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Mattaayo 26

Jaldaabe saggi iche Yeesso itagiis yowatta
(Marko 14:1-2, Luuka 22:1-2, Yoohana 11:45-53)
1Inkoo Yeesso yeedaas tuummane saggi us isoonokhti miinsan massiche ka, abattitiis mehe iyidah ya, 2“Saggi atin igarattaan u, ibeen lamma on ankhane ꞌdee daawti Baasakka lagela, Ínam Aadam la ladiiba massalaaba lakakaaha.”
3Maanassaas on kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuud ba uranti kuhaanihi weyti weene magahiis Kayaafa layadeeh ka kulmeen. 4Icho la saggi icho ekkeysi ka Yeesso ikhabtaane ꞌdee iyagiisiin, iche rerreegaan. 5Wihi icho isiyidaaheen, “Iꞌdaasenyi uus inno daawta goyaka khaban, enenyet a geeddi us hol ka il baabiicho.”
Yeesso ilkerengeetti Beꞌdaaniya ka lasubha
(Marko 14:3-9)
6Yeesso ilkerengeetti Beꞌdaaniya ka minki etoo Siimonhi Ki Buꞌda Khabe layadeeh kijiraayi, 7makhaabassoo kurunkoo daakki alabaasta lakahaaggiche miricchihoo weyti gato miige kijiro leetimiyye, Yeessohi komborti ballaaddane lakagolossati ka dikkil kajiifo golossati matakkiis kakhubte.
8Abatti chiꞌiche waha agarte ka weyti hollowte, “Miricchiha a iꞌdoh immarah labaabiicho?” worsatte. 9“Miricchiha kootte chilimmeti buurenye lakoororicha, chilimme la miskiin lasiicha!”
10Yeesso la wihi icho essaan a garta, wihi us iyidah, “A iꞌdoh makhaabassa imalalissaan? Wihi iche iyeesse a haaggi weyti buure. 11Miskiin kol dakkhan goytiinna kakhabtaane, iꞌdaasenyi ani kol dakkhan ma ikhabtaan. 12Miricchiha iche sarteey kakhubte ka, ani hawwaal itannabissa. 13Rume atin icheeka, meelbaaw Wora Haaggan harra tuumman ka lacheeko ka, wihi iche yeesse laka a lacheeka, iche la lakasooꞌhela.”
Yuuda Yeessohi us ꞌdub soogoocho ka ayye khaatta
(Marko 14:10-11, Luuka 22:3-6)
14Yomboka abatti Yeessoti tomon ichoow lammee kichekoo, ki Yuuda Iskaariyoot layadeeh, kuhaaniyyohi wewween iirte, 15wihi us worsate, “Chirri an Yeesso dahantiin soogesse, mehe isiissaan?” Iche la chilimmeti lahaageete tomon seyyahe iekkaasse. 16Uus chirraas, Yuuda inti leemujjumenye us Yeesso dahanohicho kagesso yowte.
Yeesso gololi daawti Baasakka abattitiis leeyaham
(Marko 14:12-21, Luuka 22:7-13, 21-23, Yoohana 13:21-30)
17Ibeenki oraate Daawti Makaateti Liikhasin, abatti Yeesso itimiyye wihi iche worsatte, “Intoh ꞌdoonta iranna katannabanna, ꞌdee gololi daawti Baasakka kataham?”
18Wihi us ilaabe, “Nyaama, ilkerengeet gela, etoo iirda wihi atin itadeehiin, ‘Eti Ween mehe essa ya, ibeenki ani liigooche a soodowwaate. Abattiteey khabaayi, minkaahha daawti Baasakka kagella.’ ” 19Abatti ꞌdeerka iꞌdi kootte Yeesso iyidah on yeesse, gololi daawti Baasakka haaggisse.
20Chirri il gelebnowe ka, Yeesso ichoow abattitiisti tomon ichoow lammee komborti ballaaddane lakagolossati ka dikkille kajiifaan. 21Golossataani, Yeesso wihi us yidah, “Rume atin icheeka, etiinkoo ꞌdub igoocha.”
22Icho tuumman fool ribowe, kooba ki addan ꞌdubiis ka, “Kamur rumanka ani mee menya?” yidah.
23Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Eti toolla karam dahan ikaleelugꞌde, iche ꞌdub igoocha. 24Ínam Aadam iꞌdi usu miinsane lachiiruu, a yamuut. Iꞌdaasenyi eti Ínam Aadam ꞌdub goocho, sinati sugto eenna a buure! Usuhi goorat idelanne deefta.”
25Yuudahi ꞌdee Yeessó ꞌdub soogoocho la, “Eti ween, rumanka ani mee menya?” iyidah.
Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Aa a ati.”
Gololi Kamur
(Marko 14:22-26, Luuka 22:14-20, 1 Koriinto 11:23-25)
26Golossataani Yeesso makaate khaate Waakh kalaꞌd ilaabe, jejjebche abattitiis ididdiibe, wihi us yidah, “Khaata, amha waha a sartaayaa.”
27Toro kokkoob khaate, Waakh kalaꞌd ilaabe, abatti idiibe, wihi us yidah, “Atin tuumman isleeanguunda. 28Waha a diiggeeyki ayyinti husube Waakh enenyet igoocho, a diiggi iroonoti enenyeti buure liikhubo, ꞌdee uskeelicho liikakuto. 29Wihi an atin icheeko, uus toolla kakhabatti, an farsoti sabiib toro ma damo, ichoowka ibeenkaas an wihi husub goob Aabbaheey ka atin leedamo yateeh.”
30Inkoo icho geeyoo Waakh dowteen ka, Hali Geeyohi Oolif ibaheen.
Yeesso Beeterohi sooꞌdiiꞌdo orey on cheeka
(Marko 14:27-31, Luuka 22:31-34, Yoohana 13:36-38)
31Yeesso wihi us abatti iyidah, “Ibeenka goya rubeytiis, atin tuumman jeenteti wihi liiyeeluu, a ikafiriddaan, a mehe wihi chiiran,
“ ‘An ersime guꞌdda,
woyhi iiyyaat la seley baaba.’#26:31 Sakkariiya 13:7.
32Iꞌdaasenyi inkoo an omoot kasookahe, boroofenhi Gaalilaaya ortiin a irda.” 33Beetero wihi us ilaabe, “Chirri iche tuumman jeenteti wihi lakiyeeluu kaafiridde laka, an jirtuu ma kaafirdo.”
34Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Rume kisoocheeka, ibeenka goya rubeytiis, geeddi lukki iriirin at kol seyyahe ma igaratti tadeeh.”
35Iꞌdaasenyi Beetero wihi us yidah, “Chaꞌan kileeamuut laka, jirtuu ma kigardi ma adeeh!” Abattiti addan tuumman laka iꞌdaas tidah.
Yeesso meessoo Gesseemane layadeeh ka Waakh wahta
(Marko 14:32-42, Luuka 22:39-46)
36Yeesso ꞌdeerka abattitiis khabaayi, meessi Gesseemane layadeeh irte, wihi us icho iyidah, “Inta orronda, geeddi an intuus irdi Waakh wahdi.” 37Beetero ichoow yeele Sebedaayoti lammee khaatte. Yeesso weyti bolkhe toro mali uskul gele. 38ꞌDeerka wihi us seyyahche iyidah, “Huleesi rubeyteey kijiro, huleesi omooteet laka a ikeena. Inta fiddiya, ileetoorribda la.”
39Iꞌdaaru orey isohte, il isiꞌdiiche, fool harra kaꞌdaare, Waakh wahte wihi us yidah, “Aabbahaaw, chiꞌiche tateeh kokkooba sinayyoot a liikakhaato! Iꞌdaasenyi in an ꞌdoono menye, in at ꞌdoonto on a titaahe.”
40ꞌDeerka abattitiis inokhte, ichehi uꞌdurto ꞌhele, Beetero leeyeede, “Atin geeddi sahaꞌddoo kalday laka ma ileetoorribattaan a?” iyidah. 41“Toorribda Waakh wahda, ꞌdee kajmeti uskeel atin kaluguꞌddo akidihina. Rubeyohiin wihi mujjumenye ꞌdoonaane, iꞌdaasenyi sartiinna ꞌdabakhe.”
42Toro koli lammaatteet nokhte, irte Waakh wahte, “Aabbahaaw, kokkooba sinayyoot chirri sammata an idamin liikakhaatin, in at ꞌdoonto on a titaahe,” yidah.
43Chuꞌus soonokhti, ichehi uꞌdurto, indo hulees kore toro ꞌhele. 44Toro koli seyyahnaatteet katabe, irte Waakh wahte. Wihi kootte us yidah on inokhte yidah.
45ꞌDeerka abatti inokhte wihi us iyidah, “Atin uliba a uꞌdurtaane nassaan? Yeya, sahaꞌddi Ínam Aadam ꞌdub lagoocho, dahanohi ꞌdooꞌdi uskeel leh lagesso a soodowwaatte. 46Sookaha a iranni! Eti ꞌdub igoocho kalla soosohtaa!”
Urur Yeesso khabta
(Marko 14:43-50, Luuka 22:47-53, Yoohana 18:3-12)
47Yeesso yeyyeedaayi, Yuudahi ullaka abattiti tomon ichoow lammee kichekoowe yimiy. ꞌDooꞌdi sooraahe, a ururoo buurenye birlabbe ichoow khokkhoomme khabo, kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuud sooergate. 48Eta Yeesso ꞌdub goocho la mehe urur iskakhabeen ya, “Eti ꞌdee an dongade, a usu, khabda.” 49Yuuda chirraas on Yeesso iirte, bariitiche, “Eti weenoow!” iyidahye dongate. 50Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Aalaaw, wihi at itimiy yeel.”
ꞌDooꞌd la orey isookute, Yeesso khabte hide. 51Geeddaas on ka, etoo ullaka wahal Yeessee, birlabiis sootogte, sooꞌhiire falfati kuhaanihi weyti ween guꞌdde, nabah ngꞌure.
52Yeesso la wihi us iyidah, “Birlabaah min ilaab, iꞌdi tahe eti tuummane birlab ka enenyet yagiis, ullaka birlabe lakayagiis. 53At saggi chirri an Aabbaheey gargaar idaahe, us herti Waakhe aliffe goosso koloo kalday isooergo ma garatti? 54Iꞌdaasenyi chirri an iꞌdaas yeele, saggoh ꞌdee wihi Chiirnaanneti Waakh kachiirane sooyateeh liibuuhicha?”
55Yeesso chirraakka wihi us urur iyidah, “Chaꞌatin khokkhoomme ichoow birlabbe leetimaateene ikhabattaan, an a etoo enenyet walah saro? Maan tuumman ani uranti minki Waakhe buure a fiddiye Yeedi Waakh atin abche, atin la ma ikhaban. 56Iꞌdaasenyi wahanyeyyoha a yitaaheene ꞌdee wihi ꞌdooꞌdi Waákh íyeyyeedo chiire labuuhicha.” ꞌDeerka abatti tuumman usu katabte firidde.
Jaldaabe Yeesso hukkunta
(Marko 14:53-65, Luuka 22:54-55, Yoohana 18:13-14, 19-24)
57ꞌDooꞌdi Yeesso khabte Yeesso khaate min Kayaafahi kuhaanihi weyti weene geeche. Tagaammeti amurre ichoow ewweenki Yaꞌhuud la intaase kakulme. 58Iꞌdaasenyi Beetero fogaka Yeesso ꞌdubiis sooraahe, ichoowka uranti kuhaanihi weyti ween goya gele. Uus uram goya gele ka, irte, iskarti meel yaakhisso leeorronte, wihi Yeesso layeelo suge.
