John 18
Betrayed by Judas; disowned by Peter; and forsaken oʼ the lave. Jesus, strang in his ain innocence, stauns afore Pilate.
1Thir things bein said, Jesus gaed oot wiʼ his disciples, ower the burn Kedron, whaur was a gairden, intil whilk he enterʼt, wiʼ his disciples.
2But Judas as weel, wha was betrayin him, kent the place; for Jesus aft forgatherʼt thar wiʼ his disciples.
3Sae Judas, haʼin a band oʼ men gien to him, wiʼ officers frae mang the Heigh‐priests and Pharisees, comes yonder, wiʼ bowets and wapins.
4But Jesus, kennin aʼ things that soud come to him, gangs forrit and says to them, “Wham seek ye?”
5They answerʼt him, “Jesus, the Nazarene.” He says to them, “I am he!” Noo, Judas, wha was betrayin him, stude amang them.
6Whan, than, he had said to them, “I am he!” they stoiterʼt backlins, and fell to the grun.
7Than again he speirʼt at them, “Wham seek ye?” And they said, “Jesus the Nazarene.”
8Jesus answerʼt, “I hae tauld ye I am he; gin tharfor ye seek me, lat thir gang their ways.”
9That the word micht come to pass whilk he said, “Thae thou gied me I hae keepit, and nane oʼ them is tint.”
10Simon Peter, haʼin than a sword, drew it, and strack the Heigh‐priestʼs servin‐man, and sned aff his richt lug. The servin‐manʼs name was Malchus.
11Than cryʼt Jesus to Peter, “Sheath the sword! The cup my Faither has gien me, sal I no drink it?”
12Than the band, and the Captain, and the officers oʼ the Jews, grippit Jesus, and bund him;
13And cairryʼt him to Annas at first, for he was gude‐faither to Caiaphas, wha was Heigh‐priest that year.
14Noo it was Caiaphas wha gied coonsel to the Jews, that it was profitable that ane soud dee for the lave oʼ the nation.
15Noo Simon Peter and the ither disciple war followin Jesus; that disciple was kent oʼ the Heigh‐priest, and gaed in wiʼ Jesus intil the Coort oʼ the Heigh‐priest.
16But Peter was at the door, oot‐by. Than gaed oot the ither disciple, and spak to the porteress, and brocht in Peter.
17Than said the maid (the porteress) to Peter, “Are ye, too, oʼ this manʼs disciples?” Quoʼ Peter, “I am no!”
18And the servin‐men and officers stude thar, haʼin made an ingle wiʼ coals, for it was cauld; and they warmed their sels; and Peter, as weel, was wiʼ them, and stude and warmed his sel.
19The Heigh‐priest than speirʼt at Jesus, anent his disciples, and anent his teachin.
20Jesus answerʼt him, “Wiʼ aʼ plainness oʼ speech I spak to the warld. I was aye teachin iʼ the kirk and iʼ the temple, whaur aʼ the folk aye gang; and hidlins I hae said naething.
21“Why dae ye speir at me? Speir at thae that heard me, what I tellʼt them? They aʼ ken what I said!”
22And syne whan he had sae said, ane oʼ the officers staunin by, gied Jesus a daud wiʼ his loof, sayin, “Dae ye answer sae the Heigh‐priest?”
23Jesus answerʼt to him, “Gin I hae said ill, bear ye witness oʼ the ill; but if no, why dae ye clour me?”
24Noo Annas sent him bunʼ to Caiaphas the Heigh‐priest.
25But Simon Peter stood warmin his sel. They said to him, “Are‐na ye ane oʼ his disciples?” He denied, sayin, “I am no!”
26Ane oʼ the Heigh‐priestʼs servants, a freend oʼ him whase lug Peter sned aff, says, “Did I no see ye iʼ the gairden wiʼ him?”
27Than Peter denied again; and at ance the cock crawʼd.
28Than took they Jesus frae Caiaphas intil the Judgment‐haʼ; and it was early: and they their sels gaed‐na intil the Judgment‐haʼ, that they soudna be defiled — sae as they could eat the Pasche.
29Pilate then gaed oot to them, and says, “What dae ye wyte this man wiʼ?”
30They answerʼt, and quoʼ they, “Gin he war‐na an ill‐doer, we wadna hae #18:30 This trokin atween the Kirk and the Civil pooer, has been aften dune sinʼ syne; the kirkmen condemnin, and the statesman slayin: baith guilty oʼ innocent blude! Jesus didna seem to hae a freend that daur speak up for him.gien him ower to ye.”
31Than quoʼ Pilate to them, “Ye yersels tak him, and try him conform to yere law.” But quoʼ the Jews to him, “We hae nae pooer to pit ony man to deid!”
32That Jesusʼ ain sayin micht come to pass whilk he spak, settin forth whatna death he soud dee.
33Than Pilate gaed intil the Judgment haʼ again, and caʼd Jesus, and quoʼ he to him, “Are ye the King oʼ the Jews?”
34Jesus answerʼt, “Say ye this oʼ yere ain sel, or did ithers tell ye me?”
35Quoʼ Pilate, “Am I a Jew? Yere ain folk and the Heigh‐priests hae gien ye up to me: what hae ye dune?”
36Jesus answerʼt, “My Kingdom isna oʼ this warld: gin my Kingdom was oʼ this warld, my servants wad fecht, that I soudna be gien up to the Jews: but noo is my Kingdom no frae here?”
37Quoʼ Pilate to him, “Are ye a King, than?” Jesus answerʼt, “Ye weel say I am a King. For this end was I born, and for this end cam I to the warld, to gie witness oʼ the truth. Ilka ane wha is oʼ the Truth hears my voice”
38Pilate says to him, “What is Truth?” And whan he had sae said he gaed oot again to the Jews, and quoʼ he to them, “I find nae faut in him!
39“But ye hae a way oʼ haein ane lowsed at ilka Pasche; sae wull ye that I lowse for ye ‘The King oʼ the Jews’?”
40But they aʼ cryʼt oot again, sayin, “No this man, but Barabbas!” Noo Barabbas was a reiver.
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John 18: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.