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Xakhaliyas 13

1Tus TSWV uas muaj hwjchim loj kawg nkaus hais tias, “Thaum txog lub sijhawm ntawd, lub qhovdej ntshiab uas huv siab si yuav qhib plho ntxuav Daviv cov xeebntxwv thiab cov neeg uas nyob hauv lub nroog Yeluxalees tej kev txhaum thiab tej kev pe mlom mus povtseg. 2Lub sijhawm ntawd, kuv yuav tshem cov mlom uas nyob hauv lub tebchaws ntawd tej npe tawm mus kom tas, thiab tsis muaj leejtwg yuav nco txog lawv ntxiv li lawm. Kuv yuav tshem txhua tus uas khav hais tias nws yog tus cev Vajtswv lus thiab muab lawv txojkev uas ntshaw pe mlom coj mus povtseg. 3Yog leejtwg tseem nyiam ua tus cevlus, mas nws niam nws txiv yuav tsum qhia rau nws hais tias, ‘Nws yuav raug muab tua kom tuag, rau qhov nws khav hais tias yog nws qhia tus TSWV txojlus, tiamsis yog nws hais tej lus dag xwb.’ Thaum nws cevlus, nws niam thiab nws txiv yuav tsum muab nws ntaus kom tuag. 4Thaum txog lub sijhawm ntawd, cov cevlus yuav raug txajmuag, txhua tus yuav tsis khav lawv tej yogtoog; lawv yuav tsis hnav cov cevlus tej tsho ntev mus dag ntxias neeg ntxiv lawm. 5Tiamsis, nws yuav hais tias, ‘Kuv tsis yog ib tug cevlus. Kuv yog ib tug neeg ua teb xwb, kuv lub neej yeej ibtxwm yog neeg ua teb los txog niaj hnub no.’ 6Yog leejtwg nug nws hais tias, ‘Ua li cas koj muaj qhov txhab nyob ntawm koj hauvsiab?’ nws yuav teb hais tias, ‘Kuv raug tej qhov txhab no hauv kuv tus phoojywg tsev los.’ ”
Samhwm Kom Tua Vajtswv Tus Tub Yug Yaj
7Tus TSWV uas muaj hwjchim loj kawg nkaus hais tias, “Rab ntaj, koj cia li sawv, thiab mus tua tus tub yug yaj#13.7 Tub yug yaj: Saib 11.4. uas ua haujlwm rau kuv! Cia li muab nws tua kom tuag, ces cov yaj yuav tawg khiav ri sua rau ub rau no. Kuv yuav tawmtsam kuv haivneeg,#Mat 26.31; Mak 14.27 8thiab nyob thoob plaws hauv lub tebchaws yuav muaj neeg tuag txog ob feem peb. 9Kuv yuav sim ib feem peb uas seem ntawd, thiab yuav muab lawv ntxuav kom dawbhuv ib yam li tej nyiaj uas coj mus hlawv hauv qhovcub kom tau tej tseem nyiaj. Kuv yuav sim lawv ib yam li sim kub. Ces lawv yuav thov kuv, thiab kuv yuav teb lawv tej lus thov. Kuv yuav qhia rau lawv hais tias lawv yog kuv haivneeg, thiab lawv yuav lees hais tias kuv yog lawv tus Vajtswv.”

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Xakhaliyas 13: MWW2000





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