Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 145:8

Guardians Of Ancora Bible Plan: Ancora Kids Read A Psalm
3 Days
This three-day plan introduces children to one of the great songs of praise in the Bible: Psalm 145. They will explore the psalm and have the opportunity to use it as a way to praise God themselves. The plan complements the free children’s game app Guardians of Ancora.

Practicing Compassion When the Critic Won't Quit
3 Days
Aundi Kolber, a licensed therapist and author of "Try Softer," will help you learn how to practice gentleness and attentiveness toward yourself in the way God is kind to you. Join Aundi and start to grow in self-compassion and quiet your inner critic. While trying softer won’t be perfect or easy, it will be worth it—because this is what we were made for: a living, feeling, connected, beautiful life.

Goodbye Hiding, Hello Freedom by Morgan Krueger
3 Days
Have you ever been stuck in the cycle of hiding and shame and you feel like it will define you forever? Through this 3-day devotional, Morgan Krueger shows us that freedom starts with going back to the hard moments with Jesus (not the enemy!) and being bold enough to let Him have the final say. Not your negative thoughts. Not your false beliefs about yourself. Not your shame. HIM. Through this devotional, Morgan prays you find the best kind of freedom – freedom in Christ.

Grace Filled Nursing
4 Days
Are you doing nursing apart from God’s grace? Do you desire to become a stronger nurse as we maneuver through this pandemic? This devotional will give you insight, wisdom, and understanding regarding God’s heart for nurses. It’s designed to grow, transform, mature, and propel you forward as you learn how to partner with God in your nursing and not apart from him.

Discovering Your Identity in Christ
4 Days
This is an introduction in how to understand your identity in Christ. To figure out who we are, we have to go back to the original designer - God himself! Through that incredible journey of discovery, we not only find more about who God is, but we get to discover more about who we are as well.

The Late Night Visitor
4 Days
In this parable, Jesus teaches us that we should keep asking, searching, and knocking when we pray. He wants us to understand that if we're persistent in our prayers, just like the friend eventually helped, God will also respond to our persistent requests when we seek Him. Read and be blessed.

Who God Is
5 Days
This devotion is a practical study to see who God is and how we can reflect the same character of God in our life. We are created in the image of God and we need to live lives that reflect God in us. We desire our children to take after us. In the same manner, our heavenly Father wants us to take after Him.

Do You Doubt God?
5 Days
In this devotional we’ll see that many times we doubt God’s movement in our lives, making us weak in in faith, opening up space for questioning and insecurities. But, we have to overcome these doubts, anchoring our hope in the promises of God, in His faithfulness and His eternal goodness.

Open and Unafraid: A 5-day Journey Through the Psalms
5 Days
Jesus quoted the Psalms more than any other book in the Old Testament. It has been the church's hymn book for centuries. Dive deeper into the riches of the Psalms and discover how they help us live more fully and walk with God more honestly as we wrestle with anger and sadness, enemies and justice, life and death.

Finding God’s Grace in Our Suffering by Katie Faris
5 Days
Life doesn’t always go the way we hope, and sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we’d like. This devotional plan by Katie Faris offers insight into our suffering and helps to enable readers to see God’s grace in the midst of struggle.

Real Hope: Back to Basics - Bible
5 Days
There are some times in life where it serves to go back to the foundations or the beginning, to be reminded anew of the path you took to get there and to be reminded of your ‘why’. The seven part ‘Back to Basics’ series looks at vital elements of Christianity and how they apply to us. This is part one which looks at the Bible – the Word of God.

Finding God’s Grace in Our Suffering by Katie Faris
5 Days
Life doesn’t always go the way we hope, and sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we’d like. This devotional plan by Katie Faris offers insight into our suffering and helps to enable readers to see God’s grace in the midst of struggle.

The Secret Power of Grace
6 Days
You messed up. Big time. It wasn’t even a “mistake.” You knew better, you made bad choices, and you know you’re guilty. Only there’s no punishment. Instead, you get complete forgiveness and a reward just because you asked for it! It’s all because of an amazing superpower called grace. It’s hard to even comprehend, but it’s very real. This Bible Plan will explain all about the secret power of grace.

Made to Move
6 Days
As faith-filled followers of Jesus, we’ve got some impossible mountains to move—mountains in our relationships, neighborhoods, and the world! But it doesn’t take mountain-sized faith to get started! This six-day Bible Plan shows God can use even the smallest amount of faith to do impossible things!

7 Days
The Bible says that love is a more important action than any other--and that it can make up for a lot of our shortcomings. How can we learn to better love those around us?

Shane & Shane - Bring Your Nothing
7 Days
Acoustic Praise & Worship duo Shane & Shane have developed an exclusive 7-day Reading Plan for The Overflow Devo on YouVersion. This devotional series dives deeper into the scriptural roots and personal experiences behind several tracks off their latest release album, “Bring Your Nothing.” This plan will not only inform, but empower readers to find fulfillment, strength, confidence and joy in The Gospels.

Marble and Mortar - VOLUME 1 - Devotional Project
7 Days
Marble and Mortar - VOLUME 1 - Devotional Project is a 7-day devotional from 2911 Worship. Dedicated to the love of God being the sole pillar that we need, we hope this devotion encourages you today.

Living Lessons on Forgiveness
7 Days
This seven-day reading plan features excerpts from Barbara Moon's book, Living Lessons on Intimacy with Christ. Learn practical principles on why, when and how to forgive others. This reading plan also includes practical steps on seeking forgiveness from others.

Christianity for People Who Aren't Christians, Part 1
7 Days
This one-of-a-kind reading plan exists for both the skeptic and the faith follower. Our distinctive is that we created a place where questions were asked, doubt allowed, and the process of inquiry respected. For those unsure of Christianity and for those who love them and want to keep the lines of communication open, we show the candid and honest dialogue around challenging concerns of existence, faith and culture.

7 Days of Prayer and Fasting
7 Days
Welcome to our time of prayer and fasting! Oswald Smith says ‘when we work, we work, when we pray, God works’. Our prayer during this time of 7 days of prayer and fasting is that God would do an incredible work in your life and that you would know him in a deeper way.

Prayer: Daily Conversations With God
7 Days
Do you struggle to have daily conversations with God? Or have you found yourself off track in your everyday discussions with Him? Join Chrystal Evans Hurst as she guides you through a 7-day devotional rhythm that you can apply to your prayer life well beyond this plan.

The One Year Pray for America Bible Reading Plan: Pray Through the Storms
7 Days
Join us in praying through the storms our country is facing with this 7-day reading plan featuring prayers from The One Year Pray for America Bible.