Tswv Dim 4
Vaajtswv pub fwjchim rua Mauxe
1Mauxe teb tas, “Ntshai puab yuav tsw ntseeg kuv hab tsw quav ntsej tej kws kuv has, tsua qhov puab yuav has tas, ‘Yawmsaub tsw tau tshwm rua koj pum le.’ ” 2Yawmsaub txawm has rua nwg tas, “Daabtsw nyob huv koj txhais teg?” Mauxe teb tas, “Ib tug paas nreg.” 3Yawmsaub has tas, “Ca le muab nrum rua huv peg teb nawj.” Nwg txhad muab nrum rua huv peg teb, tug paas nreg hov txawm txa hlo ua ib tug naab, Mauxe txawm tig loo tswv tug naab. 4Tassws Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe tas, “Ca le cev teg ntsab naab tug kwtwv.” Mauxe txhad cev teg ntsab nkaus tug kwtwv txawm txa hlo ua tug paas nreg rua huv nwg txhais teg lawm. 5“Ua le nuav puab txhad ntseeg tas Yawmsaub kws yog puab tej laug tug Vaajtswv, yog Aplahaa tug Vaajtswv hab Yiha tug Vaajtswv hab Yakhauj tug Vaajtswv tshwm rua koj pum lawm tag.”
6Yawmsaub has dua rua Mauxe tas, “Ca le muab koj txhais teg ntxwg rua huv koj hauv sab.” Nwg txhad muab txhais teg ntxwg rua huv hauv sab. Thaus rhu txhais teg lug ua cav nwg txhais teg mob ruas dawb paug le daus xwb daus npu. 7Yawmsaub has tas, “Ca le muab txhais teg ntxwg rov rua huv hauv sab dua ib zag.” Nwg kuj muab nwg txhais teg ntxwg rua huv hauv sab dua. Thaus nwg rhu teg lug ua cav txhais teg tub rov zoo hlo le nwg lub cev huvsw. 8Yawmsaub has tas, “Yog puab tsw ntseeg koj hab tsw quav ntsej tug txujci tseem ceeb zag ib, nyab puab yuav ntseeg tug txujci tseem ceeb zag ob. 9Yog puab tseed tsw ntseeg ob zag txujci tseem ceeb nuav hab tsw quav ntsej koj tej lug, ca le nqaa dej huv tug dej Nai ib qho lug laub rua sau npoo aav qhuav. Mas cov dej kws koj nqaa huv tug dej Nai lug yuav txa ua ntshaav rua sau npoo aav qhuav hov.”
10Tassws Mauxe has rua Yawmsaub tas, “Au tug Tswv, kuv ib txwm yeej tsw txawj has lug tsw has yaav thau u los yog, taamswm nuav kws koj has lug rua kuv kws yog koj tug qhev los yog, kuv yog ib tug kws ncauj zum has tsw tau nplag.” 11Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe tas, “Leejtwg tswm tuabneeg lub qhov ncauj? Leejtwg ua rua tuabneeg has tsw tau lug hab ua rua laag ntseg, hab ua rua pum kev hab ua rua dig muag? Kuv kws yog Yawmsaub ua los tsw yog? 12Yog le nuav ca le moog, kuv yuav nyob ntawm koj qhov ncauj hab kuv yuav qha lug rua koj has.”
13Tassws Mauxe has tas, “Au tug Tswv, thov khaiv dua lwm tug moog lauj!” 14Mas Yawmsaub npau tawg rua Mauxe hab has tas, “Koj tug tijlaug kws yog xeem Levi nev? Kuv paub tas nwg txawj has lug. Saib maj nwg saamswm taug kev tuaj ntswb koj. Thaus nwg pum koj nwg yuav zoo sab heev. 15Koj yuav pav rua nwg muab lug rua nwg has. Kuv yuav nyob ntawm koj qhov ncauj hab ntawm nwg qhov ncauj, hab kuv yuav qhuab qha rua meb ob leeg paub tas yuav ua le caag. 16Nwg yuav nyob koj chaw has rua cov pejxeem, nwg yuav ua koj lub qhov ncauj hab koj yuav ua zoo le Vaajtswv rua nwg. 17Koj yuav tuav rawv tug paas nreg nuav swv ua txujci tseem ceeb.”
Mauxe rov moog Iyi tebchaws
18Mauxe txhad rov moog cuag nwg yawm txwv Yethoo hab has tas, “Thov ca kuv rov qaab moog saib kuv cov kwvtij huv Iyi tebchaws saib puab tseed muaj txujsa nyob los tsw muaj.” Yethoo has rua Mauxe tas, “Ca le moog zoo nawj.” 19Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe huv Mintee tebchaws tas, “Ca le rov moog nraag Iyi tebchaws, tsua qhov cov tuabneeg kws nrhav txuv koj txujsa suavdawg tub tuag taag lawm.” 20Mauxe txhad muab nwg quaspuj hab cov tub caij neeg luav rov qaab moog nraag Iyi tebchaws. Mauxe tuav rawv Vaajtswv tug paas nreg huv nwg txhais teg moog hab.
21Yawmsaub has rua Mauxe tas, “Thaus koj rov moog txug Iyi tebchaws, koj yuav tsum ua tuab zoo ua tej txujci tseem ceeb huvsw kws kuv muab cob rua koj lawm taab meeg Falau. Tassws kuv yuav ua rua Falau lub sab tawv, nwg yuav tsw kheev tso kuv cov tuabneeg moog. 22Hab koj yuav has rua Falau tas, ‘Yawmsaub has le nuav tas, Yixayee yog kuv tug tub hlub. 23Kuv has rua koj tas, “Ca le tso kuv tug tub moog sub nwg txhad tau kev pe hawm kuv.” Tassws koj tsw yeem tso nwg moog, kuv txhad yuav muab koj tug tub hlub tua pov tseg.’ ”
24Thaus Mauxe puab su ntawm ib ntog kev Yawmsaub lug ntswb Mauxe yuav muab nwg tua pov tseg. 25Mas Xipaula muab zeb hauv swm lug hlais nwg tug tub daim tawv noov mas coj moog ntsuav Mauxe txhais kwtaw, hab has tas, “Koj yog tug nraug vauv ntshaav rua kuv tag tag le lawm.” 26Mas Vaajtswv txhad tsw tua nwg. Tug quaspuj tau has tas “Koj yog tug nraug vauv ntshaav” yog tim qhov kws ua kevcai txav.
27Yawmsaub has rua Aloo tas, “Ca le moog ntswb Mauxe tom tebchaws moj saab qhua.” Aloo txawm moog mas ntswb Mauxe ntawm Vaajtswv lub roob hab nwj nwg. 28Mauxe txhad pav tej lug kws Yawmsaub has hab khaiv nwg moog huvsw rua Aloo noog hab has txug tej txujci tseem ceeb huvsw kws Yawmsaub kuas nwg ua. 29Mauxe hab Aloo txawm moog hu Yixayee cov kev txwj quas laug suavdawg tuaj sablaaj ua ke. 30Aloo txhad has tej lug kws Yawmsaub tau has rua Mauxe lawm huvsw rua cov pejxeem noog, hab Mauxe ua tej txujci tseem ceeb taab meeg rua puab saib. 31Cov pejxeem kuj ntseeg. Thaus puab nov tas Yawmsaub lug saib cov Yixayee hab pum puab tej kev txom nyem lwj sab lawm, puab kuj nyo hau pe hawm Yawmsaub.
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Tswv Dim 4: HMOBSV

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