Ạsuor 57
Ịiḅereghi ịlo ọloghonaan ạḍighaagh
1Ẹnaan, ụnma ịmi ighirigiir. Ụnma ịmi ighirigiir
loor esi dị mị atu esi ạna ọmoogh eekpereghian.
Sịphe uba araphaaph phọ ạna kụ ẹdi mị ạaghian
tụtu oboom oghim mọ ạgber.
2Mị ạmagh Ọkaraghi Egbogh Ẹnaan phọ,
Ẹnaan phọ ọpo rạngo ghan bọ tọrobo ịlo mị ạwa.
3Ọdi kamegheron kꞌẹpe ạke kụ ụphel ịmi.
Ọdi kabinighiom bụphe rụgbiphoghom bọ ịmi.
Ẹnaan kiḍeenaan ịmi ẹphomoghian phọ ọdi rémuneen ghan bọ rꞌamabi-ólho phọ ọdi.
4Ạbumulogh-ḍien ukoom ịmi,
dị ọghigh riitiir lọ rẹba ghan we.
Ạralaal ạbidi ẹkigh ịsoph rꞌịkpina.
Asinem ạbidi ẹkigh isoko lọ eroph.
5Ḍeenaan igbogh phọ ạna ẹpe okuaḍio phọ, Ẹnaan,
ḅịle eegu phọ ạna eleeny oomo ade phọ.
6Ạbumulogh-ḍien ạmi mulherenaan ịmi ọseki osiphom ạmi;
ẹ́ḅaal ologhi miikpereghiom ịmi.
Bịdi uguph ghẹle pạ eten phọ ạmi
kụ bịdi rꞌaloor kụ ụḅile osumughu.
7Mị ạmoogh oḍuom-ologhi dị amunughan, Ẹnaan.
Mị kạmoor aaseeny nyịna.
8Sụma, uwaloor ạmi! Sụma!
Mị kạsighe ọne rꞌogumogum,
kụ ạsumenom ḍịroor phọ.
9Mị kạseph ni nyịna, Ọmoogh-we, sịphe areelhe kịrokiro phọ.
Mị kạseph ni nyịna ogbo oomo areelhe phọ.
10Ẹphomoghian phọ ạna rémuneen ghan bọ esi ni ẹpe ạsike phọ;
amabi-ólho phọ ạna ạḅogh ni okuaḍio phọ.
11Ḍeenaan igbogh phọ ạna ẹpe okuaḍio phọ, Ẹnaan,
ḅịle eegu phọ ạna eleeny oomo ade phọ.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 57: ẠḌI
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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS