Matthew 27
Afore the Governor. At the cross. In the tomb.
1Whan mornin was come, aʼ the Heid‐priests and Elders oʼ the nation coonsellʼt thegither again Jesus to compass his death.
2And they bund him, and led him awa to Pilate the Governor.
3Than Judas, that betrayʼt him, whan he saw he was condemned, repentit sair, and took back the thretty merks to the Heid‐priests and Elders,
4Sayin, “I hae sinned, in deliverin up innocent blude!” But quoʼ they, “What isʼt to us? See ye tillʼt yersel!”
5And he cuist doon the siller iʼ the Temple, and gaed awa; and gangin oot, he hangʼt himsel.
6And the Heid‐priests liftit the siller, and said, “It isna fit to gang iʼ the Treasury, seein it is the price oʼ blude!”
7And, takin advice onʼt, they coft wiʼt the pottersʼ‐grund, to bury fremd anes in.
8Sae that grund was caʼd “The Bluidy Field,” to this day.
9Than cam to pass what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, “And they took the thretty merks, the price oʼ him that had a price set on him, wha was priced amang Israʼlʼs sons;
10“And gied them for the potterʼs yaird; as the Lord appointit me.”
11And Jesus stude fornent the Governor. And the Governor speirʼt at him, “Are ye the King oʼ the Jews?” And Jesus said to him, “Ye hae said it.”
12And bein accused oʼ the Heid‐priests and Elders, he answert nocht.
13Than said Pilate to him, “Hear‐ye‐na hoo mony things they threep again ye?”
14And he answerʼt him no sae muckle as a word; sae that the Governor ferlied uncolie.
15Noo, aye at the Feast, the Governor had lowsed to them ae prisoner, sic ane as they wad.
16And they had, at that time, a noted prisoner, caʼd Barabbas.
17Sae when they had forgatherʼt, Pilate speirʼt at them, “Wham wad ye that I lowse? Barabbas, or Jesus that is caʼd Christ?”
18For he kent that for mere ill‐will they had deliverʼt him up.
19And as he was on the Judgment‐seat, his#27:19 Eʼen as iʼ the days oʼ Elijah — we aʼ mind oʼ the seven thoosand wha didna bow the knee — the Lord has unco mae disciples than mony folk think! And I doot‐na but that this Claudia Procula (for sae the auld writers gie her name to be) was ane. wife sent till him, sayin, “Hae ye nocht to do wiʼ yon just man! for I hae dreeʼt mony things this day in a dream, on his accoont.”
20Noo the Heid‐priests and the Elders perswadit aʼ the folk that they soud ask for Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
21And the Governor said to them, “Whilk wull ye, oʼ the twa, that I soud release ye?” Quoʼ they, “Barabbas!”
22Pilate says to them, “Than what sal I do wiʼ Jesus, wha is caʼd Christ?” They aʼ say, “Lat him be crucifyʼt!”
23And he said, “Why sae? What ill has he dune?” But they cryʼt oot fierce and lang, “Lat him be crucifyʼt!”
24Sae Pilate, seein he prevailʼt‐na, but that raither a tulzie was risin, had watir, and weshʼt his hauns afore aʼ the folk, sayin, “I am innocent oʼ the blude oʼ this richtous man! See ye tillʼt!”
25And aʼ the folk answerʼt, “His blude be on us, and on oor bairns!”
26Than lowsed he Barabbas; but Jesus he lashʼt, and deliverʼt him to be crucifyʼt.
27Than the sodgers oʼ the Governor, takin Jesus wiʼ them intil the Judgment‐haʼ, gaitherʼt thegither the hail core:
28And they strippit him, and pat on him a scarlet manteel.
29And they wove a croon oʼ thorns, and pat it on his heid, and a reed in his richt haun; and they loutit doon afore him, and geckʼt at him, sayin, “Hail, King oʼ the Jews!”
30And they spat upon him, and baffʼt him ower the heid wiʼ the reed.
31And whan they had mockʼt him, they took aff the manteel frae him, and pat on his ain cleedin, and led him awa to be crucifyʼt.
