Matthew 13
Parables and Wyss‐Sayins proponed; and a wheen oʼ them made plain. Lat ilka man tak tent!
1On that vera day gaed Jesus oot oʼ the hoose, and sat doon by the side oʼ the Loch.
2And great gaitherins oʼ folk cam thegither till him, sae that he gaed intil a boat, and sat doon; and the hail oʼ the folk stude on the shore.
3And he spak mony things to them in parables; and quoʼ he: “Tak tent: The sawer gaed oot to saw.
4“And in his sawin, a neiffuʼ was mis‐cuisten on the fit‐path, and eaten up wiʼ the birdies.
5“Some fell on the staney bits, whaur the yird was jimp; and it brairdit bonnie, for the mool was thin.
6“And whan the sun raise heigh, it birslʼt up; and, for that it had nae rute, it dwined awa.
7“And some fell whaur thorns had been; and up cam the thorns, and smoored it.
8“And some fell on the gude grunʼ, and brocht forth frute — this a hunner, that saxty, and the ither thretty.
9“Wha has lugs for hearin, lat him hear!”
10And, drawin nar, his disciples say, “Why soud ye speak to them in parables?”
11And he answerʼt them, “It is, that till you it has been gien to ken oʼ the things oʼ the Heevenlie Kingdom: but to them it isna sae gien.
12“For wha has, to him sal be gien, and he sal hae rowth oʼt; but wha hasna, frae him sal be taen awa eʼen what he has!
13“Sae, speak I to them by parables: for they, seein, are blinʼ; and they, hearin, are deif; naither div they ken.
14“And wiʼ them is brocht to pass the prophecy oʼ Esaiah, whilk says: ‘Wiʼ hearin ye sal hear, and in naegate understaun; and seein ye sal see and in naegate perceive.
15“ ‘For this peopleʼs heart is gross, and their lugs are dull oʼ hearinʼ, and their een hae they steekit; least they soud see wiʼ their een, and hear wiʼ their lugs, and understaun wiʼ their heart, and turn again and I soud heal them!’
16“But fair faʼ yere een, that they see! and yere lugs, that they hear!
17“For truly say I tʼye, that a hantle oʼ prophets and holie men war fain to see the things ye see, and saw them‐na; and to hear the things ye hear, and heard them‐na!
18“Hear ye than the parable oʼ The Sawer:
19“Whan ony ane hears the word oʼ the Kingdom, and understauns‐it‐na, than comes the Ill Ane, and cleeks awa that sawn in his heart: this is he sawn by the fit‐path.
20“And he on the staney bit sawn, is he wha hears the word, and blythely receives it;
21“Yet has he nae rute in himsel, and bides but for a wee; and on dool or fash comin, he stumbles belyve.
22“And he sawn amang the thorns, this is he wha hears the word, and than the cark oʼ the warlʼ, and the glamor oʼ riches, smoor the word, and it bears nae frute.
23“But he sawn on the gude grunʼ, this is he wha baith hears and understauns the word; wha eʼen brings forth frute; and gies, this a hunner, that saxty, and the ither thretty.”
24Anither parable set he afore them; and quoʼ he: “The Kingdom oʼ Heeven is like to a man, wha sawed gude seed in his croft;
25“But whan folk war sleepin, cam his fae, and sawed tares amang the wheat, and slippit awa.
26“But whan the wheat brairdit and brocht forth frute, than schawed the tares as weel.
27“Sae cam the servants oʼ the gudeman, and quoʼ they to him, ‘Sir, did‐ye‐na saw gude seed iʼ yere croft? Frae whatna way than has it tares?’
28“And he said to them, ‘Some enemy has dune this!’ And quoʼ the servants to him, ‘Wull ye hae us gang and gaither them up?’
29“But quoʼ he, ‘Na; least as ye gaither up the tares, ye puʼ up the wheat wiʼ them!’
30“ ‘Lat baith grow thegither till the hairst; and at hairst‐time I wull say to the shearers, “Gaither ye thegither the tares first, and burn them; but gaither ye the wheat intil my barn.’ ”
31Anither parable set he afore them, sayinʼ, “The Kingdom oʼ Heeven is like a mustard‐seed, whilk a man took, and plantit in his yaird.
