Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 24:4

Do Not Bear False Witness
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers through this character sharpening leadership devotional. Let God lead your character. There is no such thing as a “little” lie or a “white” lie. Let God’s Word lead your path. Let God lead your words. Let your Yes be simply Yes, and your No be simply No. Let God sharpen your character as you read through this timely devotional.

Judge Not
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming devotional. Who are you judging? Who are you ridiculing? Who are you looking down upon? Consider what you’re sowing into others. Are you sowing discord, confusion, destruction or division? Choose to deliberately sow and show the Love of Christ to others. Choose to sow Love. Let God soften your heart as you read this timely and transformative message.

Whom Having Not Seen Ye Love
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming message. Do you choose to love and treasure God over the things of this world? Worship is choice. Who you choose to worship is a choice. Your heart can either worship God or the gods of this world. Choose to worship God. Let God lead your heart as you read this powerful and timely devotional.

The Hidden Things
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming message. You cannot live your life one way in private and proclaim something else in public. You cannot live your life as a representative of Christ in public and live for the enemy in private. Who is your God? You choose. Let God lead your lips in private and in public. Choose not to be a hypocrite. Surrender to Christ.

Godliness Guards the Path of the Blameless
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming devotional. Guard your heart with the Word of God. Let His Word lead your life. Those who surrender their hearts to Christ and those who are led by His Word, will obtain success — Godly success. Pattern your life after Christ and His Right Way of doing things. Let His Light shine on your heart as you read this timely devotional.

Created to Give, Connect, and Work
3 Days
A three-day devotional exploring various aspects of leadership, based on the leading podcast: The WOW Factor Leadership Podcast. Biblical wisdom from successful leaders, featuring David Green of Hobby Lobby.

Praying for Miracle
3 Days
This plan will give us an understanding of the need for faith to receive miracles in our life.

Be Still And Know That I Am God
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely message. Be still and know that He is God. Be still and exalt God above your circumstances. Be still and magnify God above your problems. Be still and amplify God’s Word above the cares of the world. Be still and know that He is God. Let God lead your heart as you read this powerful message.

Fix Your Thoughts
3 Days
Choose to fix your thoughts on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue choose to think on these things.

Watch & Pray by Vance K. Jackson
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely devotional. Take heed, watch, and pray. Surrender your heart to Christ. Choose not to surrender to the ways of the world. Let God lead your heart as you read this powerful message.

Kids Bible Experience | Making the Most of It
4 Days
Friends... Family... That feeling when you have just enough cereal left in the box to fill up your bowl... God has given us SO many blessings! However, it is up to us to choose how we will use them. Will we be selfish, or will we be good stewards? In this plan, we will learn how we can be the best stewards of everything God has given us!

Springforth: A New Thing Devotional
5 Days
Springforth - This devotion has been designed for the new and maturing Christian to grow in their faith walk with Christ. Written by two sisters, Mercy Fakoya and Debbie Akinkunle, this short collection of devotions is an extract from their devotional handbook and uses real-life struggles, scenarios and successes to help the reader Spring into the newness of life that Christ died for.

The Whisper of God: An Invitation to the Secret Place
5 Days
A loud voice easily draws a crowd. It takes purposeful intention to lean into a whisper. “Shhh, I’m trying to listen.” The whisper of God is an invitation to the secret place. He gently whispers, we lean in. The heart of this devotional is to spark your passion for the secret place and lead you into the depths of communion! The Lover of your soul is calling, will you come?

To Do Justice and Judgment Is More Acceptable
5 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this heart-transforming devotional. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Submit to His way of doing things. Surrendering to His right way of doing things is more pleasing to God than offering superficial sacrifice. Choose to surrender your heart to Him. Choose to follow Him. Obey Him and let Christ lead you as you read this life-transforming message.

Abundant Rain
5 Days
Struggles, situations, past hurts, and regrets can lead us to feel overwhelmed and spiritually dry. This devotional will take you on a journey through God's Word and bring you life-giving water to quench your thirsty soul. You may be in a dry place now, but there is a cloud beginning to swell!

Reflecting the Refiner in Business
5 Days
A Kingdom entrepreneur is called to operate his or her business in a way that is set apart with holy motives, in contrast to the world. This 5-day plan by Shae Bynes of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur provides scripture and insights on how to do business in a way that exhibits the light and the purity of Jesus Christ.

Nothing Shall Separate You
5 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely devotional. God vehemently loves you. God loves you deeply. His Love is unconditional. There is nothing that can separate you from the Love of God. His Love is endless. His Love is pure. His Love is just. His Love is kind. His Love never fails. Let His Love lead you as you read this heart transforming message.

Jesus, Our Risen Savior: An Easter Family Devotional
5 Days
How is your family preparing for Easter? Through this short and sweet devotional (especially helpful if you’re teaching little ones with short attention spans), Scott James brings to light the many things that Christ’s life and resurrection means for us not only through the season of Lent, but all year long.

5 Days
How can you walk with God? What does it really mean to give God your heart? Why do we worship? Experience revival and renewal in this 5-day devotional from Hillside Worship, based on the new album, Rise.

How to Know if They Are the One
5 Days
People of all ages often come up to me and ask "How do I know if the person I am dating is the one God has for me?" If you're reading this, you're probably curious to know the answer yourself. I may not be able to give you an exact yes or no answer, but in this reading plan, I hope to help you narrow down your answer.

Finding Financial Balance: Working
5 Days
No one enjoys the stress of an unbalanced financial life. It can leave you at odds with your spouse and sideways in your relationship with God. Thankfully the Bible includes a lot of financial wisdom. This series of reading plans will point you to a balanced and peaceful financial life grounded in biblical principles. Learning how to work, plan, spend, and give will help you find financial balance, God’s way.

The 4 Living Creatures Series Part 4: The Eagle
5 Days
The 4 Living Creatures mentioned in the Bible, depict the glorious characteristics of Jesus that we must possess to be effective Christians. As we examine the nature of the eagle, you will learn how to exhibit the attributes that bring about efficacy in your spiritual life.

5 Prayers of Humility
5 Days
Need more of God's grace, favor, and blessing? Then pray these five simple prayers of humility, asking the Lord to favor you and help you. He will answer your prayer; He gives grace to the humble! And if you humble yourself before the Lord, He will lift you up.

Liturgies for Wholeness
5 Days
Liturgy reminds us that we are not alone. In this devotional, Audrey and Elizabeth offer original, pre-written prayers based on the comfort, truth, and wonder found in Scripture. If you’re at a loss for words, need fresh inspiration, or just feel exhausted, these liturgies about everyday experiences will give language to the wrestling in your mind, body, heart, and soul.

Healing What You Can't Erase
5 Days
Have you been feeling stuck or overwhelmed lately, no matter how hard you try to “move on” from past pain? In this week’s devotional, leadership coach and author Christopher Cook shows us why healing what you can’t change is about moving forward through every loss, scars and all, while finding wholeness for your body, mind, heart, and spirit.