We may think we’re right all the time, but God thoroughly examines our motives. It pleases God more when we demonstrate godliness and justice than when we merely offer him a sacrifice. Arrogance, superiority, and pride are the fruits of sin. Brilliant ideas pay off and bring you prosperity, but making hasty, impatient decisions will only lead to financial loss. You can make a fortune dishonestly, but your crime will hold you in the snares of death! Violent rebels don’t have a chance, for their rejection of truth and their love of evil will drag them deeper into darkness. You can discern that a person is guilty by his devious actions and the innocence of a person by his honest, sincere ways. It’s better to live all alone in a rickety shack than to share a castle with a crabby spouse! The wicked always crave what is evil; they’ll show no mercy and get no mercy. Senseless people learn their lessons the hard way, but the wise are teachable. A godly, righteous person has the ability to bring the light of instruction to the wicked even though he despises what the wicked do. If you close your heart to the cries of the poor, then I’ll close my ears when you cry out to me! Try giving a secret gift to the one who is angry with you and watch his anger disappear. A kind, generous gift goes a long way to soothe the anger of one who is livid. When justice is served, the lovers of God celebrate and rejoice, but the wicked begin to panic. When you forsake the ways of wisdom, you will wander into the realm of dark spirits. To love pleasure for pleasure’s sake will introduce you to poverty. Indulging in a life of luxury will never make you wealthy.
Read Proverbs 21
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