Luke 9
Sendin oot the Twalʼ. Feedin the thrang. Staunin in glorie. Heʼll be hame ʼor lang.
1And, caʼin thegither the Twal, he gied them pooer and authoritie ower aʼ the demons, and to heal diseases.
2And he sent them oot to proclaim Godʼs kingdom, and to heal the sick.
3And quoʼ he till them, “Tak nocht for yere journey; naither staff nor wallet, nor breid nor siller; nor to hae twa coats.
4“And intil whatna hoose ye may enter, bide ye inʼt, and frae thar gang yere ways again.
5“And as mony as winna tak ye in, whan ye gang frae that citie, flaff aff the stour frae yere feet for testimonie again them.”
6And gaun oot, they gaed throwe aʼ the touns, proclaimin the Joyfuʼ‐message, and teachin aʼ‐gate.
7Noo Herod the King‐depute heard oʼ aʼ that was dune; and he switherʼt and was sair fashed: for some said John had risen again frae the deid;
8And some that Elijah was come; and ithers again that ane oʼ the auld prophets had come to life.
9But Herod said, “I beheidit John; but wha is this I hear sic things oʼ?” And he socht to see him.
10And the Apostles, returnin, tellʼt him aʼ things they had dune. And he took them aside, and gaed awaʼ, unkent, to a city caʼed Bethsaida.
11But the folk, comin to ken, followʼt him. And he took them to him, and spak to them oʼ the Kingdom oʼ God; and healed thae that stude in need oʼ healinʼ.
12Noo as the day begude to wear awa, the Twalʼ, comin nar, says to him, “Send ye the folk awa, that they may gang to the touns and clachans roond to lodge and fend: for we are here in a desert bit.”
13But he said to them, “Ye gie them to eat!” But they said, “We hae nae mair nor fyve bannocks, and twa speldrins; unless we soud gang and buy meat for aʼ thir folk!”
14For thar war aboot fyve thoosanʼ men. And he said to his disciples, “Gar them sit doon in#9:14 “Companies,” or banquet‐pairties; ilk in thrie sides oʼ a square, or a hauf‐circle. See Mark 6:39, note. companies oʼ aboot fifty.”
15And they did sae, and garʼt them, ane and aʼ, sit doon.
16And, takin the fyve bannocks and the twa speldrins, he lookit up Aboon, and blessʼd them, and brak them, and gied to the disciples, and they to the folk.
17And they did aʼ eat, and war satisfyʼt; and what was left ower was taen up, twal baskets oʼ broken#9:17 We kenna what they wad do wiʼ the twal baskets oʼ mools and bits. Nae doot they gied them to the puirest oʼ the folk; for they, like oorselʼs, aye had the puir wiʼ them. We whiles speir “Hoo Jaucob gied God the tenth oʼ aʼ he had?” (Gen. xxviii. 22). Nane need doot, by bestowin it on the puir! meat.
18And it cam aboot than whan he was alane, and prayin, the disciples war wiʼ him. And he speirʼt at them, sayin, “Wham say the folk I am?”
19And they answerʼt him, “John the Baptist; ithers Elijah; and yet ithers, that ane oʼ the auld prophets is risen again!”
20And quoʼ he to them, “But wham div ye say I am?” And Peter, answerin, said, “Godʼs Christ!”
21And he strickly admonished them, and commandit them that they soud tell this to nane,
22Sayin, “The Son oʼ Man maun dree mony things, and be rejeckit oʼ the Elders, the Heid‐priests and the Writers; and be slain; and on the third day rise!”
23And he said to them aʼ, “Gin ony man wad follow me, lat him deny his sel, and tak up his cross ilka day, and follow me!
24“For whasae wad hain his life sal tine it; and whasae may tine his life for my sake, that vera man sal save it!
25“For what sairs it a man, gin he has gotten the hail warld, and has tint his sel, or is cuisten oot?
26“For, whasae has shame oʼ me and oʼ my words, the Son oʼ Man sal hae shame oʼ him, at what time he comes in his glorie, and in the glorie oʼ the Faither, and oʼ the holie Angels.
27“But truly say I tʼye, Thar are some here staunin, wha in naegate sal ken death, to the time they see the glorie oʼ God!”
28And it cam to pass, aboot an aucht‐days eftir thae sayins, that he took wiʼ him Peter and John and James, and gaed to pray, up intil a mountain.
