Luke 3
Jesus bapteezʼt; and his genealogy.
1Noo, iʼ the fifteenth year oʼ the rule oʼ Tiberius Cesar, Pontius Pilate bein Governor oʼ Judea, and Herod Tetrarch oʼ Galilee; Philip, his brither, bein Tetrarch oʼ the kintra oʼ Iturea and Trachonitis, and Lysanius Tetrarch oʼ Abilene,
2Iʼ the Heigh‐priesthood oʼ Annas and Caiaphas, the word oʼ God cam to John, Zachariahʼs son, iʼ the muirlands.
3And he cam till aʼ pairts aboot Jordan, preachin repentance‐baptism, and remittin oʼ sins.
4As it is putten‐doon iʼ the buik oʼ the sayins oʼ Esaiah the prophet, “The sough oʼ ane cryin oot iʼ the muirlands, ‘Mak ye gangable the Lordʼs way! mak straucht his fit‐roads.’
5“Ilka heugh sal be filled heigh; and ilka mountain and hill sal be made laigh, and the gleyʼt sal be made straucht, and the rouch ways plain;
6“And aʼ flesh sal look on Godʼs salvation!”
7Sae he was sayin to the thrangs that gaed oot to be bapteezʼt by him, “Ye brood oʼ vipers! wha wasʼt that warned you to flee frae the comin wrath?
8“Bring ye than forth frutes fit for repentance; and begin‐na to say wiʼ yersels, ‘We hae a faither, eʼen Abraʼm!’ For say I tʼye, that God coud raise up oʼ thae stanes bairns till Abraʼm!
9“And eʼen noo the axe is by the rute oʼ the trees: ilka tree bringin‐na forth gude fruit is cuttit doon, and cuisten intil the lowe.”
10And the thrang oʼ folk war speirin at him, “What than, sal we do?”
11And he answerʼt, “He that has twa coats, lat him bestow on him that has nane: and he that has meat, lat him dae the same.”
12Than cam tax‐men to be bapteezʼt, and said to him, “Maister! what are we to do?”
13And he says to them, “Tak frae the folk nae mair than what is set for ye!”
14And sodgers, too, war speirin at him, “And we, what sal we do?” And he said to them, “Lift the strang haun to nane, naither grip aucht wrangously; and be content wiʼ yere providin.”
15Noo, as aʼ the folk war lookin forrit, and war switherin iʼ their hearts aboot John, gin aiblins he micht be the Messiah;
16John answerʼt, sayin till ane‐and‐aʼ, “I, indeed, bapteeze ye wiʼ watir; but Ane comes wha is michtier than I; the whang oʼ whase shoon I am‐na fit to lout doon and lowse. He sal bapteeze ye wiʼ Holie Spirit and wiʼ fire.
17“Whase fan is in his neive, and he will redd up his threshin‐floor, and teem his wheat intil his girnal, but the cauff will he burn wiʼ nevir‐endin lowe!”
18Wiʼ mony mair exhortins was he deliverin the Gude‐tidins to the people.
19But Herod, the King‐depute, being repruvʼd by him anent Herodias, his brother Philipʼs wife, and for aʼ the mony ills Herod had dune,
20Addit this tillʼt aʼ, that he cuist John in prison.
21Noo, it was, that whan aʼ the folk war bapteezʼt, Jesus too was bapteezʼt, and continued in prayer — and the heevens war unsteekit,
22And the Holie Spirit cam doon in bodily form like a doo upon him; and a voice cam oot oʼ the heevens, “Thou art my Son, the Beloved Ane; in Thee I delicht!”
23And Jesus was, at the first, aboot thretty years oʼ age; bein son — as was believʼt — oʼ Joseph,#3:23 Gar a Jew to see that Jesus was a son oʼ Dauvid, and born in Bethlehem, and he was gey‐weel won ower! but ither folk lookit‐na sae muckle at his pedigree. Tatian, iʼ his Diatessaron, made aboot A. D. 160, leaʼs it oot aʼthegither. oʼ Heli,
24Oʼ Matthat, oʼ Levi, oʼ Melchi, oʼ Jannai, oʼ Joseph,
25Oʼ Mattathias, oʼ Amos, oʼ Nahum, oʼ Esli, oʼ Naggai,
26Oʼ Maath, oʼ Mattathias, oʼ Semein, oʼ Josech, oʼ Joda,
27Oʼ Joanan, oʼ Rhesa, oʼ Zerubbabel, oʼ Shealtiel, oʼ Neri,
28Oʼ Melchi, oʼ Addi, oʼ Cosam, oʼ Elmadam, oʼ Er,
29Oʼ Jesus, oʼ Eliezer, oʼ Jorim, oʼ Matthat, oʼ Levi,
30Oʼ Symeon, oʼ Judas, oʼ Joseph, oʼ Jonam, oʼ Eliakim,
31Oʼ Melea, oʼ Menna, oʼ Mattatha, oʼ Nathan, oʼ Dauvid.
32Oʼ Jesse, oʼ Obed, oʼ Boaz, oʼ Salmon, oʼ Nahshon,
33Oʼ Amminadab, oʼ Arni, oʼ Esrom, oʼ Perez, oʼ Judah,
34Oʼ Jaucob, oʼ Isaac, oʼ Abraʼm, oʼ Terah, oʼ Nahor,
35Oʼ Serug, oʼ Reu, oʼ Peleg, oʼ Eber, oʼ Shelah,
36Oʼ Cainan, oʼ Arphaxad, oʼ Shem, oʼ Noah, oʼ Lamech,
37Oʼ Methusalah, oʼ Enoch, oʼ Jared, oʼ Mahalaleel, oʼ Cainan,
38Oʼ Enos, oʼ Seth, oʼ Adam, oʼ GOD.
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Luke 3: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.