Lukas 2
1And it came about at that time that a dvar malchut (decree) was sent out from Caesar Augustus to register everyone in the entire Roman Empire. 2This former mifkad was that taken while Quirinius was ruling in Syria (see Ac 5:37 for latter). 3And everyone was traveling to register, each to his own shtetl. 4Now Yosef#2:4 ben Dovid also went up from the Galil, from the shtetl of Natzeret, to Yehudah, to the Ir Dovid (City of David), which is called Beit-Lechem, because he was of the mishpochah and Bais of Dovid. 5And Yosef#2:5 ben Dovid went up to register with Miryam, who had been given to him in erusin (betrothal) and who was with child. 6And it came about, while they were there, the yamim (days) were fulfilled for Miryam to give birth. 7And she bore her ben, her Bechor (firstborn); and she wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in an evus (animal feeding trough), because there was no place for them in the malon (inn).
8And ro'im (shepherds) were in the same region, living outside in the open air, and keeping shomer over their eder (flock) balailah. 9And, suddenly, a malach Hashem stood before them, and the kavod Hashem shone around them; and they were afraid with a yirah gedolah (great fear). 10And the malach said to them, Do not have pachad (fear, terror); for hinei I announce Besuras HaGeulah to you of great simcha (joy) which will be for kol Am Berit (all the People of the Covenant); 11Because hayom, in Ir Dovid, has been born to you a Moshia (Go'el, Savior, Oisleizer), who is Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach HaAdon.#2:11 Isa 9:6[5]; Mal 3:1 12And this will be HaOt (The Sign) to you: you will find a small child, an infant, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in an evus.#2:12 1Sm 2:34; 2Kgs 19:29; Ps 86:17; Isa 7:14 13And, suddenly, there was with the malach a multitude of the Tzivos Hashem, the Tzivos HaShomayim (Armies or Hosts of Heaven) praising Hashem, and saying, 14Kavod to Hashem in the Highest; and on haaretz shalom among Bnei Adam kavvanah tovah (of good intention).#2:14 Isa 9:5-6; 52:7; 53:5; Mic 5:4-5
15And it came about, when the malachim withdrew from them to Shomayim, the roim (shepherds) were saying to one another, Let us go now up to Beit-Lechem and let us see this thing that has come about which Hashem has made known to us. 16And they came in haste and found both Miryam and Yosef,#2:16 ben Dovid and the child was lying in the evus (animal feeding trough).#2:16 See Isa 53:7 on Moshiach the Seh 17And when the roim saw this, they made known the dvar concerning this yeled which had been told them. 18And all who heard it were amazed about the things which were told them by the roim (shepherds). 19But Miryam was treasuring up all these things, pondering them in her lev. 20And the roim went back, and as they returned, they cried, Baruch Hashem! They gave kavod to G-d for all that they had heard and seen, just as it had been foretold to them.
21And when shemonah yamim were completed for his bris milah, YEHOSHUA was given as SHMO, which he was called by the malach, before he was conceived in the womb.#2:21 Zech 6:11-12; 3:8
22And when the yamim (days) for their tohorah (purification) according to the Torah of Moshe were completed, they brought him up to Yerushalayim to present him to Hashem.#2:22 Lv 12:2-8; also see NUM 3 on Pidyon haben 23As it has been written in the Torat Hashem, KHOL ZACHAR opening the RECHEM KODESH to Hashem,#2:23 Ex 13:2,12,15; Num 3:13 24And to offer a korban according to the thing having been said in the Torat Hashem, SHTEI TORIM O SHNEI BENI YONAH (a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons).#2:24 Lv 12:8 25And there was an ish in Yerushalayim whose shem was Shim'on, a tzaddik, a chasid, awaiting the Nechamat Yisroel (Consolation of Israel), and the Ruach Hakodesh was upon him.#2:25 Isa 52:9 26And it had been revealed to him by the Ruach Hakodesh that he was not to see mavet until he had seen Hashemʼs Moshiach. 27And Shim'on came in the Ruach Hakodesh into the courts of the Beis HaMikdash; and when the horim (parents) brought in the yeled, Yehoshua, to do concerning him the required mitzvah of the Torah,#2:27 Lv 12:6-8 28Then Shim'on took him into his arms, saying, Baruch Hashem, and the following: 29And now, Adonoi, dismiss Your eved in shalom, according to Your dvar (word); 30Because my eynayim have beheld the Yeshu'at Eloheinu,#2:30 Isa 40:5; 52:10 31Which You prepared in the presence of kol haammim (all the peoples), 32An Ohr (Light) to give hisgalus (revelation) to the Nations and the kavod (glory) of Your Am (people), Yisroel.#2:32 Isa 42:6; 49:6
33And the Abba and Em of the yeled were amazed at the things being spoken about him. 34And Shim'on said a bracha over them and said to Miryam his Em, Hinei this one is destined for the michshol (stumbling) and tekumah (revival) of RABBIM#2:34 Isa 53:11-12 in Yisroel and for an Ot (Sign) that will be opposed (against which there will be mitnaggedim, opponents).#2:34 Isa 8:14; 53:3 35And a cherev (sword) will pierce the neshamah of you yourself also so that the machshavot of many levavot (hearts) will be revealed.
36And there was a neviah (prophetess) named Chanah Bat Pnuel, of the shevet (tribe) of Asher. This isha (woman) was advanced in age, having lived with her baal (husband) sheva shanim (seven years) from her betulim (virginity), 37And then to the age of eighty-four she had lived as an almanah (widow) who was not departing from the Beis HaMikdash, serving yomam valailah (day and night) with tzomot (fastings) and tefillos. 38And at that very moment she came and stood nearby, exclaiming, Baruch Hashem. And she continued speaking about him to all the ones anticipating the Geulah (Redemption) of Yerushalayim.#2:38 Isa 40:2; 52:9
39And when they had been shomer mitzvot and completed everything according to the Torat Hashem, they returned to the Galil and to their own shtetl of Natzeret. 40And the yeled continued growing and was given chozek (strength), being filled with chochmah (wisdom), and the Chen vChesed Hashem was upon him.
41And his horim (parents) used to make aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim shanah b'shanah (year by year) for Chag HaPesach (the Feast of Pesach).#2:41 Ex 23:15; Dt 16:1-8 42And when he became a bocher of twelve years of age, they made aliyah leregel (pilgrimage), as usual, according to the mitzvah and minhag of the Chag. 43And as they were returning, having fulfilled the prescribed number of yamim (days), the bocher Yehoshua stayed behind in Yerushalayim. And his horim (parents) did not have daas (knowledge) of this, 44But supposed him to be in the caravan, and went a dayʼs journey. And they began looking for him among the krovim (relatives) and acquaintances. 45And, not having found him, they returned to Yerushalayim, looking for him. 46And it came about, that after shlosha yamim (three days) they found him in the courts of the Beis HaMikdash, sitting in the midst of the rabbis, both listening to them and asking them she'elot (kashes, questions). 47And all the ones listening to him where amazed at his binah and at his teshuvot (answers). 48And when his horim (parents) saw him, they were astounded, and his Em (mother) said to him, Beni, why did you do thus to us? Hinei, your abba and I were anxiously looking for you. 49And he said to them, Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not have daas that I must be in the Beis Avi?#2:49 i.e., dealing with His affairs 50And they did not have binah of the dvar which he spoke to them. 51And he went down with them, and they came to Natzeret; and he continued in mishma'at (obedience) to his horim (parents). And his Em (mother) was treasuring all these things in her lev (heart).
52And Yehoshua kept increasing in chochmah V'GADEL VATOV GAM IM HASHEM VGAM IM ANASHIM (and in stature and favor with Hashem and men).#2:52 1Sm 2:26
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Lukas 2: TOJB2011

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