John 2
1And the third day weddings were made in the Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there.
2And Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the weddings.
3And when wine failed, the mother of Jesus said to him, They have not wine.
4And Jesus saith to her, What to me and to thee, woman? mine hour came not yet.
5His mother saith to the ministers, Whatever thing he saith to you, do ye.
6And there were set six stone cans [or pots], after the cleansing of the Jews, holding each two or three metretes [or measures].
7And Jesus saith to them, Fill ye the pots with water. And they filled them, up to the mouth [or unto the highest part].
8And Jesus said to them, Draw ye now, and bear ye to the master of the feast. And they bare.
9And when the master of the feast had tasted the water made wine, and knew not whereof it was, but the ministers knew that drew the water, the master of the feast calleth the spouse,
10and saith to him, Each man setteth first good wine, and when men be [full]-filled, then that that is worse; but thou hast kept the good wine into this time.
11Jesus did this the beginning of signs, in the Cana of Galilee, and showed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
12After these things he came down to Capernaum, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples; and they dwelled there not many days.
13And the pask of Jews was nigh, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
14And he found in the temple men selling oxen, and sheep, and culvers, and [money]-changers sitting.
15And when he had made as it were a scourge of small cords, he drove out all [or cast all out] of the temple, and oxen, and sheep; and he shedded [out] the money of changers, and turned upside-down the boards.
16And he said to them that sold culvers, Take away from hence these things, and do not ye make the house of my Father an house of merchandise.
17And his disciples had mind, for it was written, The fervent love [or zeal] of thine house hath eaten me.
18Therefore the Jews answered, and said to him, What token [or sign] showest thou to us, that thou doest these things?
19Jesus answered, and said to them, Undo ye this temple, and in three days I shall raise it.
20Therefore the Jews said to him, In forty and six years this temple was builded, and shalt thou in three days raise it?
21But he said of the temple of his body.
22Therefore when he was risen from death, his disciples had mind, that he said these things of his body; and they believed to the scripture, and to the word that Jesus said.
23And when Jesus was at Jerusalem in pask, in the feast day, many believed in his name, seeing his signs that he did.
24But Jesus trusted not himself to them, for he knew all men;
25and for it was not need to him, that any man should bear witnessing of man, for he knew, what was in man.
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John 2: WBMS

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