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Genesis 1:1-3, 6, 9, 11, 14-15, 20, 24, 26, 29, 31

Genesis 1:1-3 TPT

When God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was completely formless and empty, with nothing but darkness draped over the deep. God’s Spirit hovered over the face of the waters. And then God announced, “Let there be light,” and light burst forth!

Genesis 1:6 TPT

And God said, “Let there be a dome between the waters to separate the water above from the water below.”

Genesis 1:9 TPT

And God said, “Let the water beneath the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry ground appear.” And so it happened.

Genesis 1:11 TPT

Then God said, “Let the land burst forth with growth: plants that bear seeds of their own kind, and every variety of fruit tree, each with power to multiply from its own seed.” And so it happened.

Genesis 1:14-15 TPT

And God said, “Let there be bright lights to shine in space to bathe the earth with their light. Let them serve as signs to separate the day from night, and signify the days, seasons, and years.” And so it happened.

Genesis 1:20 TPT

God said, “Let there be life! Let the waters swarm with sea life, and let the sky be filled with soaring birds of every kind.”

Genesis 1:24 TPT

God said, “Let the earth produce every class and kind of living creature: livestock, crawling things, wild animals, each after its kind.” And so it happened.

Genesis 1:26 TPT

Then God said, “Let us make a man and a woman in our image to be like us. Let them reign over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock, over the creatures that creep along the ground, and over the wild animals.”

Genesis 1:29 TPT

And God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant growing throughout the earth, vegetables, and every fruit-bearing tree with its seed within itself. They will be your food.

Genesis 1:31 TPT

God surveyed all he had made and said, “I love it!” For it pleased him greatly. Evening gave way to morning—day six.