Gevurot Meyruach Hakodesh 5
1And a certain man by the name Chananyah, with his wife Shappira, sold property, 2And he, with his wife in collusion as to da'as, misappropriated from the price, and having brought a certain part, laid it at the feet of the Moshiachʼs Shlichim.#5:2 Josh 7:11 3But Kefa said, Chananyah, why has HaSatan filled your lev (heart) that you lied to the Ruach Hakodesh and misappropriated from the price of the land?#5:3 Dt 23:21 4While it remained with you, did it not remain yours? And after it was sold, were the proceeds not under your samchut (authority)? How is it that you have hatched this deed in your lev (heart)? Your sheker (lie) was not to Bnei Adam but to Elohim.#5:4 Dt 23:22; Lv 6:2 5And hearing these devarim, having fallen down, Chananyah died; and there came great yirat Shomayim upon all the ones listening.#5:5 Ps 5:6 6And having got up, the bochrim threw the tachrichin shroud over him and, having carried him out, they buried him in a kever.
7And there was an interval of lav davka (approximately) shloshah sha'ot and then his isha, not having da'as of what had happened, entered. 8And in reply to her, Kefa said, Tell me, you sold the sadeh for such and such a price, did you? And she said, Ken, for such and such a price, that was the amount. 9And Kefa said to her, Why was it agreed by the two of you to put the Ruach Hakodesh of Hashem to the test? Hinei! The feet of the ones having buried your ba'al are at the petach (doorway), and they will carry you out. 10And she fell immediately at his feet and died. And, the bochrim, having entered, found her dead; and, having carried her out, they buried her with her ba'al. 11And there came great yirat Shomayim upon the whole Messianic kehillah and upon all the ones hearing these things.
12Now by the hands of the Moshiachʼs Shlichim were being effected many otot and moftim among the people and with a sense of achdus they were all in the Ulam Sh'lomo. 13But none of the rest was daring to be mishtatef in a chavura (becoming involved, joining a fellowship) with them; however, the Am Yisroel held the Messianic Jews in high esteem. 14And more and more ma'aminim hameshichiyim in Adoneinu were being added, multitudes of anashim and nashim, 15So much so that even out into the rekhovot they would carry the cholim and put them on pallets and mats, that when Kefa came by, at least his shadow might fall upon some of them. 16And also the multitudes from the shtetlach surrounding Yerushalayim were coming together, carrying the cholim and the ones being tormented by ruchot teme'ot (unclean spirits); and they were all receiving refu'ah shleimah.
17But there was an uprising of the Kohen Gadol and all the ones with him of the Tzedukim kat, and they were filled with kinah. 18And they laid their hands upon the Moshiachʼs Shlichim and they put them in a public beis hasohar. 19And a malach Adonoi (an angel of Hashem) opened the doors of the beis hasohar balailah, and having led them out, said,#5:19 Gn 16:7; Ex 3:2; Ps 34:7 20Go and stand and speak in the Beis Hamikdash to the people kol divrei HaChayyim haelleh. 21And having heard, the Moshiachʼs Shlichim entered the Beis Hamikdash at Shachrit and were saying shiurim.
And when the Kohen Gadol and the ones with him had come, they called together the Sanhedrin and all the assembly of Zekenim of the Bnei Yisroel, and they sent to the beis hasohar for the prisoners to be brought to them. 22But their mesharetim, having come, did not find them in the beis hasohar. And having returned, they reported these things 23Saying, We found the beis hasohar locked tight and the shomrim standing at the doors; but when we opened up, we found no one inside. 24And when the Sar Tzeva HaHeikhal of the Beis Hamikdash and the Rashei Hakohanim heard these words, they were perplexed about them, as far as what would come of all this. 25But someone came and reported to them, Hinei, the men whom you put in the beis hasohar are in the Beis Hamikdash standing and saying shiurim to the people. 26Then the Sar Tzeva HaHeikhal went along with the mesharetim and brought the Moshiachʼs Shlichim back, but not with force — for they feared the people, lest they should be stoned.
27And when they had brought them, they stood the Moshiachʼs Shlichim before the Sanhedrin, and the Kohen Gadol questioned them, 28Saying, Did we not with a strict command charge you not to say shiurim b'shem hazeh and, hinei, you have filled Yerushalayim with your torah and are determined to bring upon us the dahm of this man. 29And in reply Kefa and the Moshiachʼs Shlichim said, It is necessary to obey Hashem rather than Bnei Adam.#5:29 Ex 1:17 30Elohei Avoteinu made Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to stand up alive again, the very one whom you killed, having made him talui al haEtz (being hanged on the tree).#5:30 Dt 21:23 31This one Hashem exalted as Sar and Moshi'a (Oisleizer) to His right hand to grant teshuva to Yisroel and selicha (forgiveness) of chatta'im (averos, sins). 32And we are the eidus (witness) of these matters and so is the Ruach Hakodesh whom Hashem gave to the ones obeying Him.
33And the ones having heard were cut to the quick and in fury were deciding to do away with them. 34But a certain Parush got up in the Sanhedrin, a moreh of Torah by name Rabban Gamli'el, respected by kol Am Yisroel, and he gave orders to put the men outside for a little while. 35And Rabban Gamli'el said to them, Anshei Yisroel, pay attention to yourselves what you are about to do with these anashim. 36For at an earlier tekufa (era, period), there was the uprising of Theudas, who claimed to be somebody himself, with whom were associated a number of anashim lav davka (approximately) four hundred; who was done away with and as many as were obeying him were all dispersed and it came to nothing. 37After this there was Yehudah HaGalili in the yamim of the census; who misled the people to follow after him and that man perished and, as many as were obeying him, were all scattered. 38And now I say to you, stay away from these anashim, and leave them alone, because if this cheshbon (plan) or this matter is of Bnei Adam, it will be overthrown. 39But if it is from Hashem, you are not able to overthrow them — in that case you may even be found to be fighting keneged (against, opposing) Hashem. And they were persuaded by Rabban Gamli'el.#5:39 2C 13:12; Prov 21:30; Isa 46:10 40And having called together the Moshiachʼs Shluchim and having flogged them, they warned them not to speak in the shem of Yehoshua, and they released them. 41Therefore Moshiachʼs Shluchim were going rejoicing from the presence of the Sanhedrin, that they were considered worthy to suffer shame for ha-Shem (the Name). 42And every day in the Beis Hamikdash and from bais to bais they did not stop saying shiurim and drashot about Yehoshua as Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.
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Gevurot Meyruach Hakodesh 5: TOJB2011

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