tekota, yo toko hcbc ukeinono. Nomo moloko ukeikomo.' Teko kaikemi o? Ei, no teko hcbc kaikemino! Sibisibi nobo mene tino, to ae welie tekota akomo melou komo ya ke mena bc tio hé toukekemi. 12Nobo mene tino sibisibi teko tebelc, Kotole mene tino liou sibisibi bako iyo tekio fe húó tebe. Teko tebe tekota lio lokono somoko mome telelele fakono fato e yeketayolelele, to you. Hábei fakeya." 13Teko kouoko, to ka waleewólc liako tc kole. "Sei, neno ka eikabo lukofu." Teko kawo lukofuwo, ka fei teme lowane sosowono tc yeketayale.
14Teko yeketayawo tane, Falisi liou Tisase teko ele toko naneleko, ilikolc i mena seséwó boleko, fifimo tc fe ilikalele. Iliko teleko, Tisaseko iyosokafulelele mono kukukeabikoko le tc úko telele.
Tisaseto, Koto helo hale elc lia you, helo le
15Falisi liou toko iyosokafulelele mono teko lulukaleleto, Tisase beli weneno fa tele. Weneno fa teoko, te fio mena bofieoko tc fele. Teko feleto, li lisobo tieli ae fato helo kimo tc kla felele. Teko e feleleto, keli to lioule wábuno eyee fa te eleleto, toko ekae youwó ele. 16Tisase teko ekae youwó eoko tc koule. "Yo noboko ekaemo leto, liou feiko ko fuaneamu. Himenealo." 17Tei tuoko lele wlelelele wanowo teko eleto, mome ekeyo. Ei, le ko fuane lia somo, Aisaia ame seno belimo nenele lowane, to le sosowono tekoko lowane ekae kwitikainokoko teko tc ele. Aisaia Kotole le teko ko fuane nenele.#12.17 Ais 42.1-4 18"Nobo yowo hale elc lia yoweli alookeale toko nanelo! To yowo muku halena you tomo yowo mukuno toko lakene ae you fa temo. Yo yowo Uwo to moso yonao, ya fei fei emielemo telc liouko yowo wanowo teko ú baeikekeme. 'Koto helo wanowo liouko likamokae e emeto, hlasosowo youmo likamokae e eme.' 19Teko ú baeikemeto, le bo liou fei fafuo hcbc eikemeno. Teko hcbc eneko, liouko fa hcbc beklekou eikemeno. Wó fei, mono wlealeno héhéketeko liouko hcbc kukuáko helio eko teikemeno. 'Liou yo moso bolo. Yoko eikabo nanelo!' Tekoko le fato hcbc eko teikemeno. 20Ei, liouko wanowo osowomo osowomo ekaeko teikekeme. Liou fei, boso bu iyonono fusuoko wle te ebe lowane liou, tekoko lowane liouko hcbc iyo tukofu bofukemeno. Wó fei, liou fei, mali wioo nenebeneáé lowane liou, tekoko lowane liouko hcbc iyosobokaikemeno. Ei, emiele tekoko liouko osowomo osowomo uukou eikekeme. Teko uukou e feko teneko, helo bokowoko tc iyo tekio uwokaikekeme. Toko iyo tekio uwokaneko tane, liou Kotole mene tino ókasosowo bobowólelele mono tc ofoaikekeme. 21Ofoano tane, liou, wiya fei fei emiele mena liou toko mokeyu kaleko, 'Oko biowale mena li bo likoyaneko ukouneko tc li eleae toukekeme' kaleko tc naneko teabekebe." Aisaia helo le belimo teko nenele lowane, Tisase tekoko lowane le tc ekae kwitiko yale.
Falisi liou "Tisase hale hekeke Belesebulu helo hekekelo ekae e eme" ko ko elele, helo le
(Mak 3.20-30, Luk 11.14-23, 12.10)
22Tisase liouko ekae youwólelele hale teko ekaeko tewo, liou lio lokono fei, ésolo biowale fa liako tc ékea bolele. To ésolo biowale fa telc lia, ese lebetiolc teoko, mene tc bubusuko tele. Toko ékea bolo, Tisase to ésolo biowaleko tc ko klikole. Ko klikowo, to lia mene fifiyeoko, le tc úle. 23Teko ewo, to li lisobo tieli ae toko naneleko, emiele ilikoloyaleko, le teli haneno tei tu wábuno ú fe ú bo eko teleko tc kalele. "Ele lokonoto, le ko fuanelc liou Lebiti helo hau somo helo le ko fuane neneleleto, tebi to lia o?" 24Liou fei tekoko le teko kalelelc. Falisi liou to le leleko tc kalele. "Ei, to tekoko liakeyo! Ele lia ésolo biowaleko klikou wlae e emeto, to ésolo biowale helo hekaeko telc welifle weno Belesebulu#12.24 Belesebuluto, Setene helo hí fei. helo hekeke tolo ekae klikou wlae e eme!"
25Falisi liou teli haneno tei tu wábuno teko úlelelc, Tisase beli weneno fa, to lioule mukuno likamokaeleleleto. Weneno fa teko teoko, ifeli le somo tc koule. "Liou, welifle weno somo helo tukumo telele liou teli haneno helo wábuno bo bíabeto, teli haneno halio somomo hcbc teabeno. Ei, meni meni bobeteko feleko, biowalewó uwokeabekebe. Wó fei, i somomo telc liou haneno o, sao somomo telc liou haneno, to liou teli haneno helo wábuno bo bíleko, teli haneno bobetekaleko, te fe te bo eabeto, hekekemo hcbc héwlieabeno. Bc fe wleabekebe. 26Wó Setene fato sosowono. Setene tei tu liouko teko klikou wlae eikemeto, teli haneno somomo hcbc teabeno. Ei, bo teko bíko teabeto, meni meni buakeo felo tane, Setene helo hekaelelele fato bc biowaleyo uwokaneko tc fe nonabeoyaikekeme."
27Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Lioume, nobo yowo haleko teko ko ko e omu. 'Belesebulu helo hekekelo ekae e eme.' Yowo haleko teko ko ko e omuto, nobeito tukumo telc liou feiko halekoko ko ko e omu? To liouko fa ésolo biowaleko kou klikou wlae e ebe. Toko teko ko ko e omu o? 'Setene helo hekekelo ésolo biowaleko klikou wlae e ebe.' Hano, nobo to liouko teko koeamuto, to liou weneno fa. 'O Setene helo hekekelo ekae klikou wlae ekeyo.' Tekoko weneno fa tebe tekota nobeito tukumo telc liou nobo leko sosowo likamokae wenenoyeabekebe. 'Helo leto, to kofli le komo.' Teko wenenoyaleko, yoko fato hábomo weneno you fa teabekebe. 28Yo fato hale Belesebulu helo hekekelo ekae ekeyo. Ei, yo ésolo biowaleko klikou wlae e omoto, Uwo Koto helo hekekelo klikou wlae e omo. Tane, yo Uwo Koto helo hekekelo teko ekaemoto, noboko fifi youno tc weoumo. 'Koto lioule Welifle Imasiou teneko tc hekaeko teikeme fako melou nobo moso bc bo uwofume tane.' Uwo Koto helo hekekelo ekaelc hale tolo fifino teko weoumo tane."
29Tisase teko kouoko, Seteneko kofoko tekiolelele helo ifeli le tc koule. "Lio lokono somo hekeke ae fa liale helo i kemo séko feneko, helo heleale linokoko eikemeto, beli imasiouto, teko onoko. To hekeke ae fa liako ákeo titeikaneko wenolo ele bóko yanoko. Teko eikeme to tane, helo heleale emiele sosowo li uwokaneko li feikekeme."
30Teko kouoko tc koule. "Keli yowo wiao fiomo tekeyoto, to yowo bokowo fiomo teme. Sosowono tekoko lowane, keli lia liou feiko yo moso eleae bokeyo eikemeto, to liouko klikou wlae e eme lia, liou buakeo felokoko, yo moso bolabekoko."
31-32Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Ele le yo noboko beli koumoto, to mokeyu le you koumo. To mokeyu le tekota hábomo lelelo. Tetekokele le biowale fei fei emiele liou ekae e ebeto, Koto to lioule le biowale halekamo sosowo li likofi yaikekeme. Wó, tei tu híko wlele eleko fitio kwitiko elelele le fato, Koto halekamo sosowo hé bofuyaikekeme. Wó, yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono, yoko wlele le eleko, yowo híko fitio kwitiko eabe fato, Koto halekamo sosowo hé bofuyaikekeme. Tekoko le biowale fei fei emiele Koto sosowo li likofi yaikekeme, halekamo. Teko eikeme tekokolc, keli Uwo Koto helo híko fitio kwitikaikemeto, hano tebiko you! To liale le biowale halekamo hcbc hé bofuyaikemeno. Muku hcbc mekliaikemeno. Sosowokeyo you. Melou nomo teko teneko, kimo fato, tebi tekomo komo teko teikekeme."
