Tion 19
1Tiuta liou le ae teko kuáwálo, Bailate Tisaseko i kemo eikoko ékea feoko, bo lioule kamo tc fe yale. Teko eoko tc koule. "Sei, nobo wenolo fe flifliáékalo!" Teko kouwo tc hé fe flifliáékalele. 2Flifliáékaleko, weno bu su fa héleko, welifle imasiou helo nani heleale heyai tio fusukane e eikaleko, helo nanino tc kekio yeelele. Kekio yeeleko, welifle imasiou helo osukolc heyai hibale toko héleko tc osuko yeelele. 3Osuko yeeleko, to to toma towono bo eleko, wlele le tc kokoflie elele. "Woso mokeyu you! Nenelito, Tiuta lioule helo hekaeko telc welifle imasiou!" Teko kofli eleko, kalo helo fekaleno tc bubukoko e elele.
4Bo liou teko olo, Bailate fifimo tc eiko séko fele. Teko séko feoko, Tiuta liouko tc koule. "Nobo lelelo! Yo to liako nobo mene tino eiko ékea bo keaikomo, nobo toko nane wenenoyeamukoko. Toko likamokomoto, helo yeki somo fa nanekeyo." 5Teko kouoko, bo liouko tc eikafe koule, Tisaseko fifimo eikoko ékea bolokoko. Tane, Tisaseko teko ékea boleleto, beli yeelc weno bu su nani heleale heyai, osukolc hibale beli hale yeelele fafuo, to fako tc bo héketele. Bo héketewo, Bailate tc koule. "Nobo eikabo nanelo! To lia bc ele bome tane!"
6Kouwo, ki yeelc weliweli tébele i heko telc bolisi liou fafuo Tisaseko naneleko, le hekekemo neiyomo tc kuáwóko telele. "Onuanoko! Ame teiyolcno i weanuko, iyosokafulo! To lia onuanoko!" Le hekekemo teko kuáwóko tolo, Bailate tc koule. "Nobeli hé fe i wealo, ame teiyolcno. Yo helo le biowale somo fa luluko nanekeyo. Tekota yo hcbc einono. Nobeli elo!" 7Teko kawo, wesiowe tc hábealele. "Olc ifei le fei somo tekoko. 'Keli Kotole hí e biowaleyaikemeto, onuanoko!' To teli to ifei le iyokléáfuoko tei tuoko tc ko ko e eme, 'Yoto, Koto helo lokono.' Koto helo hí teko e biowaleyo e eme tekota onuanoko!"
8Bailateko teko kalo tane, helo le leleoko, Tisaseko iyosokafulelele luo mukuno beli eko tele, to luo muku ae tc e to fele! 9Teko eoko Tisaseko tc eiko ékea fele, i kemo. Eikoko ékea feoko tc leletiale. "Noto, hobomo mena lia?" Teko leletialelc, Tisase hábeakeyo. 10Hábeakeyo tekota Bailate le fei tc kole. "No yowo le hábeakeyo metako? No yoko weneno fa o? Yoweli, hekeke ae you fa temo tekota yoweli lomo konao 'Ele liako loloko wealo!' Neleko loloko wealo le teko konao, tc loloko weeabekebe. Wó fei, yo teko kaino 'Ame teiyolcno i wealo!' Teko konao, neleko tc i weeabekebe. Yo tekoko hekeke ae fa lia tekota no yowo le hábeakeyo metako?"
11Bailate Tisaseko teko kowo, wesiowe tc kale. "No tekoko hekeke fa temito, Koto neleko neemo, yowo likamokolc lia tc temi. Koto tekoko hekeke neleko neekeyo okoto, yoko wesiowe nanino hcbc yakono. To le biowale no melou emito, Koto neleko neelc hekekelo emi tekota neno le biowale oweoko lowó. To lia fei yoko neno kamo yame, tei tu le biowale, to lomo ae welie temeko, neno le biowaleko tc iyo tekio fe húó teme."
12Bailate helo le leleoko tane, "Yo Tisaseko loloko weaiko" koeoko, mono tc lulukoko tele. Mono lulukoko telelc, to Tiuta weliweli tc kuáwálele. "No Tisaseko fifimo loloko weaikemito, no Welifle Imasiou You Sisa helo wiaokeyo! Ei, helo bokowo bc teikemi! To tekoko. Keli tei tuoko teko kaikeme, 'Yoto, welifle imasiou!' To teko kaikeme liato, to Sisa helo sao héinokoko kaikeme tekota Sisa helo bokowo bc teikekeme. Tisase tei tuoko beli kale 'Yoto welifle imasiou.' Tekota no toko loloko weaniao feikemeto, no fato, Welifle Imasiou You Sisa helo bokowo bc teikekemi!"
13Bailate to lioule leko leleoko, helo bo liouko kouwo, Tisaseko fifimo tc eikoko ékea bolele. Ēkea bolo, Bailate to fiomo Tobekilo Sekoyolc Siso ko ko eleleno, to sisomo feoko, helo likamokaelelele seyauno tc fe to keatele. Temo fiomo Hiblu lelo teko kalele "Kabata," teno telc seyauno tc fe to keatele, Tisaseko wesiowe nani alooko neeinokoko.
14Bailate teko eleto, Tiuta lioule kukukaelelele fakono ele. Moloko bolc mome telelele fako helo be memeta helele emiele kukukaelelele, to fakono, ne wábuno towono lowó helo likamokaelelele seyauno tc fe to keatele. To mome telelele fako moloko boukemeto, to Koto Isclele Liouko Lalou Kalokale ilikolelele helo wábuno boukeme fako. To fako nomo bokeyono, helo kukukaelelele fakono ne wábuno towono lowó, Bailate to likamokaelelele seyauno tc fe to keatele.
Teno keateko, Tiuta liouko tc koule. "Nobo menelo ele liako eikabo nanelo! Nobo welifle imasiou ele teme tane." 15Teko kouwo, neiyomo tc kuáwálele. "Onuanoko! Onuanoko! Ame teiyolcno sulo i weanuko iyosokafulo!" Teko eko tolo, Bailate tc koule. "Yo nobo welifle imasiouko ame teiyolcno sulo i weaiko o?" Teko kawo, ki yeelc weliweli tc hábealele. "O welifle imasiou fei fa tekeyo. Olc welifle imasiou somo komo, Welifle Imasiou You Sisa nosoma!" 16Teko kalele tekota Bailate Tisaseko Tiuta liou helo kamo tc yale, bo liou hé feleko, ame teiyolcno i wealeko iyosokafulokoko. Tc ékea felele.
Tisaseko ame teiyolcno i wealele, helo le
(Matiu 27.32-44, Mak 15.21-32, Luk 23.26-43)
17Tane, bo liou toko teko ékea feleleto, Tisase tei tu ame teiyolcto, teli hé ákeo fele. Feleko, to ya "Nani Hale sao" ko ko elele, teno tc fe uwofulele. Hiblu leloto, Kolokota. 18Teno fe uwofuleko, Tisase helo heleale tioko lekaleko, ame teiyolcno tc i wealele. Teko i wealeleto, liou himolc fei, Tisase helo wleale nonomolc, toko fato, helo ame teiyolcno tc i weo i weo elele.
19Tane, bo liou teko eleleto, le somo Bailate beli koule, to fato tc elele. Ame fawo somo héleko, le teno tc nenelele. "Nasalete sao mena Tisase, Tiuta lioule Welifle Imasiou." 20Tekoko le neneleleto, le hluelc tolo tc nenelele. Somoko, Hiblu lelo nenelele. Himoko, Lomo lioule lelo nenelele. Hlueko, Kliki lioule lelo nenelele. Teko nenekaeleko, Tisaseko weneo yaleleno, teno tc siko yalele.
Tane, Tisaseko ame teiyolcno weneo yalele fiomoto, Tielusaleme sao towono tele. Towono tele tekota liou ae bo fe eleleto, to le nene yalele toko úkowó fe, úkowó bo elele. 21Teko olo, Tiuta ki yeelc weliweli to le yalele toko wenenoyaleko, Bailate moso feleko tc fe kalele. "No teko neneikemi, 'Tiuta lioule Welifle Imasiou'! Ei, teko nene. 'Tisase "Yowelito, Tiuta lioule Welifle Imasiou" ko ko ele.' Tekoko le komo nene!" 22Teko kalo, wesiowe Bailate tc kale. "Ei! Yo hcbc heafiainono. Le yo koumo lowane beli nenebe. Sosowono bc teikeme."
23Tane, bo liou Tisaseko ame teiyolcno i wealele helo kimo, helo heleale emiele lileko, beteko katukwiolc tc likoyalele. Bo liou somo somo lilokoko, teko tc likoyalele. Teko bobetekaleleto, Tisasele osukolc hlueiano helo heleale fei fafuo hé toleakeyo. To osukolc eleleno, áko boloo somo komo, seelelele fakeya teko tc elele. 24Teko elele tekota teli haneno tc úlele. "Nobo hcbc tioko bobaleko liomono. Ei, nobo teko esoko. Néú somo esoko. Keli ele nóú iyo tekiameko, imasiou teikemeto, to osukolc nebliomo to lia hénoko. Nobo emiele somo somo teko esoko." Teko eleleto, Koto helo le belimo nenelele lowane, tekoko lowane sosowono bo uwofunokoko tc elele. To le teko nenelele.#19.24 Sng 22.18 "Yowo heleale bobeteko lileko, keli yowo osukolc fei hénokoko nóú tc elele." Tekoko le beli nenelele lowane uwofunokoko, bo liou tekoko lowane tc elele.
25To ame Tisase weneo teleno, helo ina, helo ina lobuei, Klobase helo elo Malia, Makatala sao mena Malia fei, fafuo towono tc héwlialele. 26Wó, helo tukumo telc liako muku ae ele#19.26 Tiono "Yoweito hí hé tolai" koeoko, tei tuoko osowo himeneoko, "Helo tukumo telc liako muku ae ele" le teko tc nonene ele, ele ame seno. fato, towono tc héketele. Towono héwlialo, Tisase tc eikawe laloule, helo ina, helo tukumo telc liako muku ae ele fafuoko. Eikawe lalouoko helo inako tc kole. "Ina, mete teme liato, neno lokono you lowane bc teme." 27Taneko teko koeoko, helo tukumo telc liako tc kole. "Mete eloto, neno ina you lowane bc teme." Teko koletano, to lia Maliako tc tiosiko heko tele. Teko heko teoko, kimo helo imo tc ékea fe lesekoko tele.
Tisase onuo hchaleale, helo le
(Matiu 27.45-56, Mak 15.33-41, Luk 23.44-49)
28Teko koule helo kimo Tisase weneno fa. "Yowo hale emiele bc kla uwokomo tane." Tekoko weneno fa teoko, Kotole le ko fuanelc liou beli nenelele lowane#19.28 Sng 22.15, 69.21 sosowono uwofunokoko tc kale. "Yowo konalo hlolokame." 29Tane, teko kaleto, waine wi hékleba kai somo towono beli tele. To le bc kawo, áko boloo lowane, to waine wino leiyaleko, hisobo tawiono hé floaleko, Tisasele esemo tc eikato neelele. 30Eikato neelo, soklokooko tc kale. "Yowo hale bc tebitane!" Teko koeoko, tibi oluo wleoko, tc onuo hchaleale, helo uwo Koto moso fenokoko.
Bo lia somo Tisaseko sólono bekeale, helo le
31Tisase teko onualeto, to mome telelele fako helo be memeta helele kukukaelelele fakono ele. To mome telelele fako moloko lowane bounokoko eleto, to ilikolelele helo fako ae welie. To helo fako ae welie tekota, Tiuta weliweli tc kalele. "A! Nobo mome telelele fako ae welieno limae lioule áko ameno nomo weneko telabe!" Teko kaleko, Bailate moso tc fe kolele. "Neno bo liouko kou wlae, to weneko telc lioule kwelaleno fe kebiko tutukaelokoko. Akomo limaeloko, liou toko tobeki kemo li fe likoyalokoko." Bailateko teko kolo, helo bo liouko ko wlaewo tc felele.
