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Job 39

1Whether thou knowest the time of [the] birth of wild goats in stones, either hast thou espied hinds bringing forth calves?
2Hast thou numbered the months of their conceiving, and hast thou known the time of their calving?
3They be bowed down to [the] calf, and so calve; and they send out then roarings.
4Their calves be separated from them, and go forth to pasture; they go out, and they turn not again to their mothers.
5Who hath let the wild ass go free, and who hath loosed the bonds of him?
6To whom I have given an house in wilderness, and the tabernacles of him in the land of saltness.
7He despiseth the multitude of the city; he heareth not the cry of the asker.
8He looketh about the hills of his pasture, and he seeketh all green things.
9Whether an unicorn shall desire to serve thee, either shall dwell at thy cratch?
10Whether thou shalt bind the unicorn with thy chain, for to ear thy land, either shall he break the clots of the valleys after thee?
11Whether thou shalt have trust in his great strength, and shalt thou leave to him thy travails?
12Whether thou shalt believe to him, that he shall yield seed to thee, and shall gather together for thy cornfloor?
13The feather of an ostrich is like the feathers of a gyrfalcon, and of an hawk;
14the which ostrich forsaketh his eggs in the earth, in hap thou shalt make those [or them] hot in the dust.
15He forgetteth, that a foot treadeth those eggs, either that a beast of the field all-breaketh them.
16He is made hard to his young, as if they were not his; he travailed in vain, while no dread constrained him.
17For God hath deprived him from wisdom, and he hath not given under-standing to him.
18When time is, he raiseth the wings on high; he scorneth the horse, and his rider.
19Whether thou shalt give strength to an horse, either shalt give neighing about his neck?
20Whether thou shalt raise him as locusts? The glory of his nostrils is dreaded.
21He diggeth [the] earth with his foot, he full out joyeth; and he goeth boldly against [the] armed men.
22He despiseth fearedfulness, and he giveth not stead to [the] sword.
23An arrow case shall sound upon him; a spear and a shield shall shine.
24He is hot, or fervent, and gnasheth, and swalloweth the earth; and he areckoneth not that the cry of the trump soundeth.
25When he heareth a clarion, he saith, Joy! he smelleth battle afar; the exciting of dukes, and the yelling of the host.
26Whether an hawk spreading abroad his wings to the south, beginneth to have feathers by thy wisdom?
27Whether an eagle shall be raised up at thy commandment, and shall set [or put] his nest in high places?
28He dwelleth in stones, and he abideth in flints broken before, and in rocks, to which men may not nigh.
29From thence he beholdeth meat and his eyes look from [a] far.
30His young suck blood, and wherever a carrion is, anon he is present.

Currently Selected:

Job 39: WBMS





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