Lukas 12
1Meanwhile, when the multitudes by the thousands assembled, to the point of trampling one another, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said this in a yechidus first to his talmidim, Be shomer regarding the chametz of the Perushim, which is their tzeviut (hypocrisy). 2And nothing that men hide in a cover up is concealed which will not be revealed, and nothing held nistar (hidden) which will not be laid bare. 3So then, what things you said in the choshech, will be heard in the ohr; and what you whispered in the ear bchadrei chadarim (in a most secret place) will be shouted from the roof tops.
4I say to you, my chaverim, do not have pachad (terror) of the killers of the basar, who after that have nothing more they can do. 5But I will show you someone of whom you should have yirah; fear the One who after killing the basar has the samchut to throw into Gehinnom. Ken, I say to you, have yirah (fear) of this One. 6Are not chamesh sparrows sold for two assarion? And not even one of them has been overlooked in the eynayim of Hashem. 7But even the hairs of your rosh have all been inventoried. Never fear. You are of more worth than many sparrows.
8And I say to you, whoever will declare the Ani Maamin public hoda'ah (acknowledgement) of me#12:8 as Moshiach before Bnei Adam, the Bar Enosh#12:8 Moshiach, Dan 7:13-14 will make public hodaah (acknowledgement) of him before the malachim of Hashem. 9But the one having made hakhchashah (denial) of me#12:9 as the Bar Enosh Moshiach, Dan 7:13-14 before Bnei Adam will be denied before the malachim of Hashem. 10And everyone who will say a dvar against the Bar Enosh,#12:10 Moshiach, Dan 7:13-14 he will be given selicha (forgiveness). But the one having committed Chillul Hashem gidduf (blasphemy) against the Ruach Hakodesh will not be given selicha. 11And when they bring you in before the shuls and the rulers and the manhigim, do not have a lev rogez about what you should speak in your own hitstaddekut (defense), or about your legal brief. 12For the Ruach Hakodesh will be your rabbi teaching you in the same hour what it is necessary to say.#12:12 Ex 4:12
13And someone out of the multitude said to him, Rabbi, speak to my ach to share with me the yerushah (inheritance). 14But he said to him, Ben Adam, who appointed me a shofet or an arbitrator over you? 15And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, Take care and be shomer against all chamdanut (covetousness), because the Chayyei HaAdam does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.#12:15 Job 20:20; 31:24; Ps 62:10 16And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach spoke a mashal (parable) to them saying, An aza (certain) oisher (rich man) had land that produced a good crop. 17And he was thinking to himself, saying, What should I do? Because I do not have a place where I will store my crops. 18And he said, This I will do. I will tear down my asim (granaries, storehouses) and I will build larger asim. And there I will gather all my grain and my produce. 19And I will say to my neshamah, Neshamah, you have an ample store of goods for many years to come. Take your ease, LEEKHOL, VLISHTOT, VLISHMOACH#12:19 Koh 8:15 (to eat, and to drink, and to be merry). 20But Hashem said to him, Goilem! Halailah hazeh your nashamah is required of you. Now to whom will be given what you prepared?#12:20 Jer 17:11; Job 27:8; Ps 39:6; 49:10 21Such is the one hoarding up for himself and not having osher toward Hashem.
22And Rebbe, Melech, HaMoshiach said to his talmidim, Therefore, I say to you: do not have a LEV ROGEZ#12:22 Dt 28:65 for your Chayyim, about your okhel (food) or your basar (body), what you might put on. 23For the neshamah is more than okhel and the basar more than gartel (belt) and shtreimel (expensive hat).#12:23 Gn 47:18; Ps 16:9-10; Job 19:25,27; Isa 53:11 24Consider the ravens! They do not sow nor reap, they have no storeroom or asam (granary), yet Hashem feeds them. Of how much more worth are you than the OPH HASHOMAYIM.#12:24 Job 38:41; Ps 147:9 25And can any of you by means of a LEV ROGEZ add one cubit to your span of Chayyim? 26If then you are not able to do even a small thing, why have a LEV ROGEZ about the rest? 27Consider the lilies! How they grow! A lily does not labor nor spin. But I say to you, not even Sh'lomo HaMelech in all his kavod was arrayed like one of these.#12:27 1Kgs 10:4-7 28And if Hashem so enrobes the grass of the field, which is here hayom (today) and thrown into the eish makhar (tomorrow), how much more will Hashem enrobe you, you ones of little bitachon. 29And don't keep striving after okhel (food) and skikuy (drink), and don't have a lev rogez (anxious heart). 30For all these things the Goyim of the Olam Hazeh strive after, but your Av#12:30 sh'ba'Shomayim has daas (knowledge) that you need these things. 31But seek the Malchut Hashem, and these things will be added to you as well.
