Mark 5
An awfuʼ‐possessʼt ane. A lassie brocht to life.
1And they cam to the ither side, to the pairts oʼ the Geresenes.
2And whan he was come oot oʼ the boat, strauchtway thar cam till him oot oʼ the tombs, a man wiʼ a foul spirit,
3Wha dwalt amang the tombs: and no eʼen wiʼ a chain was ony ane langer able to haud him:
4For he had aft been hauden wiʼ fetters and chains; and the chain had been puʼd sindry, and the fetters he brak in flinders: and nae man was sterk eneuch to tame him.
5And aye nicht and day was he iʼ the tombs and iʼ the mountains, cryin oot, and gashin his sel wiʼ stanes.
6And seein Jesus frae far yont, he ran and worshippʼt him.
7And cryʼt oot wiʼ a lood voice, “What is thar atween thee and me, Jesus? Son oʼ God maist heigh! I adjure thee by the name oʼ God, torment‐me‐na!”
8For he was sayin till him, “Come forth, thou foul spirit!”
9And he speirʼt at him, “What name hae ye?” And he answerʼt sayin, “Legion is my name: for we are mony!”
10And he was unco beseechin that he wadna send them awa clean oot oʼ thae pairts!
11And noo thar war nar the mountain a great herd oʼ swine, feedin.
12And they besocht him, “Lat us gang intil the swine, that we may enter intil them!”
13And he loot them gang. And the foul spirits gaed oot, and gaed intil the swine; and the herd rushed doon the scaur intil the Loch: aboot twa thoosand; and war drooned iʼ the Loch.
14And they that herdit the swine fled, and tellʼt it iʼ the citie and iʼ the kintra; and they cam oot to see what was dune.
15And they cam to Jesus, and saw him that was possessʼt wiʼ demons, sittin, cleedit, and in soond mind — the ane that had the legion — and they war awfuʼ feart.
16And the onlookers tellʼt them hoo it had fared wiʼ him that was possessʼt oʼ the demons, and aboot the swine as weel.
17And they begude to pray him to gang awa frae their pairts.
18And as he gaed intil the boat, he that had been in the pooer oʼ the demons besocht him that he micht be wiʼ him.
19And he didna alloo him; but quoʼ he till him, “Gang till yer hame, till yere freends, and #5:19 This man kent Christʼs wark and character better than the lave; and wasna forbidden to tell what he had fund. Ithers oʼ them, wha wad hae nae Saviour frae sin, but only frae the Romans, he garʼt keep quate.tell them hoo great things the Lord has dune for ye, and had mercie on ye.”
20And he gaed awa, and begude to spread abreid iʼ the Ten Cities, hoo great things Jesus had done for him, and aʼ men ferlied.
21And when Jesus had gane ower again iʼ the boat to the ither side, a great thrang war gatherʼt till him; and he was nar‐haun the Loch.
22And thar cam ane oʼ the elders oʼ the kirk, by name Jairus; and whan he saw him, he fell doon at his feet,
23And wiʼ muckle beseechin said, “My wee dochter is at deathʼs door; gin thou wad but come and lay thy hauns on her she wad be saved, and she wad leeve!”
24And he gaed wiʼ him; and an unco crood followʼt him; and they thranged him.
25And a #5:25 Some oʼ the auld writers said she was a Gentile, and lived at Cesarea Philippi. We ken‐na. It was mair like to be her ceremonial uncleanness, than bein a Gentile, that made her sae timorous.wumman, wha had a flowinʼ oʼ blude for twal years,
26And had dreeʼd muckle under mony doctors, and wared aʼ her gear, and was nane the better, but raither grew waur —
27Whan she heard oʼ the things aboot Jesus, cam iʼ the thrang ahint, and touched his cleedin.
28For quoʼ she to hersel, “Gin I but touch his cleedin, Iʼse be made hale!”
29And at ance the fountain oʼ her blude was stayed, and she kent in hersel that she was deliverʼt frae that plague.
30And Jesus, takin tent oʼ pooer gaun oot frae him, turned aboot iʼ the thrang, and said, “Wha touched me?”
31And the disciples said to him, “Thou sees the thrang pressinʼ on thee, and thou says, ‘Wha touched me?’”
32And he lookit weel roond, to see her wha had dune this thing.
33And the wumman, swarfinʼ wiʼ fear, kennin what was dune till her, cam forrit and fell doon afore him, and tellʼt him aʼ the truth.
34And quoʼ he to her, “Dochter, yere faith has made ye hale; gang in peace, and be hale oʼ yere plague!”
35But eʼen while he spak, cam they frae the kirk‐elderʼs hoose to say, “Yere dochterʼs deid! Hoo sood ye fash the Master mair?”
36But at ance Jesus, overhearin what was said, says to the kirk‐elder, “Fear‐na; only lippen!”
37But he loot nane follow him, but only Peter and James and John (Jamesʼ brither).
38And they cam intil the hoose oʼ the kirk‐elder; and he saw a fash, and folk greetin and wailin uncolie.
39And whan he cam in, quoʼ he to them, “Hoo mak ye aʼ this ado, and greetin? The lassieʼs no deid, but sleepin.”
40And they leuch at him. But he, whan he had putten them aʼ oot, took the faither oʼ the wean, and the mither, and them that war wiʼ him, and gaed ben whaur the lassie was.
41And takin the haun oʼ the wean, he says till her, “Talitha cumi!” that is, “Lassie, wauken!”
42And at ance the lassie raise, and gaed aboot; for she was twal year auld. And they ferlied wiʼ an unco amazement.
43And he chairged them tichtly that nane soud ken oʼt; and spak for her to hae some meat.
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Mark 5: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.