29And whiles he was prayin, the look oʼ his face was changed, and his cleedin becam white and shinin.
30And lo! twa men spak wiʼ him; wha war Moses and Elijah.
31Wha schawed theirsels in glorie, and spak oʼ his depairtin, whilk he soud accomplish at Jerusalem.
32But Peter and the lave wiʼ him war unco heavy wiʼ sleep: and whan they war waukenʼd up, they saw his glorie, and the twa men staunin wiʼ him.
33And as they war aboot to pass awa, Peter said to Jesus, “Maister! it is graun for us to be here! And lat us mak thrie bothies, ane for thee, and ane for Moses, and ane for Elijah” — no kennin richt what he was sayin.
34And whiles he was yet speakin thir words, a clud cam and ower‐shadit them, and they were strucken fuʼ oʼ fear, as the men enterʼt intil the clud.
35And a voice cam oot oʼ the clud, “This is my Son, the Chosen Ane! Hear ye him!”
36And whan the voice had been heard, Jesus was thar his lane. And they keepit it to their sels; and tellʼt nae man iʼ thae days whatna things they had seen.
37And it cam aboot, that on the neist day, as they war come doon frae the mountain, a great thrang oʼ folk met him.
38And look! a man frae ʼmang the folk cryʼt oot, sayin, “Maister, I entreat ye look ye on my son; for he is my ae‐bairn!
39“And lo! a spirit grips him, to sudden he skreighs oot; and it rives him; and dingin him, jimply wull leave him.
40“And I entreatit thy disciples to cast him oot; and they coud‐na!”
41And answerin, Jesus said, “O fause and thrawart generation! to whatna time sal I bide wʼye? and thole ye? Bring here yere son!”
42And while he was a‐comin, the demon dang him doon, and manglʼd him. And Jesus challenged the foul spirit, and healed the laddie, and gied him ower to his faither.
43And they war aʼ strucken wiʼ amazement at the michty power oʼ God. But while they ilka ane ferlied at aʼ the things that Jesus had dune, he says to his followers,
44“Lat thir words sink doon intil yere lugs: for the Son oʼ Man is sune to be deliverʼt intil the hauns oʼ men!”
45But they kent‐na this sayin; and it was keepit frae them, that they soud‐na ken it; and they war fearʼt to speir at him anent the sayin.
46And thar gat up an argle‐bargle amang them, “Wha oʼ them soud be heighest?”
47Noo Jesus, kennin what was in their hearts, took a wee bairn, and sat him by his side,
48And said to them, “Whasae may mak welcome this bairn in my name, welcomes me! and whasae welcomes me, welcomes him that sent me: for he that is least amang ye, he sal be great!”
49And John spak up, “Maister! we saw ane by wham demons were cuisten oot iʼ thy name. And we challenged him, for he was‐na followin wiʼ us?”
50And Jesus said to him, “Faut‐him‐na! for wha isna contrar to ye is for ye!”
51And it cam aboot, that whan the days oʼ his takin‐up war come, he siccarlie set his face to gang to Jerusalem.
52And he sent oot rinners to gang afore him: and as they gaed, they cam intil a wee toun oʼ the Samaritans, to mak ready for his comin.
53And they wadna hae him come, for that his face was set to gang to Jerusalem.
54And whan James and John, disciples, saw that, they speirʼt, “Lord! wull ye hae us bid fire to come doon frae the lift and consume them?”
55But he turned aboot and rebukit them.
56And they gaed on till anither toun.
57And as they journeyʼd on, ane said to him, “Iʼse follow thee whaursaeʼer thou may gang!”
58And Jesus said to him, “The tods hae dens, and the burdies oʼ the lift hae nests; but the Son oʼ Man hasna whauron to lay his heid!”
59And he said to a different ane, “Follow ye me!” But, quoʼ he, “Lord, lat me gang first to the burial oʼ my faither!”
60But he said to him, “Leave ye the deid to kist their ain deid, but gang ye and spread abreid the Kingdom oʼ God!”
61And yet anither said to him, “Iʼse follow thee, Lord! but lat me first gang hame, and pairt wiʼ thae iʼ my ain hoose!”
62But Jesus said to him, “Nae man, takin haud oʼ the pleuch, and lookin back to the things ahint, is fit for the Kingdom oʼ God!”
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Luke 9: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.