Yechezkel 45
1Moreover, when ye shall divide by lot HaAretz as nachalah, ye shall offer a terumah (holy portion, gift) unto Hashem, kodesh#45:1 a holy precinct, district from HaAretz; the length shall be five and twenty thousand#45:1 six-cubit rods long, and the width shall be ten thousand. This shall be kodesh in all the boundary thereof round about. 2Of this area there shall be for the Kodesh a square five hundred by five hundred all around; and fifty cubits round about for the migrash (open space) thereof. 3And of this middah shalt thou measure the length of five and twenty thousand, and the width of ten thousand; and in it shall be the Mikdash and the Kodesh HaKodashim. 4The kodesh of HaAretz shall be for the Kohanim the Mesharetim of the Mikdash, which shall come near to minister unto Hashem; and it shall be a place for their batim (houses), and a mikdash for the Mikdash. 5And the five and twenty thousand of length, and the ten thousand of width shall also the Levi'im, the Mesharetim of the Beis,#45:5 HaMikdash have for themselves, for a achuzzah for twenty leshakhot.
6And ye shall allot the achuzzah of the Ir five thousand wide, and five and twenty thousand long, alongside the terumat hakodesh; it shall be for kol Bais Yisroel.
7And a portion shall be for the Nasi on the one side and on the other side of the terumat hakodesh, and of the achuzzah of the Ir, before the terumat hakodesh, and before the achuzzah of the Ir, from the west side westward, and from the east side eastward; and the length shall correspond to one of the chalakim (portions),#45:7 i.e., tribal portions or allotments from the west boundary unto the east boundary. 8In the land shall be his achuzzah in Yisroel; and My Nasiim (Princes, Rulers) shall no more oppress My people; and the rest of HaAretz shall they give to Bais Yisroel according to their Shivtei.#45:8 Bnei Yisroel
9Thus saith Adonoi Hashem: Let it suffice you, O Nasi'im (Princes, Rulers) of Yisroel: remove chamas and oppression, and execute mishpat and tzedakah, take away your gerushot (exactions) from My people, saith Adonoi Hashem.
10Ye shall have me'oznei tzedek (honest scales), and an ephah tzedek, and a bas tzedek. 11The ephah and the bas shall be of one measure, that the bas may contain the tenth part of a chomer, and the ephah the tenth part of a chomer; the measure thereof shall be after the chomer. 12And the shekel shall be twenty gerah; twenty shekalim, five and twenty shekalim, fifteen shekel, shall be the minah for you.
13This is the terumah that ye shall offer; the sixth part of an ephah of a chomer of chittim, and ye shall give the sixth part of an ephah of a chomer of se'orim; 14Concerning the chok of shemen, the bas of shemen, ye shall offer the tenth part of a bas out of the cor, which is a chomer of ten bas; for ten basim are a chomer; 15And one seh out of the tzon, out of two hundred, out of the mashkeh of Yisroel; for a minchah, and for an olah, and for shelamim, to make kapporah for them, saith Adonoi Hashem. 16Kol HaAm HaAretz shall give this terumah for the Nasi in Yisroel. 17And it shall be the part of the Nasi to give olot, and minchah, and nesekh, in the Chagim, and in the Rosh Chodesh, and in the Shabbatot, in all Mo'adim of the Bais Yisroel; he shall prepare the chattat, and the minchah, and the olah, and the shelamim, to make kapporah for Bais Yisroel.
18Thus saith Adonoi Hashem: In the first month, in the first day of the month, thou shalt take a young bull tamim (without blemish), and cleanse the Mikdash; 19And the Kohen shall take of the dahm of the chattat, and put it upon the mezuzat HaBeis,#45:19 HaMikdash and upon the four pinnot of the enclosure of the Mizbe'ach, and upon the mezuzat Sha'ar HeKhatzer HaPenimit. 20And so thou shalt do the seventh day of the month for every one that is unwitting, and for him that is ignorant; so shall ye make kapporah for the Beis.#45:20 HaMikdash
21In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, ye shall have the Pesach, a Chag shevu'ot yamim; matzot shall be eaten. 22And upon that day shall the Nasi prepare for himself and for kol Am HaAretz a bull for a chattat.#45:22 See MJ 4:15 23And shivat yamim of the Chag he shall prepare an olah to Hashem, seven bulls and seven rams temimim (without blemish) daily the shivat hayamim; and a goat daily for a chattat. 24And he shall prepare a minchah of an ephah for a bull, and an ephah for a ram, and a hin of shemen for an ephah. 25In the seventh month, in the fifteenth day of the month, shall he do the same in the Chag#45:25 of Sukkot of the shivat hayamim, according to the chattat, according to the olah, and according to the minchah, and according to the shemen.
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Yechezkel 45: TOJB2011

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