Tswv Dim 7
1Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe tas, “Ua le nuav nawj, kuv tsaa koj ua zoo le Vaajtswv rua Falau, mas koj tug tijlaug Aloo yuav ua tug kws cev koj le lug. 2Koj yuav tsum has tej lug huvsw kws kuv has rua koj mas koj tug tijlaug Aloo yuav has rua Falau kuas nwg tso cov Yixayee tawm huv nwg lub tebchaws moog. 3Tassws kuv yuav ua rua Falau lub sab tawv. Txawm yog kuv ua kuv tej txujci tseem ceeb hab txujci phemfwj tshwm rua huv Iyi tebchaws ntau zuj zug, 4los Falau yuav tsw noog meb has. Mas kuv yuav tsaa kuv txhais teg ntaus Iyi tebchaws hab rau txem nyaav txhad coj tau kuv cov tuabneeg Yixayee tawm huv Iyi tebchaws moog lawv le puab tej paab tej pawg. 5Cov Iyi yuav paub tas kuv yog Yawmsaub rua thaus kuv tsaa kuv txhais teg tawm tsaam Iyi tebchaws hab coj cov Yixayee tawm huv puab moog.” 6Mauxe hab Aloo ua lawv le ntawd. Ob tug ua lawv nraim le kws Yawmsaub has. 7Thaus ob tug moog has rua Falau, Mauxe noob nyoog muaj yim caum xyoo, Aloo noob nyoog muaj yim caum peb xyoo.
Aloo tug paas nreg
8Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe hab Aloo tas, 9“Thaus Falau has rua meb tas, ‘Ca le ua txujci phemfwj rua kuv saib,’ mas koj ca le has rua Aloo tas, ‘Muab tug paas nreg nrum rua ntawm Falau xubndag,’ tug paas nreg yuav txa hlo ua ib tug naab.” 10Mauxe hab Aloo txhad moog cuag Falau hab ua lawv nraim le Yawmsaub has. Aloo muab nwg tug paas nreg nrum nroog rua ntawm Falau hab nwg cov tub teg tub taw xubndag, mas tug paas nreg txa hlo ua ib tug naab. 11Falau txawm hu cov kws txawj ntse hab cov kws txawj ua khawv koob yeeg swv tuaj. Puab yog Iyi cov kws txawj ua yeeg swv mas puab swv puab tej khawv koob ua tau zoo ib yaam le ntawd hab. 12Thaus puab nyag taug nyag nrum paas nreg tes tej paas nreg hov kuj txa ua naab huvsw hab, tassws Aloo tug paas nreg muab puab cov paas nreg nqog taag huvsw lawm. 13Txawm le ntawd los Falau lub sab tseed tawv, tsw yeem noog ob tug has, ib yaam le Yawmsaub has ca lawd.
Dej txa ua ntshaav
14Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe tas, “Falau lub sab tawv, tsw kaam tso cov Yixayee moog. 15Thaus sawv ntxuv koj ca le moog cuag Falau rua thaus nwg moog nraag tug dej. Koj moog sawv ntawm ntug dej tog nwg, tuav rawv tug paas nreg kws txa ua naab moog hab. 16Koj yuav has rua nwg tas, ‘Yawmsaub kws yog cov Henplais tug Vaajtswv khaiv kuv tuaj cuag koj has tas, Ca le tso kuv haiv tuabneeg moog sub puab txhad tau moog pe hawm kuv huv tebchaws moj saab qhua. Txug taav nuav koj kuj tsw noog has hlo le. 17Yawmsaub has le nuav tas, Koj yuav paub tas kuv yog Yawmsaub tsua qhov kws ua le nuav. Saib maj, kuv yuav xuas tug paas nreg kws nyob huv kuv txhais teg nplawm tug dej Nai, mas dej yuav txa ua ntshaav. 18Tej ntseg huv tug dej Nai yuav tuag hab tug dej Nai yuav tsw lwj quas lawg hab cov Iyi yuav haus tsw taug tug dej ntawd.’ ”
19Yawmsaub has dua rua Mauxe tas, “Ca le has rua Aloo tas, ‘Tuav koj tug paas nreg huv koj txhais teg tsaa rua sau tej dej huv Iyi tebchaws tsw has puab tej nam dej, tej kwj deg, tej paag dej, tej qhov dej huvsw mas tej dej yuav txa ua ntshaav. Yuav muaj ntshaav thoob plawg Iyi tebchaws tsw has huv tej thoob ntsug hab tej hub.’ ”
20Mauxe hab Aloo kuj ua lawv nraim le kws Yawmsaub has. Nwg tsaa tug paas nreg nplawm tug dej Nai taab meeg Falau hab nwg cov tub teg tub taw, mas tej dej huv tug dej Nai txa ua ntshaav huvsw. 21Tej ntseg huv tug dej Nai kuj tuag. Tug dej Nai tsw lwj quas lawg cov Iyi txhad haus tsw taug tug dej ntawd. Muaj ntshaav thoob plawg Iyi tebchaws. 22Tassws Iyi cov kws txawj ua yeeg swv mas puab swv puab tej khawv koob ua tau ib yaam le ntawd hab. Tassws Falau lub sab tseed tawv, tsw yeem noog ob tug has, ib yaam le Yawmsaub has ca lawd. 23Falau tig hlo rov qaab moog rua huv tsev, tsw khaws tej xwm txheej nuav ca rua huv lub sab. 24Cov Iyi suavdawg txhad khawb qhov dej lawv ntug dej Nai nrhav dej haus, tsua qhov haus tsw taug tej dej huv tug dej Nai.
25Suav txwj Yawmsaub nplawm tug dej Nai tau xyaa nub,
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Tswv Dim 7: HMOBSV

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