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2 Maccabees 5

1Now about this time Antiochus made his #Cp. 1 Mac. 1.17.second inroad into Egypt. 2And it so befell that throughout all the city, for the space of almost forty days, there appeared #Cp. Luke the midst of the sky horsemen in swift motion, wearing robes inwrought with gold and carrying spears, equipped in troops for battle; 3And drawing of swords; and on the other side squadrons of horse in array; and encounters and #5.3 or chargespursuits of both armies; and shaking of shields, and multitudes of lances, and casting of darts, #Cp. ch. 3.25.and flashing of golden trappings, and girding on of all sorts of armour. 4Wherefore all men besought that #See ch. 2.21.the #5.4 Gr. might have been given for good.
5But when a false rumour had arisen that Antiochus was deceased, #See ch. 4.7.Jason took not less than a thousand men, and suddenly #5.5 Gr. perpetrated.made an assault upon the city; and they that were upon the wall being routed, and the city being now at length well nigh taken, #See ch. 4.23.Menelaus took refuge in #See ch. 4.12.the citadel. 6But #See ch. 4.7.Jason slaughtered his own citizens without mercy, not considering that good success against kinsmen is the greatest ill success, but supposing himself to be setting up trophies over enemies, and not over fellow-countrymen. 7The office however he did not get, but, receiving shame as the end of his conspiracy, he passed #Cp. ch. 4.26.again a fugitive into the country of the Ammonites. 8At the last therefore he met with a miserable end: having been #5.8 The Greek text here is uncertain.shut up at the court of #Cp. 2 Cor. 11.32.Aretas the prince of the #ch. 12.10.1 Mac. 5.39.Arabians, fleeing from city to city, pursued of all men, hated #Cp. ch. an apostate from the laws, and held in abomination as the butcher of his country and his fellow-citizens, he was cast forth into Egypt; 9And he that had driven many from their own country into strange lands perished himself in a strange land, having crossed the sea to #Cp. 1 Mac. 12.2,20,21 & 14.16.the Lacedæmonians, as thinking to find shelter there because they were #1 Mac. 12.7.near of kin; 10And he that had cast out a multitude unburied #Cp. Jer. 22.18,19.had none to mourn for him, nor had he any funeral at all, or place in the sepulchre of his fathers.
11Now when tidings came to the king concerning that which was done, he thought that Judæa was in revolt; whereupon setting out #ver. 1.1 Mac. 1.20.from Egypt in a furious mind, he took the city by force of arms, 12And #1 Mac. 1.24.commanded his soldiers to cut down without mercy such as came in their way, and to slay such as went up upon the houses; 13And there was #1 Mac. 1.24 & 2.9.killing of young and old, making away of boys, women, and children, slaying of virgins and infants. 14And in all the three days of the slaughter there were destroyed fourscore thousand, whereof forty thousand were slain in close combat, and no fewer were sold than slain. 15But not content with this #See 1 Mac. 1.20-23.he presumed to enter into #ch. 2.22 & 3.12.the most holy temple of all the earth, having Menelaus for his guide (him that had proved himself #Cp. ch. 4.50.a traitor both to the laws and to his country), 16Even #See 1 Mac. 1.20-23.taking the sacred vessels with his polluted hands, and dragging down with his profane hands #Cp. ch. 2.13.the offerings that had been dedicated by other kings to the augmentation and glory and honour of the place. 17And Antiochus #ch. 7.34.was lifted up in mind, not seeing that because of the sins of them that dwelt in the city #See ch. 3.24.the Sovereign Lord had been provoked to anger #ch. 7.33. Cp. Is. 54.7,8 & Zech. 1.15.a little while, and therefore his eye was then #Cp. 2 Chr. 30.9.turned away from the place. 18But had it not so been that they were already holden by many sins, this man, even #Cp. ch. 3.25, Heliodorus who was sent by #See ch. 3.3.Seleucus the king to view #See ch. 3.6.the treasury, would, so soon as he pressed forward, have been scourged and turned back from his daring deed. 19Howbeit the Lord did not choose the nation for the place's sake, #Cp. Mark 2.27.but the place for the nation's sake. 20Wherefore also the place itself, having partaken in the calamities that befell the nation, did afterward share in its benefits; #Cp. Is. 60.15.and the place which was forsaken in the wrath of the Almighty was, at #ch. 1.5 & 7.33 & 8.29. Cp. ch. 8.5.the reconciliation of #See ch. 3.24.the great Sovereign, restored again with all glory.
21AS for Antiochus, when #Cp. 1 Mac. 1.23.he had carried away out of the temple a thousand and eight hundred talents, he departed in all haste unto #See 1 Mac. 3.37.Antioch, weening in his arrogancy to make the land navigable and the sea passable by foot, because #ch. 7.34.his heart was lifted up. 22And moreover #Cp. 1 Mac. 1.51.he left governors to afflict the race: at Jerusalem, #ch. 6.11 & 8.8.Philip, by race a Phrygian, and in character more barbarous than him that set him there; 23And at #ch. 6.2. See Judg. 9.7.Gerizim, Andronicus; and besides these, Menelaus, who worse than all the rest exalted himself against his fellow-citizens. And having a malicious mind #5.23 Some authorities read toward the Jews, he sent. The Greek text of this sentence is uncertain.toward the Jews #Cp. ch. 4.9,19 & 9.19. whom he had made his citizens, 24#See 1 Mac. 1.29-32.He sent that #5.24 Gr. mysarch, which may also mean ruler of the Mysians.lord of pollutions #See ch. 4.4.Apollonius with an army of two and twenty thousand, commanding him to slay all those that were of full age, and to sell the women and the younger men. 25And he coming to Jerusalem, and playing the man of peace, waited till the holy day of the sabbath, and finding the Jews at rest from work, he commanded his men to parade in arms. 26And he put to the sword all them that came forth to the spectacle; and running into the city with the armed men he slew great multitudes. 27But Judas, #See 1 Mac. 2.4.who is also called Maccabæus, with nine others or thereabout, withdrew himself, and with his company kept himself alive #Cp. 1 Mac. the mountains after the manner of wild beasts; and they continued feeding on #5.27 Gr. the grassy food.such poor herbs as grew there, that they might not be partakers of the threatened pollution.

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2 Maccabees 5: RV1895





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