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Tswv Dim 21

Kevcai saib cov qhev
(Kc. 15:12-18)
1“Ntawm nuav moog yog tej kevcai kws koj yuav tsum qha rua puab paub. 2Yog mej yuav ib tug tuabneeg Henplais ua qhev, nwg yuav ua koj qhev rau xyoo xwb, xyoo kws xyaa nwg yuav dim tsw txug txhwv. 3Yog tug qhev ntawd lug ib leeg xwb nwg kuj dim ib leeg moog, yog nwg muaj quaspuj lug hab, tug quaspuj kuj nrug nwg dim hab. 4Yog tug lospaav yuav quaspuj rua nwg hab yug tau tub lossws ntxhais, tug quaspuj hab cov mivnyuas hov tseed ua tug lospaav le qhev, nwg dim ib leeg xwb. 5Tassws yog tug qhev has tseeb tas, ‘Kuv nyam tug lospaav hab kuv quaspuj mivnyuas, kuv tsw xaav tawm moog nyob ywj pheej.’ 6Mas tug lospaav yuav coj nwg moog cuag Vaajtswv,#21:6 cuag Vaajtswv: lossws: cuag cov tu plaub coj nwg moog rua ntawm lub qhov rooj lossws ntawm ob tug puab rooj, mas tug lospaav yuav xuas koob laum nwg taub ntsej hov ntawd mas nwg yuav ua tug lospaav qhev moog taag nwg swm neej.
7“Yog leejtwg muab nwg tug ntxhais muag ua qhev, mas tug ntxhais hov yuav tsw dim yaam le lwm tug tub qhe. 8Yog nwg tsw hum tug lospaav kws xaiv nwg lug ua nam yau lub sab, mas tug lospaav yuav ca leej txwv txhwv nwg. Tug lospaav tsw muaj cai muab nwg muag rua lwm haiv tuabneeg, tsua qhov nwg ua tsw ncaaj rua tug ntxhais hov. 9Yog tug lospaav yuav tug ntxhais hov rua nwg tug tub ua quaspuj, nwg yuav tsum ua zoo rua tug ntxhais hov ib yaam le ua rua nwg tej ntxhais. 10Yog nwg yuav lwm tug lug ua nam yau, nwg yuav tsum pub nam hlub noj sws luag naav sws luag hab pw ua ke sws luag ib yaam le qub. 11Yog nwg tsw ua peb yaam nuav mas tug ntxhais hov yuav dim dawb tsw txug muab nyaj txhwv.
Kevcai rua tug kws ua limham
12“Leejtwg ntaus tuabneeg tuag, mas nwg yuav raug lub txem tuag. 13Tassws tsw yog nwg txhob txwm tua, kuas yog Vaajtswv ca tug hov tuag rua huv nwg txhais teg, mas kuv yuav npaaj ib lub chaw ca rua nwg tswv moog nyob. 14Tassws yog nwg txhob txwm xaav tswvyim phem moog ntaus tuabneeg tuag, mas koj yuav muab nwg nqug ntawm kuv lub thaaj moog, rau txem kuas tuag.
15“Leejtwg ntaus nwg nam nwg txwv tug hov yuav raug txem tuag.
16“Leejtwg nyag tuabneeg moog muag lossws tseed ca nyob ntawm nwg txhais teg kuj xwj, nwg yuav raug txem tuag.
17“Leejtwg tshev foom nwg nam nwg txwv tsw zoo yuav raug txem tuag.
18“Yog muaj ob leeg sws caav sws tshe es ib tug xuas pob zeb ntaus lossws nkaug nrwg raug ib tug, kuas tsw tuag tsuas yog mob pw huv txaaj xwb, 19yog tug kws raug mob hov sawv taug tuav tug paas nreg moog tau nrau zoov huv tsev, mas tug kws ntaus hov kuj dim nwg lub txem, tsuas yog nwg yuav them tej nqe swjhawm kws raug mob, hab tu tug mob hov kuas zoo hlo.
20“Yog leejtwg xuas qws ntaus nwg tej tub qhe nkauj qhev es tug qhev hov tuag, tug hov yuav tsum raug txav txem. 21Yog tug qhev hov nyob tau ib nub lossws ob nub tug lospaav yuav tsw raug txav txem, tsua qhov tug qhev hov yog nwg teej tug.
22“Yog ob tug txwvneej sws ntaus es tsua ntaus raug ib tug quaspuj kws suab mivnyuas ua rua pob mivnyuas tassws tug quaspuj tsw muaj le caag, mas yuav nplua tug kws ntaus hov npaum le nwg tug quasyawg hu nqe hab nwg yuav them npaum le cov kws tu plaub tu. 23Tassws yog puag xwm le caag, kuj yuav muab sav pauj sav, 24qhov muag pauj qhov muag, kaug nav pauj kaug nav, teg pauj teg, taw pauj taw, 25qhov kub nyab pauj qhov kub nyab, qhov txhaab pauj qhov txhaab, qhov ntsoog pauj qhov ntsoog.
26“Yog leejtwg ntaus nwg tug tub qhe nkauj qhev qhov muag nwg txhad dig lawm, nwg yuav tsum muab tug qhev hov tso dim dawb vem tim lub qhov muag dig lawm. 27Yog nwg ntaus nwg tug tub qhe nkauj qhev ua rua luv nav, nwg yuav tsum muab tug qhev hov tso dim dawb vem tim tug nav hov luv lawm.
Kevcai rua tug tswv tsaj
28“Yog nyuj nraus tug yawm twg los tug puj twg tuag, yuav tsum muab pob zeb ntaus tug nyuj hov kuas tuag, hab tsw xob noj cov nqaj nyuj hlo le. Tassws tug tswv nyuj ntawd tsw txhum. 29Tassws yog tug nyuj hov tub txeev nraus lwm tug tuabneeg lawm hab muaj tuabneeg tuaj qha rua tug tswv paub lawm tassws tug tswv tsw muab kaw ca, tug nyuj txhad le nraus quaspuj lossws quasyawg tuag, mas tug nyuj yuav tsum raug pob zeb ntaus tuag hab tug tswv kuj yuav raug txem tuag. 30Yog luas hu nqe txhwv tug tswv nyuj, nwg yuav tsum them nqe txhwv nwg txujsa npaum le luas hu. 31Yog tug nyuj hov nraus leejtwg le tub los ntxhais kuj yuav txav txem rua tug tswv lawv le tuab txuj kevcai nuav. 32Yog tug nyuj hov nraus ib tug tub qhe lossws nkauj qhev, tug tswv nyuj yuav them peb caug sekhee nyaj#21:32 peb caug sekhee: nyaav 350 kaa (gm) rua tug lospaav, hab tug nyuj yuav raug pob zeb ntaus tuag.
33“Yog leejtwg qheb qhov ca lossws khawb qhov tsw muab faus, es nyuj lossws neeg luav poob rua huv, 34mas tug tswv kws khawb qhov yuav tsum them tug tsaj hov nqe. Nwg yuav them nqe rua tug tswv tsaj, es nwg yuav tug tsaj tuag hov.
35“Yog leejtwg tug nyuj nraus lwm tug le nyuj tuag, yuav tsum muab tug nyuj kws nraus hov muag hab muab cov nqe faib rua ob tog, hab muab tug nyuj kws tuag faib rua ob tog hab. 36Yog paub tas tug nyuj hov txeev nraus lug lawm kuas tug tswv tsw muab kaw, tug tswv nyuj yuav tsum them ib tug nyuj pauj tug nyuj kws tuag, es nwg yuav tug nyuj kws tuag hov.”

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Tswv Dim 21: HMOBSV





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