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Yauhaa 7

Yexu hab nwg cov kwv
1Dhau ntawd Yexu moog moog lug lug huv lub xeev Kalilai. Nwg tsw xaav moog rua huv lub xeev Yutia tsua qhov cov Yutai pheej nrhav kev txuv Yexu. 2Thaus ntawd ze lub swjhawm kws cov Yutai ua kevcai nyob tsev pheeb suav. 3Yexu cov kwv txawm has rua Yexu tas, “Ca le tawm ntawm nuav moog rua nraag Yutia sub koj cov thwjtim txhad le pum tej num kws koj ua, 4vem tsw muaj leejtwg xaav tau koob meej es yuav ua num nraim quas nreeg. Yog koj yuav ua tej nuav koj ca le tshwm ntsej muag rua suavdawg pum.” 5Txawm yog Yexu cov kwv los kuj tsw tso sab rua nwg. 6Yexu txhad has rua puab tas, “Tsw tau txug kuv lub swjhawm, tassws mej le mas lub swjhawm twg kuj tau. 7Lub nplajteb tsw muaj chaw ntxub mej tassws ntxub kuv vem kuv ua timkhawv tas tej kws nplajteb ua mas phem kawg le. 8Mej ca le moog ua kevcai nyob tsev pheeb suav, kuv tsw moog ua zag kevcai nuav vem tsw tau txug lub swjhawm kws teem ca rua kuv.” 9Thaus has le ntawd taag lawd Yexu tseed nyob huv Kalilai.
Yexu moog ua kevcai nyob tsev pheeb suav
10Thaus Yexu cov kwv moog ua kevcai tsev pheeb suav taag lawm, Yexu kuj moog hab tassws nwg moog tuabywv tsw taab meeg rua suavdawg pum. 11Thaus ua zag kevcai hov cov Yutai nrhav Yexu hab nug tas, “Nwg nyob hovtwg?” 12Tej tuabneeg sws ntxhw zum quas zawg txug Yexu. Qee leej has tas, “Nwg yog tuabneeg zoo,” qee leej has tas, “Tsw yog, nwg ua rua cov tuabneeg yuam kev xwb.” 13Tassws tsw muaj leejtwg taab meeg has txug Yexu vem yog ntshai cov Yutai.
14Thaus tub ua kevcai txug nraab lawm, Yexu nce moog qhuab qha rua huv lub tuam tsev. 15Cov Yutai xaav tsw thoob has tas, “Tug nuav tub tsw kawm ntawv ua caag nwg paub ua luaj le?” 16Yexu teb puab tas, “Tej lug kws kuv qha tsw yog kuv le, tassws yog tug kws khaiv kuv lug le. 17Yog leejtwg xaav ua lawv le Vaajtswv lub sab nyam, tug hov yuav paub tas tej lug qha nuav lug ntawm Vaajtswv lug lossws kuv has lawv le kuv lub sab xwb. 18Tug kws has lawv nwg lub sab xwb yeej nrhav koob meej rua nwg tug kheej. Tassws tug kws nrhav koob meej rua tug kws khaiv nwg lug tug hov yeej has tseeb, tsw muaj ib qho daag le. 19Mauxe muab txuj kevcai rua mej los tsw yog? Tassws mej cov tsw muaj ib tug tuav txuj kevcai hov. Mej nrhav kev tua kuv ua daabtsw?” 20Cov tuabneeg ntawd teb tas, “Koj raug daab. Leejtwg nrhav kev tua koj?” 21Yexu teb puab tas, “Kuv tau ua ib yaam xwb, mas mej txhua tug xaav tsw thoob le. 22Mauxe qha mej ua kevcai txav, tassws txuj kevcai txav hov tsw yog tau ntawm Mauxe lug yog tau ntawm tej yawm koob thau u lug. Mej tub muab tuabneeg ua kevcai txav rua nub Xanpatau.#7:22 Xanpatau: yog nub kws su caiv rua Vaajtswv 23Yog nub Xanpatau mej tub muab mivnyuas tub ua kevcai txav sub txhad tsw txhum Mauxe txuj kevcai, ua caag mej tseed chim tsua qhov kws kuv khu ib tug yawm zoo mob rua nub Xanpatau? 24Tsw xob txav txem lawv le lub qhov muag pum xwb, yuav tsum txav lawv le qhov ncaaj.”
Yexu yog tug Kheto lov?
25Cov tuabneeg huv Yeluxalee qee leej txhad has tas, “Tug nuav tsw yog tug kws puab nrhav kev tua lov? 26Nwg tub nyob ntawm nuav nev, nwg saamswm has taab meeg los puab tsw has le caag rua nwg. Nyab cov kws ua hlub yeej paub tseeb tas tug nuav yog tug Kheto#7:26 tug Kheto: yog tug Mexiya lossws tug Cawmseej kws Vaajtswv cog lug tseg tas yuav lug los tsw yog? 27Tassws peb paub tas tug nuav tuaj hovtwg tuaj. Thaus tug Kheto tshwm lug yuav tsw muaj leejtwg paub tas nwg tuaj hovtwg tuaj.” 28Thaus Yexu qhuab qha huv lub tuam tsev nwg txawm qw has tas, “Mej yeej paub kuv hab paub tas kuv tuaj hovtwg tuaj. Tsw yog kuv tuaj lawv le kuv lub sab xwb. Tug kws khaiv kuv tuaj mas muaj tseeb los mej tsw paub nwg. 29Kuv paub nwg vem yog kuv tuaj ntawm nwg tuaj hab nwg khaiv kuv tuaj.” 30Puab txawm nrhav kev nteg Yexu tassws tsw muaj leejtwg tsaa teg kov nwg vem tsw tau txug nwg lub swjhawm. 31Tassws muaj ntau leej huv cov tuabneeg hov ntseeg Yexu hab has tas, “Thaus tug Kheto tshwm lug, nwg yuav ua tej txujci tseem ceeb ntau dua tug nuav ua hab lov?”
Tso tuabneeg moog nteg Yexu
32Thaus cov Falixai nov tej pejxeem sws ntxhw txug Yexu le ntawd, cov pov thawj hlub hab cov Falixai txawm khaiv tub teg tub taw moog nteg Yexu. 33Yexu txawm has tas, “Kuv yuav nrug mej nyob tsw ntev, tes kuv yuav rov moog cuag tug kws khaiv kuv tuaj. 34Mej yuav nrhav kuv los nrhav tsw tau. Qhov chaw kws kuv nyob ntawd mej moog tsw tau.” 35Cov Yutai txawm sws thaam has tas, “Tug yawm nuav yuav moog rua hovtwg kws peb nyim yuav nrhav tsw tau nwg? Nwg yuav moog rua peb cov tuabneeg kws nyob ua saab ua sua rua huv cov Kili hab qha cov Kili lov? 36Qhov kws nwg has tas, ‘Mej yuav nrhav kuv los nrhav tsw tau,’ hab ‘Qhov chaw kws kuv nyob ntawd mej moog tsw tau,’ lub ntsab yog le caag?”
Tug dej kws pub txujsa
37Nub kawg kws puab ua kevcai ntawd yog nub tseem ceeb heev, Yexu sawv ntsug qw nrov has tas, “Yog leejtwg nqhes, ca tug hov lug cuag kuv hab haus. 38Leejtwg tso sab rua kuv yuav muaj lawv le Vaajtswv txujlug kws sau ca has tas, ‘Tej nam dej kws pub txujsa yuav txhawv ndwg huv tug hov lub sab lug.’ ”#7:38 saib Exkh. 47:1, Xkhy. 14:8 39Qhov kws Yexu has ntawd yog has txug Vaaj Ntsuj Plig kws cov kws tso sab rua Yexu yuav tau txais. Tsua qhov tseed tsw tau pub Vaaj Ntsuj Plig lug vem Yexu tseed tsw tau txais tug fwjchim ci ntsaa ab.
Cov tuabneeg muaj kev sws caam
40Thaus cov tuabneeg tau nov le ntawd, muaj qee leej has tas, “Tug nuav yog tug xwbfwb cev Vaajtswv lug tag tag le.”#7:40 saib Kc. 18:15,18 41Lwm tug kuj has tas, “Tug nuav yog tug Kheto.” Muaj qee leej has tas, “Tug Kheto yuav tshwm huv Kalilai tuaj lov? 42Vaajtswv txujlug has ca tas tug Kheto yuav tshwm huv Tavi caaj ceg lug hab tshwm lug huv lub moos Npelehee kws Tavi txeev nyob los tsw yog?” 43Yog le nuav cov tuabneeg txhad sws caam txug Yexu. 44Qee leej xaav nteg Yexu tassws tsw muaj leejtwg tsaa teg kov nwg le.
Cov thawj tsw ntseeg
45Cov tub teg tub taw rov qaab moog cuag cov pov thawj hlub hab cov Falixai. Puab txawm nug cov tub teg tub taw tas, “Ua le caag mej tsw nteg nwg lug?” 46Cov tub teg tub taw teb tas, “Tsw txeev muaj ib tug txawj has le tug hov hlo le.” 47Cov Falixai teb puab tas, “Mej raug nwg ntxag lawm hab lov? 48Cov kws ua hlub hab cov Falixai muaj leejtwg ntseeg nwg hab lov? 49Tassws cov pejxeem nuav kws tsw paub Mauxe kevcai tub raug tsawm foom lawm.”
50Nikhauntemau kws tom ntej tuaj cuag Yexu hab yog ib tug huv puab cov ntawd txhad has rua puab tas, 51“Peb txuj kevcai txeev txav txem rua tuabneeg ua ntej kws tsw tau nov nwg has lossws tsw tau paub tas nwg ua daabtsw lov?” 52Puab txawm teb tas, “Koj tuaj peg Kalilai tuaj hab lov? Koj swm tshawb saib, yuav pum tas tsw muaj ib tug xwbfwb cev Vaajtswv lug tshwm huv Kalilai tuaj le.”
Tug puj deev hluas nraug
(7:53-8:11 - tej phoo lug Kili tsw muaj tej nqais nuav.)
53[Tes puab txawm nyag moog nyag tsev lawm.

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Yauhaa 7: HMOBSV





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