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2 Maccabees 14

1Three years later, word came to Judas and his men that Demetrius, the son of Seleucus, had sailed into the harbor of Tripolis with a strong army and a fleet, 2and had taken possession of the country, having made away with Antiochus and his guardian Lysias.
3Now a certain Alcimus, who had formerly been high priest but had wilfully defiled himself in the times of separation, realized that there was no way for him to be safe or to have access again to the holy altar, 4and went to King Demetrius in about the one hundred and fifty-first year,#14.4 161 b.c. presenting to him a crown of gold and a palm, and besides these some of the customary olive branches from the temple. During that day he kept quiet. 5But he found an opportunity that furthered his mad purpose when he was invited by Demetrius to a meeting of the council and was asked about the disposition and intentions of the Jews. He answered:
6“Those of the Jews who are called Hasideans, whose leader is Judas Maccabeus, are keeping up war and stirring up sedition, and will not let the kingdom attain tranquillity. 7Therefore I have laid aside my ancestral glory—I mean the high priesthood—and have now come here, 8first because I am genuinely concerned for the interests of the king, and second because I have regard also for my fellow citizens. For through the folly of those whom I have mentioned our whole nation is now in no small misfortune. 9Since you are acquainted, O king, with the details of this matter, deign to take thought for our country and our hard-pressed nation with the gracious kindness which you show to all. 10For as long as Judas lives, it is impossible for the government to find peace.”
11When he had said this, the rest of the king's friends, who were hostile to Judas, quickly inflamed Demetrius still more. 12And he immediately chose Nicanor, who had been in command of the elephants, appointed him governor of Judea, and sent him off 13with orders to kill Judas and scatter his men, and to set up Alcimus as high priest of the greatest temple. 14And the Gentiles throughout Judea, who had fled before#14.14 The Greek text is uncertain Judas, flocked to join Nicanor, thinking that the misfortunes and calamities of the Jews would mean prosperity for themselves.
15When the Jews#14.15 Gk they heard of Nicanor's coming and the gathering of the Gentiles, they sprinkled dust upon their heads and prayed to him who established his own people for ever and always upholds his own heritage by manifesting himself. 16At the command of the leader, they#14.16 Gk he set out from there immediately and engaged them in battle at a village called Dessau.#14.16 The name is uncertain 17Simon, the brother of Judas, had encountered Nicanor, but had been temporarily#14.17 Other authorities read slowly checked because of the sudden consternation created by the enemy.
18Nevertheless Nicanor, hearing of the valor of Judas and his men and their courage in battle for their country, shrank from deciding the issue by bloodshed. 19Therefore he sent Posidonius and Theodotus and Mattathias to give and receive pledges of friendship. 20When the terms had been fully considered, and the leader had informed the people, and it appeared that they were of one mind, they agreed to the covenant. 21And the leaders#14.21 Gk they set a day on which to meet by themselves. A chariot came forward from each army; seats of honor were set in place; 22Judas posted armed men in readiness at key places to prevent sudden treachery on the part of the enemy; they held the proper conference.
23Nicanor stayed on in Jerusalem and did nothing out of the way, but dismissed the flocks of people that had gathered. 24And he kept Judas always in his presence; he was warmly attached to the man. 25And he urged him to marry and have children; so he married, settled down, and shared the common life.
26But when Alcimus noticed their good will for one another, he took the covenant that had been made and went to Demetrius. He told him that Nicanor was disloyal to the government, for he had appointed that conspirator against the kingdom, Judas, to be his successor. 27The king became excited and, provoked by the false accusations of that depraved man, wrote to Nicanor, stating that he was displeased with the covenant and commanding him to send Maccabeus to Antioch as a prisoner without delay.
28When this message came to Nicanor, he was troubled and grieved that he had to annul their agreement when the man had done no wrong. 29Since it was not possible to oppose the king, he watched for an opportunity to accomplish this by a stratagem. 30But Maccabeus, noticing that Nicanor was more austere in his dealings with him and was meeting him more rudely than had been his custom, concluded that this austerity did not spring from the best motives. So he gathered not a few of his men, and went into hiding from Nicanor.
31When the latter became aware that he had been cleverly outwitted by the man, he went to the great#14.31 Gk greatest and holy temple while the priests were offering the customary sacrifices, and commanded them to hand the man over. 32And when they declared on oath that they did not know where the man was whom he sought, 33he stretched out his right hand toward the sanctuary, and swore this oath: “If you do not hand Judas over to me as a prisoner, I will level this precinct of God to the ground and tear down the altar, and I will build here a splendid temple to Dionysus.”
34Having said this, he went away. Then the priests stretched forth their hands toward heaven and called upon the constant Defender of our nation, in these words: 35“O Lord of all, who hast need of nothing, thou wast pleased that there be a temple for thy habitation among us; 36so now, O holy One, Lord of all holiness, keep undefiled for ever this house that has been so recently purified.”
37A certain Razis, one of the elders of Jerusalem, was denounced to Nicanor as a man who loved his fellow citizens and was very well thought of and for his good will was called father of the Jews. 38For in former times, when there was no mingling with the Gentiles, he had been accused of Judaism, and for Judaism he had with all zeal risked body and life. 39Nicanor, wishing to exhibit the enmity which he had for the Jews, sent more than five hundred soldiers to arrest him; 40for he thought that by arresting#14.40 The Greek text here is uncertain him he would do them an injury. 41When the troops were about to capture the tower and were forcing the door of the courtyard, they ordered that fire be brought and the doors burned. Being surrounded, Razis#14.41 Gk he fell upon his own sword, 42preferring to die nobly rather than to fall into the hands of sinners and suffer outrages unworthy of his noble birth. 43But in the heat of the struggle he did not hit exactly, and the crowd was now rushing in through the doors. He bravely ran up on the wall, and manfully threw himself down into the crowd. 44But as they quickly drew back, a space opened and he fell in the middle of the empty space. 45Still alive and aflame with anger, he rose, and though his blood gushed forth and his wounds were severe he ran through the crowd; and standing upon a steep rock, 46with his blood now completely drained from him, he tore out his entrails, took them with both hands and hurled them at the crowd, calling upon the Lord of life and spirit to give them back to him again. This was the manner of his death.

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