Ạsuor 12
Ịiḅereghi ọloghonaan ạḍighaagh
1Ọmoogh-we, tue ụlhoghonaan iyoor ḍịghaagh.
Rꞌoniin oye ạghusan ósugha mun.
Kótue mun ọmiin we aruukuan.
2Oniin rạgbaam ghan nyoniin ọkpe bịn.
Ịidoronhu ootumeniom rꞌẹḍim ologhi kụ ạraghaaph phọ ạbidi.
3Ọmoogh-we, kpomori yogh sinem iitunyan rꞌiituma phọ ịpe!
Kpereghi rụnhu ạbuphe rọḅem ghan bọ mọ,
4“Rꞌikpo ọnhu phọ ayoor bịn yoor kọmoogh ni tọro ịyaar lọ yoor rọwa,
rꞌịlo eḍigh ologhi ayoor, yoor kọḅem ni,
kụ oye lọ kusophoghom iyoor mọ kẹ́ḅem ólho.”
5Kụ Ọmoogh-we phọ ạḅem,
“Mị katu loor esi ịgbiphoghom ạbuo arukulom mọ
rꞌịḅiphighu ạbuphe ekuom bọ.
Mị kạtagharan bịdi ịdipho bịdi rokori ghan bọ.”
6Aruguan Ọmoogh-we phọ igey aruguan ni dị amabi úlho ghan.
Aruguan phọ ọdi ẹkigh ịdipho asilva
dị ọloghoḍi ologhi ạnian oḍual amem kụ aḍizu phọ ị́kpoghoronaan.
7-8Bụo ạsipioghom oleeny eleeny tọrobo ekpisi
kụ oomo awe rọseph ghan ịpe eḍighi bọ ịkaraph.
Ọmoogh-we, uuko ni iyoor esi ọdo awe phọ ạbuphe.
Kámeera yoor omeel oḍighanaan bịdi.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 12: ẠḌI
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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS