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Ạsuor 70

Ịiḅereghi ọloghonaan ạḍighaagh
(Ạsuor 40.13-17)
1Gboogborion ụphel ịmi, Ẹnaan.
Ọmoogh-we, nụun aru ụlhoghonaan ịmi ḍịghaagh.
2Umugholoor asiph ḍita ạbuphe rụwa ghan bọ ịmi ịlo oghiigh;
ọgbaragbara asoorom bịdi, bịdi ophe!
Aḍita ạbuphe robo ghan bọ mem ịminimiin ạmi oḅulolom rꞌẹgum ọman rꞌumughuloor!
3Iloghi ạbidi eḅonyonu kụ bịdi omeel!
Ịphen kụ eru ịikpia ạbuphe rụmilogh bọ ịmi!
4Oomo ạbuphe oḍighom bọ nyịna ọmoogh iboh rꞌọḅaal ologhi
kụ oomo ạbuphe nạ ạphel bọ ọseph ghan nyịna kụ ọḅem ghan mọ,
“Ẹnaan ẹbugh ni!”
5Mị adugh ni ḅịle ịyaar ịmi ílho;
tue esi ạmi elhom, Ẹnaan.
Ọmoogh-we, nạ kụ ọpelia ạmi —
gboogborion aru uḅegh ịmi.

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Ạsuor 70: ẠḌI





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