32Bo liou feleko, imasiou weneo telc lia helo kwelale tc kebiko tutukalele. Wó, fio nomokaemo, weneo telc lia fei helo kwelale kebiko tutukalele. 33Teko eleko, Tisase moso tc bo nanelele. "Woso, beli onuo hohaleo uwokamelc!" Kaleko, tc kalokalele. Kebiko tutukakeyo. 34Bo lia somo to lomo ékefale héoko, helo sólono tc bekeale. Bekeawo, akomo nekei wi fafuo tc toukofuko tele. 35Teko eleleto, mene busu elc lia somo towono héketele.#19.35 Weneno fa liou tieli ae teko ko ko e ebe. "Tiono mene busu lia kaleto, tei tuoko kale. Tion 19.26-27, teno nenele, 'Tisase muku ae elc lia towono ame teiyolcno héketele' le neneleto, to fato tei tuoko kale. Tekota memeta helele emiele tei tu menelo beli nanele." Weneno fa liou tieli teko ko ko e ebe. Memeta helele emiele teko uwofuleleto, tei tu menelo naneko likoko tele. To tekoko naneko telc lia, teli teito menelo naneleleleko le busu ko fuane baeleto, to teli weneno fa tekota helo leto, mokeyu le you. Mokeyu le tekota nobo fato to leko mokeyu sosowo koeamukomu.
36Tisaseko teko eleleto, mome ekeyo. Le ko fuanelc liou belimo nenelele lowane, tekoko lowane uwofunokoko tc elele. Le fei teko nenelele.#19.36 Eikoko Eleae 12.46, Nam 9.12, Sng 34.20 "Helo hale somo hcbc iyo tukeabeno." 37Wó fei teko nenelele.#19.37 Sng 22.16?17, Sek 12.10 "To liako bekeeabeto bc naneabekebe." Teko nenelele. Tane, bo liou teko eleleto, ko fuanelc liou le nenelele lowane sosowono teko tc elele, Tisasekoto.
Tisase helo áko tobeki ke toto youmo hé fe yalele, helo le
(Matiu 27.57-61, Mak 15.42-47, Luk 23.50-56)
38-40Tisase onuo hchaleawo helo kimo, Alimatea sao mena Tiosebe Bailate moso tc fele. To liato, Tisase helo le tukumo telelc. "Tiuta weliweli yoko e biowaleyolabe" koeoko, tei tuoko tc himeneale lia. To lia Bailate moso feoko tc fe kole. "Yo Tisase helo áko sosowo hénoko, tobeki kemo hé fe yaiko?" Kawo, Bailate tc kale. "You, no fe hé fe."
Bailate "You" kawo tc fele. Teko feleto, lio lokono somo fei fafuo felele, belimo Tisaseko eniko bo nanele lia, Nikolemusu. Himeli teko feleleto, Nikolemusu ame nekei himolc momasokolc tanowé fa mali you fafuo hé fele. To tanowé mali you helo teito, we youno, kilo 30-bela lowane. Āko boloo mcmali fafuo linolc tc felele. Feleko, Tiuta liou helo limae liou elelele lowane teko tc fe elele. Āko boloo yano eikawe seko yaleko, Tisase helo áko tio flowane bo wleleko, áko boloono tc eikawe yalele. Eikawe yaleko, to tanowé mali you fa eikawe uwokaleko tc ele kwitikalele, limae lioule saomo hé fe yoeabikoko.
41Tane, Tisaseko teko weneo yalelenoto, kaneno siso somo towono tele. Teno tobeki ke toto somo fa tele. Lio lokono somo fa to tobeki keno nomo hé fe yakeyo. Nebliomo you. 42Towono tele tekota, "Nobo mome telelele fako towono you bome. Ne wle osukano, hale fei elai" kaleko, Tisase helo áko to tobeki ke toto towono teleno tc hé fe yalele. Hé fe yaleko, tobeki ke helo ese ti tc iyokoloko yaleko tc felele.
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Tion 19: SIA

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