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Luka 15

O nashedo bakro
1His i diwes, kai wan bud bibolde pash o Jesuseste, kai lenn i biboldendar lowe i Remarjenge dren, un bud wawar, kai tchilatcho koowa kran un doleske pale-tchidde hi. Jon lauter kaman te shunenn le les. 2Kol Farisarja un i biboldengre tchatchepangre his chojemen pral o Jesuseste un penan: “Kau mursh lell i pale-tchidde pash peste pre, un chal lentsa.”
3Koi penas o Jesus lenge laba, kai i khatedo tchatchepen dren hi, un penas: 4“Te hi jekes tumendar sheel bakre, un jek lendar djal nashedo, palle mukell lo kol wawaren tardo, un rodell ko jekes jaake rah, te hatsell lo les. 5Un te hatsell lo koles, lell lo les ap i phik, un hi bachtelo.
6Un te well lo khere, penell lo peskre malenge un kol wawarenge, kai trul leste djiwenna: Awenn bachteles mantsa! Me hatsom ko bakres pale, kai his nashedo.”
7Palle penas o Jesus lenge: “Me penau tumenge: Pral ko jek tchilatcho, kai mukas peskro tchilatcho drom un djal ap o Debleskro drom, pral koleste hi bareder bacht an o bolepen, har pral kol wawarende, kai patsenna, te nai atchenn le ap pengro drom.”
I nashedi rupeni bema
8Te hi i djuwjat deesh rupene beme, un nashrell jek, krell li i momeli an, un rodell koi bema an o tselo kheer jaake rah, bis te hatsell li lat. 9Un te hatsell li koi rupeni bema, dell li peskre malen gole un kol wawaren, kai pash late djiwenna, un penella: Awenn bachtelo mantsa! Me hatsom miri rupeni bema, kai nashrom. 10Me penau tumenge ninna: O Debleskre bolepangre hi bachtelo pral jekeste, kai mukell peskro tchilatcho drom un djal ap o Debleskro drom.
O nashedo tchawo
11Un o Jesus penas: I murshes his dui tchawe. 12Ko terneder penas ap peskro dadeste: De man kanna kowa, hoi me lau pal tiro merepen! Un o dad das hakenes peskro kotar. 13Pal i tikno tsiro las o terneder tchawo peskro tselo brawlepen, un djas an i wawar them, djiwas i shukar djipen, un das peskro tselo brawlepen win. 14Har les his buder tchi, was i bari bok pral o them un les his buder tchi te chal. 15Koi djas lo pash i hacho un rodas i budi. Kowa bitchras les pash i balende, te dell job garda ap lende. 16Les his bari bok un kamas ninna kowa te chal, hoi i bale chana. Kokres kowa kamas les kek te dell.
17Un job penas ap peste: Miro dades hi bud budepangre. Kolen hi bud te chal, un me merau kate i bokatar. 18Me kamau pash miro dadeste te djal, te penap: Tata, me krom i tchilatcho koowa, kai me djom tutar un o Deblestar krik. 19Me hom gar moldo, te atchap tiro tchawo. Le man pash tute pre, te wap tiro budepaskro!
20Un job stas pre, un djas pash peskro dadeste pale. Har leskro dad les dural dikas, khaitas o tchawo les. Un o dad nashas pash leste, tapras les trujel, un tchumras les.
21Koi penas o tchawo ap leste: Tata, me krom i tchilatcho koowa, kai me djom tutar un o Deblestar krik. Un me hom gar moldo, te atchap tiro tchawo.
22Koi penas o dad ap peskre budepangre: Anenn sik o feteder ripen, un riwenn kowa leske an! Denn les i gustri un denn les kircha! 23Anenn i terni thulli grumni! Marenn lat, te chas un was bachtelo!
24Tchatchepah, miro tchawo his mulo, un was djido. Job his nashedo un was pale.
Un jon wan lauter bachtelo.
25Ko phureder tchawo budras win ap i kotar phub. Har job khere djas un pash o kheer was, shunas lo bashepen un khelepen.
26Un job das i budepaskres gole, un putchas lestar, hoi kote djas.
27Kowa penas: Tiro phraal was sasto pale. Doleske maras tiro dad i terni thulli grumjat leske.
28Kote was job chojedo, un kamas gar an o kheer te djal. Un leskro dad djas win, un mangas les, te well lo an o kheer dren.
29Un ko tchawo penas ap peskro dadeste: Tu djineh, kai me bud bersha tuke budrom, un krom lauter, hoi tu mange penal. Mange maral tu kek bakro, te chap les mire malentsa, un te wap bachtelo.
30Tiro tchawo, kai was kanna pale khere, kowa, kai das tire lowe win i lubjentsa, koleske maral i terni thulli grumni.
31Koi penas o dad ap leste: Miro tchawo, tu hal hako tsiro pash mande, un hoi miro hi, kowa hi ninna tiro. 32Mer hunte was bachtelo. Tiro phraal his mulo un was djido. Job his nashedo un hatsas pale khere.

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Luka 15: Sint2021





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