Ạsuor 59
Ịiḅereghi ịlo oghoph
1Ụphel ịmi ạsighe esi ạbumulogh-ḍien ạmi, Ẹnaan ạmi;
ụaaghi ịmi esi ạbuphe ruzuom bọ ịmi.
2Ụphel ịmi ḍịghaagh ịkaraph awe;
ụphel ịmi esi ạbuphe rọwa bọ oghiigh ạmi.
3Mịin. Bịdi ọḅona rokori ghan oghiigh ạmi.
Ịkaraph awe rookpomoghan ozuom ạmi.
Ụ́tuan ọpioman ạmi ḅịle mꞌịkaraph lọ mị aḍighi.
4Mị mạar ụ́piom, Ọmoogh-we,
kụ bịdi oogborion bọ ọmeregha ariisi phọ ạbidi.
5Mẹera, Ọmoogh-we Ẹnaan Oomo Ịikpo, aru uḅegh ịmi;
mịin rꞌaloor ạna, Ẹnaan Ịzirel.
Ḅetenu ạliom bụphe Ẹnaan úmeeraam bọ.
Kásugheeny rꞌoniin ọnyo ạbuo areekeleghian phọ.
6Bịdi rorigheleghu dulhe bịn rogbophoghu ịdipho asuogh,
kokitonom ẹmha phọ.
7Nạghan ịḅenian ạbidi rꞌịpaaraghan phọ.
Asinem ạbidi ẹkigh isiko ologhi ịnhu ạbidi,
kụ bịdi rogbiom ghan mọ oye ịlo ạbuno rạ́naghan ghan.
8Kụ ọlo nạ ạmilogh bịdi, Ọmoogh-we;
nạ ạnmoghoghoom bụphe Ẹnaan úmeeraam bọ.
9Mị ạmoogh oḍuom-ologhi esi ịnyaam ạna;
nạ kụ esi ịbooghian ạmi, Ẹnaan.
10Ẹnaan ạmi ịphomoghian ni ịmi kụ katu ni ụteeny ịmi;
ọdi kaḍighi ịdi mị kạmiin mem dị ạbumulogh-ḍien ạmi momeleghu.
11Kạ́ze bịdi, Ẹnaan, ọbo awe phọ ạmi kobula ghan bọ.
Wạawalamiom bịdi ịnyaam mọ ạna kụ ạkpar apu bịdi,
Ọmoogh-we, ọsuaram ayoor.
12Ịkaraph edi ịidoronhu ạbidi; oomo ikpo ọnhu ạbidi eḍighi ịkaraph.
Ḍighi ịdi kosiph bịdi esi ophoophe aloor phọ ạbidi.
Loor iitunyian phọ rꞌọkpe phọ ạbidi,
13piemi bịdi rꞌọghagh ologhi,
piemi bịdi, bịdi kụ́tol mun.
Kụ tọrobo oye alegheri mọ Ẹnaan phọ kụ ịda ẹpe Ịzirel,
mọ ọda phọ ọdi aleeny ni oomo aḅirini phọ.
14Ạbumulogh-ḍien ạmi rorigheleghu dulhe,
bịn rọyughogh ịdipho asuogh kokitonom ẹmha phọ,
15ịdipho asuogh lọ reyeela oghiraan ọwa eḍien
kụ rẹkughian eḍighi ịyaar lọ eḍien phọ ị́per.
16Kụ ọlo mị kạmoorom ni ịlo ịnyaam mọ ạna;
ḍịroor ḍịroor mị kạmoor akoom ịlo ẹphomoghian phọ ạna rémuneen ghan bọ.
Nạ maḍighi ni eekpereghian ạmi,
uba dị mị aḍigh mem ịiḅaghami.
17Mị kạmooraan nyịna sụor, ọsuaram ạmi.
Eekpereghian ạmi Ẹnaan,
Ẹnaan phọ ẹpe ịphomoghian bọ ịmi.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 59: ẠḌI
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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS