Tswv Dim 9
Tej tsaj txhu tuag
1Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe tas, “Ca le nkaag moog cuag Falau hab has rua nwg tas, ‘Yawmsaub kws yog cov Henplais tug Vaajtswv has le nuav tas, “Koj ca le tso kuv haiv tuabneeg moog sub puab txhad tau moog pe hawm kuv.” 2Tassws yog koj tsw kaam tso puab moog tseed taav puab ca, 3mas Yawmsaub txhais teg yuav tso mob kis luj heev lug rua mej tej tsaj txhu huv tej tshaav zaub tsw has neeg neeg luav ntxhuav nyuj yaaj hab tshws huvsw. 4Tassws Yawmsaub yuav cais cov Yixayee tej tsaj txhu hab cov Iyi tej tsaj txhu, mas cov Yixayee tej tsaj txhu yuav tsw tuag ib tug le.’ ” 5Yawmsaub teem swjhawm ca has tas, “Pigkig Yawmsaub yuav ua tej nuav rua huv lub tebchaws.” 6Mas nub tom qaab Yawmsaub txawm ua ntaag. Cov Iyi tej tsaj txhu tuag taag nrho huvsw, tassws cov Yixayee tej tsaj txhu tsw tuag ib tug le. 7Falau txhad khaiv tuabneeg moog saib na cav cov Yixayee tej tsaj txhu tsw tuag ib tug le. Tassws Falau lub sab tseed tawv heev, tsw kaam tso cov Yixayee moog.
Mob rwj
8Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe hab Aloo tas, “Ca le tsuab ob peb taus teg tshauv huv qhov cub lug, ca Mauxe muab w rua sau nruab ntug taab meeg Falau. 9Cov tshauv hov yuav txa ua moov aav yaa moog thoob plawg Iyi tebchaws, ua rua tuabneeg hab tsaj txhu mob rwj ua kav txhaab thoob plawg Iyi tebchaws.” 10Ob tug txhad tsuab tshauv huv qhov cub moog sawv ntawm Falau xubndag. Mauxe txawm muab cov tshauv hov w rua sau nruab ntug, mas cov tshauv hov ua rua tuabneeg hab tsaj txhu mob rwj ua kav txhaab. 11Cov kws txawj ua yeeg swv kuj nyob tsw taug ntawm Mauxe xubndag vem yog tim tej rwj, tsua qhov puab hab cov Iyi suavdawg mob rwj. 12Tassws Yawmsaub ua rua Falau lub sab tawv, tsw noog ob tug has, ib yaam le Yawmsaub has ca rua Mauxe lawd.
Lug lawg
13Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe tas, “Ca le sawv ntxuv moog cuag Falau hab has rua nwg tas, ‘Yawmsaub kws yog cov Henplais tug Vaajtswv has le nuav tas, Ca le tso kuv haiv tuabneeg moog sub puab txhad tau moog pe hawm kuv. 14Mas zag nuav kuv yuav tso kuv tej xwm txheej phem huvsw lug raug koj hab koj cov tub teg tub taw hab koj cov pejxeem, sub koj txhad paub tas thoob plawg lub nplajteb tsw muaj ib tug twg yuav zoo cuag le kuv. 15Yog kuv tsaa hlo teg ua rua koj hab koj cov pejxeem raug mob kis txhad ua rua mej pluj plag huv lub nplajteb, los kuv yeej ua tau. 16Tassws qhov kws kuv tseed tseg koj txujsa ca kuj yog kuv yuav ua kuv tug fwjchim tshwm rua koj pum sub txhad tshaaj tawm kuv lub npe moog thoob nplajteb. 17Koj tseed tsaab ua luj tawm tsaam kuv haiv tuabneeg hab tsw kaam tso puab moog. 18Saib nawj, pigkig lub swjhawm nuav kuv yuav tso lawg lug hlub heev kawg. Txwj thaus rhawv Iyi tebchaws lug txug naj nub nwgnuav tsw tau muaj dua ib zag kws lawg hlub le nuav. 19Vem le nuav ca le has kuas coj koj tej nyuj hab txhua yaam kws koj muaj tom tej tshaav zaub moog rua huv tej chaw nraim, tsua qhov lawg yuav lug ntaus txhua tug tuabneeg hab txhua tug tsaj txhu kws tseed nyob tom tshaav zaub es tsw lug rua huv tej chaw nraim kuas tuag taag huvsw.’ ” 20Falau cov tub teg tub taw kws ntshai Yawmsaub tej lug txhad le kuas puab tej qhev hab puab tej tsaj txhu maaj lug nraim huv tsev. 21Tassws cov kws tsw quav ntsej Yawmsaub tej lug tseed tso puab tej qhev hab puab tej tsaj txhu nyob huv tshaav zaub.
22Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe tas, “Ca le tsaa teg rua sau ntuj, sub lawg txhad le poob lug thoob plawg Iyi tebchaws ntaus tej tuabneeg hab tsaj txhu hab ntaus tej txham laj txham xwm huv tej teb thoob plawg Iyi tebchaws.” 23Mauxe txawm tsaa hlo nwg tug paas nreg rua sau ntuj. Tes Yawmsaub txawm ua rua xub nroo nrov ntwg hab lug lawg, hab nplaim tawg lab quas vog lug rua huv aav. Yawmsaub tso lawg lug rua huv Iyi tebchaws. 24Muaj lawg hab nplaim tawg laim quas lag huv cov lawg hov tsw tu le. Lug lawg hlub heev thoob plawg Iyi tebchaws, txwj thaus muaj lub tebchaws lug tsw txeev muaj hlub le hov ib zag le. 25Lawg ntaus txhua yaam kws nyob huv tej tshaav zaub thoob plawg Iyi tebchaws, tsw has tuabneeg hab tsaj txhu pam taag. Lawg ntaus tej zaub huvsw ntsoog taag hab ntaus tej xyoob ntoo luv taag huvsw. 26Tsuas yog tshuav huv Kausee kws cov Yixayee nyob txhad tsw lug lawg xwb.
27Falau txhad hu Mauxe hab Aloo tuaj hab has rua ob tug tas, “Zag nuav kuv ua txhum lawm tag. Yawmsaub yeej ua raug lawm, kuv hab kuv cov tuabneeg ua txhum. 28Thov koj thov Yawmsaub lauj! Kuv dhuav xub nroo hab cov lawg nuav hwv lawm. Kuv yuav tso mej moog, tsw txug mej nyob nuav lawm.” 29Mauxe has rua nwg tas, “Thaus kuv tawm huv lub nroog nuav lawm kuv yuav tsaa teg thov Yawmsaub. Mas xub yuav ntsag lawg yuav tu, sub koj txhad paub tas lub nplajteb yog Yawmsaub le. 30Tassws kuv paub tas koj hab koj cov tub teg tub taw tseed tsw ntshai Vaajtswv Yawmsaub le hab.”
31Maaj hab qeb raug lawg puam tsuaj taag, tsua qhov qeb saamswm txhawv hab maaj saamswm tawg paaj. 32Tassws mog hab txhuv tsw raug puam tsuaj tsua qhov tseed tsw tau tuaj kaug.
33Mauxe txawm tawm ntawm Falau huv lub nroog moog, nwg kuj tsaa hlo teg thov Yawmsaub. Xub txawm ntsag, lawg hab naag txawm tu tsw lug rua huv lub tebchaws lawm. 34Tassws thaus Falau pum tas naag hab lawg tsw lug xub tsw nroo lawm, nwg hab nwg cov tub teg tub taw rov ua txhum dua hab ua lub sab tawv. 35Falau lub sab tawv tsw kaam tso cov Yixayee moog ib yaam le Yawmsaub has ca rua Mauxe lawd.
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Tswv Dim 9: HMOBSV

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