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Tswv Dim 18

Yethoo tuaj saib Mauxe
1Yethoo kws yog cov Mintee tug pov thawj hab yog Mauxe yawm txwv, tau nov txug tej num kws Vaajtswv ua paab Mauxe hab paab Vaajtswv haiv tuabneeg Yixayee rua thaus Yawmsaub coj puab tawm huv Iyi tebchaws lug. 2Mauxe yawm txwv Yethoo tau txais Mauxe tug quaspuj Xipaula rua thaus Mauxe xaa Xipaula moog, 3hab nwg ob tug tub. Ib tug hu ua Kawsoo#18:3 Kawsoo: txhais has tas: ua qhua nyob (tsua qhov nwg has tas, “Kuv yog ib tug kws ua qhua nyob rua huv luas tebchaws.”) 4Hab ib tug hu ua Eliyexaw#18:4 Eliyexaw: txhais has tas: Vaajtswv yog tug paab kuv (tsua qhov nwg has tas, “Kuv txwv tug Vaajtswv yog tug kws paab kuv hab cawm kuv dim huv Falau raab ntaaj.”)
5Mauxe yawm txwv Yethoo coj Mauxe ob tug tub hab Mauxe tug quaspuj tuaj rua Mauxe huv tebchaws moj saab qhua kws puab tsuam chaw nyob ntawm Vaajtswv lub roob. 6Nwg khaiv tuabneeg moog has rua Mauxe tas, “Koj yawm txwv Yethoo coj koj quaspuj hab ob tug tub tuaj rua koj.” 7Mauxe txhad tawm moog tog yawm txwv hab pe hab nwj nwg. Ob tug sws thaam txug kev noj qaab nyob zoo hab nkaag lug rua huv tsev ntaub. 8Mauxe pav rua nwg yawm txwv noog txug txhua yaam kws Yawmsaub ua rua Falau hab ua rua cov Iyi vem yog saib rua cov Yixayee, hab tej kev ceblaaj huvsw kws raug cov Yixayee ntawm ib ntog kev hab Yawmsaub tau cawm puab dim le caag. 9Yethoo kuj zoo sab heev rua txhua yaam zoo kws Yawmsaub tau ua paab cov Yixayee rua thaus nwg cawm puab dim huv cov Iyi txhais teg.
10Yethoo txhad has tas, “Qhuas Yawmsaub kws tau cawm mej dim huv cov Iyi txhais teg hab huv Falau txhais teg, yog cawm cov Yixayee suavdawg dim huv cov Iyi txhais teg. 11Nwgnuav kuv paub tas Yawmsaub luj dhau tej timtswv huvsw, tsua qhov nwg ua tej nuav rua thaus cov Iyi tsuj yuam cov Yixayee ua khaav quas ntxhas.” 12Mauxe yawm txwv Yethoo kuj muab tsaj ua kevcai hlawv xyeem hab tua tsaj xyeem rua Vaajtswv. Aloo hab Yixayee cov kev txwj quas laug suavdawg tuaj nrug Mauxe yawm txwv noj ib pluag mov ntawm Vaajtswv xubndag.
Tsaa cov kws tu plaub
13Taagkig tom qaab Mauxe nyob tsawg tu plaub rua cov pejxeem. Puab sawv vej vog Mauxe thaus sawv ntxuv moog txug tsaus ntuj. 14Thaus Mauxe yawm txwv pum txhua yaam num kws Mauxe ua rua cov pejxeem hov, nwg has tas, “Koj ua daabtsw le nuav rua cov pejxeem? Ua caag koj tuab leeg nyob tu plaub le nuav, hab cov pejxeem suavdawg yuav sawv vej koj taagkig txug tsaus ntuj?” 15Mauxe teb yawm txwv tas, “Yog cov pejxeem tuaj cuag kuv kuas kuv ua nug rua Vaajtswv. 16Thaus puab muaj plaub muaj ntug puab tuaj cuag kuv, kuv txhad tu tau rua ob tog, hab kuv qha rua puab paub txug Vaajtswv tej kaab ke hab tej kws Vaajtswv phua cai.”
17Mauxe yawm txwv txhad has rua nwg tas, “Koj ua le nuav tsw zoo. 18Koj hab cov pejxeem kws tuaj nuav yuav qaug zug taag tsua qhov tej kws koj ua nuav nyaav dhau koj tug zug lawm, hab koj tuab leeg xwb ua tsw taug. 19Koj noog kuv has, kuv yuav taw qha koj hab thov Vaajtswv nrug nraim koj. Koj ua tug kws sawv cev ntawm cov pejxeem rua Vaajtswv, coj puab tej plaub moog ua nug rua Vaajtswv. 20Koj yuav qhuab qha kuas puab paub tej kaab ke hab tej kws phua cai rua puab, hab qha puab paub ua puab lub neej le caag hab paub tej kws puab yuav tsum ua.
21“Tsw taag le ntawd xwb, koj ca le xaiv cov txwvneej huv cov Yixayee kws muaj peevxwm hab paub ntshai Vaajtswv hab tso sab tau hab ntxub noj nyaj xab. Tsaa puab cov nuav lug ua cov kws kaav pejxeem, kaav ib txheeb leej hab kaav ib puas leej hab kaav tswb caug leej hab kaav kaum leej. 22Ca puab tu cov pejxeem tej plaub txhua lub swjhawm. Tej tshaaj plaub luj, ca puab coj tuaj cuag koj, huas tej plaub miv ca puab tu puab xwb. Ua le nuav txhad yoojyim rua koj hab puab txhad nrug koj rws lub nraa nyaav. 23Yog koj ua le nuav hab Vaajtswv qha koj ua, mas koj txhad thev taug hab cov pejxeem suavdawg nuav txhad tau rov moog tsev kaaj sab lug.”
24Mauxe kuj noog nwg yawm txwv tej lug hab ua lawv le nwg qha txhua yaam. 25Mauxe xaiv cov txwvneej kws muaj peevxwm huv cov Yixayee ua cov pejxeem le thawj, tsaa kaav ib txheeb leej kaav ib puas leej kaav tswb caug leej hab kaav kaum leej. 26Mas puab cov nuav tu cov pejxeem tej plaub txhua lub swjhawm. Tej plaub kws ceblaaj puab le coj moog cuag Mauxe, tej plaub miv miv puab tu puab xwb. 27Tes Mauxe txawm xaa nwg yawm txwv rov moog, yawm txwv txhad rov qaab moog rua nwg lub tebchaws lawm.

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Tswv Dim 18: HMOBSV





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