59Kuhaaniyyohi wewween ichoow Jaldaabti Weene Yaꞌhuud tuumman, garti beenaate iche yeeddo, ꞌdee icho Yeesso omoot ikagoochaan, yowteen. 60Iꞌdaasenyi walah icho ꞌheleen mele, chiꞌ ꞌdooꞌdi ittaawenye garti beenaat cheeko soobahe laka.
ꞌDaꞌddaboka ꞌdooꞌdoo lammee sookahe, 61wihi icho yidaaheen, “Reenka mehe yidah ya, ‘An minki Waakhe buurenye an jejjebcho, toro maan seyyah goyaka diso a abuuꞌd.’ ”
62Chirraakka kuhaanihi weyti ween kahe, wihi us Yeesso iyidah, “Walah at soolaabto mele? Yeeda enenyet kaacheekti, mehe jira?” 63Iꞌdaasenyi Yeesso gammadiche.
Kuhaanihi weyti ween la wihi us iyidah, “Magahi Waakkhi jiro ka daato, usu at Ki Lasubhe toro Weeli Waakh tahe, nah isoocheek” 64Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Aa! A iꞌdaas maanta at tidah on. Iꞌdaasenyi wihi an atin tuumman atin iadeeh, ꞌdee berri Ínam Aadam usuhi Waakkhi Miig Leh anki dahantiisti miigeet fiddiyo toro mirsohi saraat fuulaayi yamiit a agartaan.”
65ꞌDeerka kuhaanihi weyti ween hol on ka gaaddiis kharradiche wihi us yidah, “Wihi us yidah ka a gafe! A iꞌdoh ꞌdooꞌdoo addane gar laabo iyowanna? Yeya, toolla saggi us igafe a daagteen. 66Mehe goosseen?” enenyet worsate.
Wihi icho ilaabeen, “Omoote imasse.”
67ꞌDeerka Yeesso fool hanjuf katufeene, khomhoyyo ka guꞌddeen. Gaasoo fodoorre jahte, 68“Ki Lasubheey, Waakh iyeyyeed. Ayyo kiguꞌdde?” idoween.
Beetero Yeesso ma garti yadeeh
(Marko 14:66-72, Luuka 22:56-62, Yoohana 18:15-18, 25-27)
69Beetero la geeddaka uram goya fiddiya. Inantoo falfee la itimiyye, wihi iche itidah, “At laka Yeessohi boroofenhi Gaalilaaya a leejirte.”
70Iꞌdaasenyi ꞌdooꞌd tuumman ortiis ka ꞌdiiꞌde, “An wihi at elatti ma gardi,” iyidah.
71Chirraakka bahe aritti uram lakagelo irte. Inantoo addan agarte, ꞌdooꞌdi intaas kajiro wihi iche itidah, “Reenka Yeessohi Naasaret a leejire.”
72Ulla toro ꞌdiiꞌde, daatte, “An et ma gardi!” yidah.
73Inkoo geeddoor lafiddiye ka ꞌdooꞌdoo intaas toollo Beetero iirte, wihi us iyidah, “Rumanka at a kichekoo. A mehe saggi at iyeyyeeddo a tussa.”
74ꞌDeerka Beetero isabaare, Waakh dowe, wihi us yidah, “An et ma gardi!”
Chirraas on lukki riire. 75ꞌDeerka Beetero yeedi Yeesso iyidah kasooꞌhele. “Geeddi lukki iriirin, at kol seyyah, ‘Ma kigardi!’ tadeeh.” Ulla khar ibahe, bolokh ka ooye.

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Mattaayo 26: rel





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