32“Whilk in sooth is smaʼest oʼ aʼ seeds, but whan it is grown is the biggest oʼ aʼ yerbs, and comes to be a tree, sae that the birdies oʼ the lift come and howff in its branches.”
33Anither parable set he afore them: “The Kingdom oʼ Heeven is like till risin, whilk a wife took and pat in a firlot oʼ meal, till the hail was risen.”
34Aʼ thae things spak Jesus to the folk in #13:34 How mony maun hae been oor Lordʼs parables! Matthew, maist like, gies us but a wheen oʼ the number. And think‐ye‐na, Christ aften gied them ower again? Weel‐kent Evanglists in oor ain day finʼ the advantage oʼt. And wadna this account for the differ iʼ the cleedin oʼ them? Matthew giean a parable the way he first heard it, or the way he likit it best; and Luke the same parable in anither form that he likit best, or they likit it best wha tellʼt him. See also note, Luke 14:24.parables; and wantin a parable spak‐he‐na to them,
35That it soud come to pass what was said by the prophet, “I will open my mouʼ in parables; I will gie oot things keepit hidin frae the warldʼs fundation.”
36Than he pairtit frae the thrangs, and gied intil the hoose: and his disciples cam till him, and quoʼ they, “Expone to us the parable oʼ the Tares oʼ the Croft!”
37He answerʼt, and quoʼ he to them, “He wha sawed the gude seed is the Son oʼ Man.
38“The croft is the warld; the gude seed are the bairns oʼ the Kingdom; but the tares are the bairns oʼ the Ill Ane.
39“The enemie that sawed them is Sautan; the hairst is the endin oʼ the warld, and the shearers are the Angels.
40“And eʼen as the tares are gaitherʼt and burnt iʼ the fire, sae sal it be at the end oʼ the warld.
41“The Son oʼ Man sal send oot his Angels, and they sal gaither oot oʼ his kingdom aʼ things that ensnare, and aʼ that do ill;
42“And sal cast them intil the lowin furnace; there sal be maenin and cherkin oʼ teeth!
43“Than sal the richtous glint forth like the sun, iʼ their Faitherʼs Kingdom. Wha has hearin to hear, lat him hear!
44“Ance again: The Kingdom oʼ Heeven is like to gear, hidlins in a field; the same, when a man has fund, he hides again, and for the joy oʼt gangs and niffersʼ aʼ that he has, and buys that field.
45“Again, the Kingdom oʼ Heeven is like to a tradin‐man, seekin precious pearls:
46“Wha, whan he has fund ae pearl oʼ aʼ price, gaed and sellʼt aʼ he had, and coft it.
47“Again, the Kingdom oʼ Heeven is like a net cuisten intil the sea, and it gaitherʼt oʼ aʼ kinds:
48“Whilk, when it was fuʼ, they harlʼt tae the shore, and they sut them doon and waled oot the gude intil creels, but cuist the bad awa.
49“Sae sal it be at the end oʼ the warld: the Angels sal come forrit and wale oot the wicked frae amang the gude;
50“And sal cast them into the lowin furnace: there sal he maenin and cherkin oʼ teeth!”
51And quoʼ Jesus to them: “Hae ye understude aʼ thir things?” Quoʼ they till him: “Aye, Lord!”
52Than said he to them, “Ilka scribe wiʼ the lear oʼ the Kingdom oʼ Heeven, is like till ane that is heid oʼ a hoose, wha can fesh oot oʼ his presses things baith new and auld.”
53And it cam aboot, that whan Jesus had made an end oʼ his parables, he gaed frae that place.
54And whan he was come intil his ain kintra‐side, he was teachin them iʼ their ain kirk, sae that they war astonishʼt, and quoʼ they: “Whaur gat this man this wisdom, and thir ferlies?
55“Isna this the wrichtʼs son? And isna his mother caʼd ‘Mary’? And his brithers James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judah?
56“And his sisters, arena they aʼ wiʼ us? Frae whaurawa, than, has this man thir things?”
57And they took a scunner at him. But Jesus said to them: “A Prophet is nevir wantin honour, binna it be in his ain kintra‐side, and amang his ain folk.”
58And he wrocht na mony wunner‐warks thar, because oʼ their unbelievin.
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Matthew 13: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.