32Do not have pachad (terror, fear), Eder Katan (Little Flock), because it is the ratzon, the chefetz (desire) of your Av#12:32 sh'ba'Shomayim to give you the Malchut. 33Sell your possessions and give tzedakah. Make for yourselves the baitel (wallet) that doesn't wear out, an inexhaustible otzar (treasure) in Shomayim, where no ganav (thief) comes near nor moth destroys. 34For where your otzar (treasure) is, there also will be your lev (heart).
35Tighten your gartels for action and have your menorahs lit. 36And you should be like bnei Adam who expectantly khakeh l'vo'o shel (await the arrival of) their Adon when he returns from the Chasunoh, in order that, when he comes and knocks, ofen ort they may open the delet for him. 37Ashrey are those avadim (servants), whom, having come, the Adon will find keeping shomer. Omein, I say to you, that he will fasten his gartel, and have those avadim (servants) sit down to tish, and he will come and serve them. 38And if in the second or if in the third watch he comes and finds it thus, ashrey (happy, blessed) are those. 39But have daas of this, that if the Baal Bayit had had da'as in what hour the ganav (thief) comes, he would not have allowed his bais to be broken into. 40So you be shomer, for the Bar Enosh#12:40 Moshiach, Dan 7:13-14 comes in an hour you do not think.
41And Kefa said, Adoneinu, are you speaking this mashal for us or for all? 42And HaAdon said, Who then is the sochen haneeman and navon (faithful and wise steward) whom HaAdon will appoint over his avadim to give them their okhel (food) allowance at the proper time? 43Ashrey is that eved, whom, having come, his Adon will find doing thus. 44Omein, I say to you, that he will appoint him over all that he has. 45But if that eved says in his lev, Adoni delays to come to me, and if that eved begins to beat the avadim (servants) and the shfakhot (maid servants), and to gluttonize and get down in his schnapps, 46HaAdon of that eved will come on a day which he does not expect and at an hour of which he does not have da'as, and will cut him in pieces and assign him the portion of the Apikoros with the koferim (unbelievers). 47That eved, who had daas of the ratzon of his Adon and did not get prepared or do according to his ratzon, will be beaten with a klap (blow) and not a few.#12:47 Dt 25:2 48But the one not having had daas, but having done things worthy of a klap, will receive but a few. But to everyone to whom much was given, much will be required from him, and to whom was entrusted much, even more achraius (accountability) will be required.#12:48 Lv 5:17; Num 15:27-30
49I came to throw Eish on the earth, and how I wish it was already kindled! 50And I have a tevilah I have to undergo, and how I am distressed until it is completed. 51Do you think that I came to bring Shalom on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather machaloket (division, controversy). 52For there will be from now in one bais (household) chamesh (five) having been divided, shalosha against shenayim and shenayim against shalosha, 53AV will be divided against BEN and BEN against AV, EM (mother) against BAT and BAT against EM, KALLAH BACHAMOT (daughter-in-law against mother-in-law) and CHAMOT against KALLAH.#12:53 Mic 7:6
54And he was saying also to the multitudes, When you see the anan rising over the maarav (west), ofen ort you say, Geshem (rain) is coming, and so it happens. 55And when there is a south wind blowing, you say, It will be kham (hot), and it happens. 56Tzevu'im! You have daas how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky; how is it, then, that you do not have daas of how to interpret HaZman HaZeh (This Time)?
57And why also for yourselves do you not judge what is yashar (straight, right)? 58For as you go with your ish riv (opponent in a lawsuit) to appear before the magistrate, on the derech make an effort to settle with him, lest he drag you to the shofet, and the shofet will hand over you to the shoter, and the shoter will throw you into the beit hasohar. 59I say to you, by no means may you come out, until even the last peruta (small coin) you pay back.
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Lukas 12: TOJB2011

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