Markkoc Lon lonothon
Lon lonothon
Atham enni waMarkkoc akkokat pokurrot, ipokat pinako cakuruk ngkꞌran itti oIuanna oMarkkoc. Kwokat popuꞌrit caꞌri ica oIeccuo pokat nokaꞌran koUruccelim, ana kwothakkakathe pul ipammakot oIeccuo. Kwokat akwommakot pul pothothïlettat poIeccuo oPoluc ana kwittarathe oPoththuruc. Ilon elli lothikkoik thoIeccuo, kwere lon loppot loul woIouth ana thathuma then ittina. Likkoik ere kwokurrot lon len othakka itti akwittarot ul iokat wannoka woIouth occokot lon loMiccie.
Iatham enni, oMarkkoc perenthet ton lon ila oIeccuo pokkothe cannan nolon ila kweret. Oron thakatha tat akka oIeccuo pokkothe lon ilommaththik loppot, kwittiethe ul woppot, ana okïcce puꞌran pouꞌrupa iokithak nti iakin ana occïkïnthet kin lon len ilokithak. Lon elli lakene ngili ngoIeccuo ammakka pul ipaat noKapik. Akwethet thikkoik thung akwelikko nti ipuꞌran polon ilokithak.
OMarkkoc pereneron lon lothikkoik thoIeccuo ana ngre ngung nci ammakka kwoccot mamuthie nti ikkun woIuanna. Kwereneron kicce lon ilocothothe akkwarthuk okkwettat nothapak, ana kwacothot lon lung ntheret thuroko thoIeccuo nti ithio ana thukuꞌrot thoIeccuo tothiꞌrot cakuruk.
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Markkoc Lon lonothon: Lumun
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