Le, ese mena bolelele le lioule mukuno tebe le fuaweono weou e ebe, helo le
(Luk 6.43-45)
33Tisase to liouko teko kouoko, ifeli le loko tc koule. "Nobo ameko nane likamokae alookae e omu lowane, yoko fato, sosowono tekoko lowane nane likamokae alookalo. Tane, ame hé yeketa fuko e emeto, nobo toko teko ko ko e omu. 'To ame yeketa.' Wó, ame hé biowale fuko e emeto, nobo toko teko ko ko e omu. 'To ame biowale.' Yoko fato, tekoko lowane nane likamokae alookalo."
34Teko kouoko, Falisi liouko tc koule. "Noboto, motu lowane, liou biowale komo! Le yeketa hcbc Ăşamuno. Tibu tekoko. Memeta helele le lioule muku kemo buĂłko temeto, tekoko le komo helo ese mena bo uwofunono, fifino tc Ăşlelele. 35WĂł, liou yeketa to lioule muku kemo, le yeketa komo buĂłko tenono, to lioule muku mena le yeketa bo ono, to lioule ese mena le yeketa komo tc Ăş eabekebe. Teko eabelc, liou biowale, to lioule muku kemo tetekokele le biowale komo buĂłko teikemeto, to lioule ese mena fato, tekoko le komo bo ono, tc Ăş eabekebe. WĂł tane, nobo muku kemoto, le biowale komo buĂłko teme, tekota le biowale komo tc Ăş Ăş e omu."
36Tisase teko kouoko tc koule. "Yo noboko teko koukomo. Kimo liou emieleko likamokaelelele fako boukemeto, tekokotano Koto liou somo somo helo ese mena mome úlelele le tolo likamokaeikekeme. Likamokaeneko, helo ese mena mome úlelele le helo aloo halekososowo teabeto, to lioule wesiowe nani meni meni teko tc alookae baeikekeme. 37To tekoko. Koto nobeli úlc le tolo noboko likamokae eneko tc ko eikekeme. 'Noto ókasosowo lia.' Teko kaneko neno wesiowe nani tc neeikekeme. O, 'Neno ese mena le biowale komo únini tekota wesiowe nani biowale komo hé.' Nobo liou somo somoko nobeli úlc le tolo Koto teko likamokae baeikekeme."
Liou Tisaseko kolele "Oko hale hekeke you weou," helo le
(Mak 8.11-12, Luk 11.29-32)
38Tisase teko kouwo tane, ifei leko weoulc liou Falisi liou fafuo helo le leleleko, Tisaseko tc kalele. "Weoulc Lia, no hale hekeke you, liou fei fa sosowo elelelekeyo hale olc mene tino somo e weou! No oko teko aloo weoukemito, o naneliko tc koeabikebi. 'To Koto helo hekekelo ekae e eme lia.' Teko koeabikebi."
39Teko kalo, wesiowe Tisase tc koule. "Hanome, nobo meloule bobowĂłlc liouto, nobo Kotoko halekamo seolc liou le biowale komo eekae e omu. Nobo tekoko liou yoko teko ko ko e omu. 'No oko aloo somo e weou!' Nobo yoko teko ko ko e omulc. Yo noboko aloo fei hcbc weounono. Somo komo weoukomo. To belimenale lia Tiona Koto helo hekekelo ele lowane, yo fato, Koto helo hekekelo sosowono teko eikomo. 40Belimo Tiona bli ae welie helo besi kemo bĂ­ko hluelc, fako hluelc fe wle tele lowane, tekoko lowane yo Lioule Halio Ke Mena Lokono ya kemo wle tenoko, bĂ­ko hluelc, fako hluelc teko teikomo."
41Teko kouoko tc koule. "Wó tane, kimo Koto liouko likamokaelelele fakono, Ninibe saona liou nobo fafuo bc héwlieabekebe. Teko héwlianuao, Ninibe sao mena liou nobo meloule bobowólc liouko ka bc leleeabekebe. To ka teko leleeabeto, mome hcbc eabeno. Tibu fa. Tibu to tekoko. Belimo Tiona Koto helo le Ninibe saomo fe ú baeleto, to liou leleleko, muku heafialeko, le biowale ekaelelele mukuko tc bofuyalele. To teko elelelc. Tionako iyo tekiolc lia, yoweli nobo meloule lioule mene tino hékete omoko le tc weou e omolc. Nobo muku heafiakeyo. Ei, yowo leko lelelelele fakeya, halekamo tc seseko e omu. Nobo teko e omu tekota kimo Koto liouko likamokaelelele fakono, Ninibe sao mena liou noboko ka teko bc leleeabekebe.
42Ninibe sao mena liou lomokeyo. Ei, to likamokaelelele fakono, to belimenale telc elofle, sauto fiomo telele lioule hekaeko telc elofle imasiou, to fato, héketeneko, nobo meloule liouko ka tc leleaikekeme. Busu le teko yaikekeme. 'Yo welina youmo teale. Towonokeyo, ya helo eli youmo teoko tc leleale. "Welifle Imasiou Solomono weneno fákeao you fa lia!" Teko leleoko, "Helo le leleiko!' koeoko tc boale, helo le leleinokoko. Teko boaleto, hanome, towono fakeya you. Welina welina you mena teko boalelc, nobo kimo bobowólc liou, hanome! Nobo teko tonunuto, lio lokono somo Solomono helo weneno fákeao toko tekio tolc lia tc bo héketele. Teko bo héketeleto, welinamo héketekeyo. Nobo wábu youno teko héketelelc, nobo helo le lelekeyo. Halekamo seanunu.' Kimo to sauto fio mena hekaeko telc elofle imasiou noboko busu le teko bc yaikekeme." Tisase to liouko koteiyulelele le teko koule.
Ésolo biowale lio lokonole halio kemo eiko séko bolelele, helo le
(Luk 11.24-26)
43Tisase liou tieli aeko le teko likouoko, helo kimo ésolo biowale helo wanowo tc koule. "Ēsolo biowale lio lokono somo moso mena bofio feikemeto, teko eikeme. Toko bofio feneko, wi fakeya saomo tc feikekeme, hlolo saomo. Hlolo saomo feneko, mali you telelele sao toko luluko luluko efeaikekeme. Somo mali you fa nanelelele fakeya. 44Luluko luluko yo teteko tc kaikekeme. 'Feiyane! Somo mali you tekeyo. Yo belimo tealemo eiko feiko.' Teko ko teteko tc eiko boukekeme. Eiko bo teteko tc bo naneikeme. 'O, to liale halio kemo fei fa tekeyo. Nabeo temelc! I beli hleko kukukolelele lowane teko temelc.' 45Teko ko teteko tane, to liale halio kemo tc eiko séko boukekeme. Teko eiko séko boukemeto, to lomo hcbc séko boukemeno. Ei, to somo helo 7-bela feiko fa fe eleae boukekeme. Fe eleae boneko tc eiko bo teabekebe, somomo. Teko teabeto, to ésolo biowale 7-bela fei helo wanowo biowale ekaeleleleto, imasiou ésolo biowale helo wanowo ekaeleleleko iyo tekio fe húéabekebe. Iyo tekio fe húáleko biowale biowale you tc ekaeko teabekebe. Tane, teko ekaeko teabeto, to lia helo meloule biowalemo teleleleto, helo belimo biowalemo teleleleko iyo tekio fe húáno, tekoko lia biowale biowale youmo tc teikekeme." Teko kouoko tc koule. "Nobo meloule bobowólc liou biowale, nobo hábomo you! Nobo yowo weoulc le lelekeyo omuko yoko halekamo seseo e omu liouto, sosowono ele lia moso bo uwofu teme lowane, sosowono tekoko lowane nobo moso bc bo uwofukekeme."
Tisase helo iname helo tekeiabome, to keli, helo le
(Mak 3.31-35, Luk 8.19-21)
46Wó tane, Tisase li lisobo tieli aeko nomo weouko tewo, Tisase helo ina helo tekeiwó fafuo tc bolele. Boleko, Tisase fafuo le úko teabikoko elelelc. Li lisobo tieli ae lomo latokowóko telele. Mono fakeya tekota fifimo tc héwlialele. 47Fifimo héwlialo, lio lokono somo lalouoko, Tisaseko tc eikafe kole. "Welifle, neno ina tekeiwó fafuo neleko le úabikoko bobe. Fifimo héwliabe tane."
48Teko kawo, wesiowe Tisase tc hábeale. "Yowo ina keli? Yowo tekeiwóme keli?" 49Teko koeoko, ka helo tukumo telc liouko lelekalo eikeoko tc kale. "Ele liouko lalou. Yowo iname, yowo tekeiwóme, ele tebe tane. 50Yowo le helo tibu tekoko. Keli liou yowo Aeyo, beibei saomo telc Aeyo helo mukulo ekaelc liou, to liou lomo, to yowo iname, yowo tekeiwóme teko tebe." Tisase teko kou baele.

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Matiu 12: SIA





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