32And, comin oot, they lichtit on a man oʼ Cyrene, caʼd Simon; him they pressʼd, to cairry the cross.
33And whan they war come till a place caʼd Golgotha, that is to say, “Skull‐place,”
34They offerʼt him wine wiʼ gaʼ inʼt; and whan he had preeʼd, he wadna drink.
35And whan they had crucifyʼt him, they pairtit his cleedin amang theirsels, castin the lot;
36And they sat doon and watchʼt him thar:
37And pat up ower his heid his accusation, “This is Jesus, King oʼ the Jews.”
38Than war twa reivers crucifyʼt wiʼ him, ane on the richt haun, and ane on the left.
39And the passers‐by miscaʼd him, waggin their heids,
40And sayin, “Ye that ding doon the Temple, and up‐bigg it in thrie days, save yersel! Gin ye be Godʼs Son, come doon frae the cross!”
41And eʼen the Heid‐priests too, and the Scribes and Elders, said,
42“Ithers he savʼt: his ain sel he canna save! Israʼlʼs King he is! lat him, eʼen noo, come doon frae the cross, and we wull lippen on him!
43“He lippenʼd on God: lat him, noo, rescue him, gin he cares ocht for him! for he said, ‘I am Godʼs Son!’ ”
44And eʼen the reivers that war crucifyʼt wiʼ him, cuist the same reproach at him.
45Noo, frae the ʼoor oʼ twalʼ, thar was black mirk ower aʼ the kintra, to the ʼoor oʼ thrie.
46And aboot the ʼoor oʼ thrie, Jesus cryʼt oot wiʼ a great voice, sayin, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani!” that is, “My God! My God! for why did Thou forsake me?”
47And some oʼ them staunin thar, said, “He was caʼin for Elijah!”
48And at ance, ane oʼ them ran, and took a sponge, fillin it wiʼ vinegar, and pat it on a reed, and gied him to drink.
49But the lave said, “Haud awa, lat us see gin Elijah comes to rescue him!”
50And Jesus cried oot again wiʼ a great voice, and gied up his spirit.
51And look! The Temple‐veil was riven in twa, frae tap to bottom, and the grund trimmlʼt and the rocks war cleft;
52And the tombs war openʼt; and a hantel oʼ the bodies oʼ the saunts wha had faun asleep, raise;
53And comin oot oʼ their tombs eftir his Risin‐again, they cam intil the holie city, and schawed theirsels to mony.
54And the officer, and they that war watchin Jesus, whan they saw the yirth trimmle, and the things that war dune, war uncolie fleyʼt, sayin, “Truly, this was Godʼs Son!”
55Noo, mony weemen war there, lookin on frae far‐awa, wha had followʼt Jesus frae Galilee, providin for him.
56And amang them, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mither oʼ James and Joses, and the mither oʼ Zebedeeʼs sons.
57And when the gloamin cam on, a rich man frae Arimathea cam, caʼd Joseph; wha himsel was a disciple oʼ Jesus.
58This yin, gaun to Pilate, askit for the body oʼ Jesus. Than Pilate commandit it soud be gien up.
59And Joseph, whan he had taen the body, rowʼt it in a fair linen claith,
60And laid in his ain new tomb, whilk he had howkit oot iʼ the rock, and he rowʼt a great stane tae the door oʼ the tomb; and gaed awa.
61And Mary the Magdalene was thar, and the ither Mary, sittin ower fornent the tomb.
62Noo the neist day — the day eftir the “Preparation” — the Heid‐priests and the Pharisees gaitherʼt thegither to Pilate, sayin to him,
63“Sir, we mind weel that yon deceiver said whan he was yet leevin, ‘Eftir thrie days I wull arise!’
64“Gie commaun, thar‐for, that the tomb be made sure and siccar till the third day; sae that his disciples come‐na and steal him awa, and say to aʼ folk that ‘He is risen frae the deid!’ sae the last deception wad be waur nor the first!”
65Pilate said, “Yeʼse hae a gaird; gang yere ways, and make it as siccar as ye may!”
66Sae they gaed, and made the tomb safe, sealin the stane, and settin a gaird.
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Matthew 27: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.