Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 121:1

The Book Of Mysteries: Your Journey To Saving Faith
3 Days
Based on the New York Times best-selling book by Jonathan Cahn, these powerful daily readings take you on a journey through ancient secrets. Find out how God fulfills our deepest needs, how we choose the higher path, and what it really means to be saved.

An Offer Of Peace
3 Days
For many, stress is an accepted part of daily life. Is it yours? These guided audio meditations will hopefully be a counter to the stress of the world by becoming a calm place of hope in the presence of God, be a reminder of God’s offer of peace, and provide the courage to remove your mask and ask for help...

I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes.
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming devotional. Let God lead your heart as your read this timely message. When chaos surrounds you and the waves of life seem to crash against your ship, choose to lift up your eyes beyond life’s challenges and circumstances. Choose to lift up your eyes and focus on Him. Remove your gaze off of the problem and center your focus on Him.

God's Consistent Care
3 Days
Is it hard for you to lift your eyes from the immediate problem to appreciate the forever care and consistency of God? I pray these guided meditations will offer you hope as you seek after God’s care and that you find comfort in the unchanging God. That you will be consistent in your desire to pursue a very consistent God. The God who was, who is, and forever will be.

Helper Beyond The Mountains
3 Days
When your journey becomes rough, where do you turn for help? What do you do when your confidence is shaken as you face the harsh realities of your life? Psalms 121 is a much loved chapter Christians turn to for comfort and strength. Let us look a little more in depth at the first two verses to learn about the awesome God from whom our help comes.

God Wants to Meet You Even in the Dark
3 Days
Sometimes God can seem so far away, especially in those times when you are going through a major struggle or conflict in your life. In such times, when it seems like God is silent and you have lost all hope, you can be assured He is there. He wants to meet you right there in the middle of your pain and darkness.

Faint Not
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this refreshing message, “Faint not.” Choose to follow God and faint not. Choose to let Christ direct the works of your hands. Do not become weary. Do not become discouraged—for the Lord your God is with you. Though the outward man perish—the Lord is with you. Let God lead your heart as you read this powerful message.

Because God Loves Me, I Refuse to Live Rejected!
3 Days
What circumstances are bothering you, child of God? Does their presence challenge your trust in God? If so, this plan can help you stir up the confidence to boldly face your circumstances. Child of God, God says He loves you and will never forsake or leave you. God says you are His. Nothing can separate you from His love and advocacy. Refuse to live rejected. Why? Because God loves you!

Lifting Our Eyes: The Power of Prayer and Gratitude
3 Days
In this plan, you'll be reminded of the importance of shifting our focus toward God’s promises through prayer. This 3-day plan explores how prayer widens our perspective, helps us trust God with our needs, and builds a foundation of gratitude in our daily lives. By centering on Scripture, you'll feel empowered to lift your eyes to God’s provision, cast your anxieties on Him, and engage in community for mutual support.

Art in Scripture: The Earth Is the Lord's
3 Days
This devotional reading plan explores the intersection of human creativity and divine revelation. It pairs iconic works of art with passages of Scripture to reflect on themes like God's constancy, human longings, and the beauty of creation. Each day invites readers to engage deeply with art, prayer, and the Bible, fostering spiritual insight and worshipful contemplation. This journey through art and Scripture encourages participants to connect their faith with the universal quest for truth, goodness, and beauty.

Heart Songs: Week 5 | Twenty-Four Seven (Psalm 121)
4 Days
We must look to God and have full trust in Him when we are going through a season of difficulty. Instead of relying on ourselves to come out of dark times, we can rely on God's strength, protection, and love. With this four-day reading plan from Lenya Heitzig, develop your reliance on God and discover that He is the only help you need in seasons of hardship.

The Pilgrim’s Prayer
4 Days
Psalm 121 is perhaps the most read Psalm after Psalm 23. It is a favourite of many Christian saints through the ages. In this short devotional Pastor Christopher considers this familiar Psalm in its original Biblical context and its relevance for the believer today. Join the pilgrim to discover God’s powerful promise to pilgrim’s of faith.

And What if I Fail?
4 Days
When we fail, where does our strength come from? If you love Jesus, your strength will come from him and through him! If you fail, he is there. And here is a short reminder we all need.

Fearless: Five Ways To Overcome Fear
5 Days
Fear is something almost all of us will battle during our lifetime, trying to paralyze you from truly living life. This devotional will lead you through five choices that will strengthen you and help you be victorious over fear. I've faced fear, and if I can overcome it, I know that you can too. Thank you for joining me on this road of living a FearLess life.

Gene Moore - Tunnel Vision: A Devotional Series
5 Days
My album, Tunnel Vision, is all about perspective. Join me over the next five days as we explore some songs from my new record and discuss what it means to stand firm in faith as we seek the Light at the end of the tunnel.

God’s Got This! – 5 Lessons from Exodus 14:12-14
5 Days
Moses led the Hebrew people out of Egyptian slavery . . . only to find themselves backed up against the Red Sea. Perhaps that's how you feel right now: trapped. Good news! There’s hope in God’s Word! Let’s look at Exodus 14:12-14 (ESV) to unpack five ways to respond in faith and face whatever challenges you find in front and behind you—and to say, with confidence, “God’s got this!”

Staying Focused in Uncertain Times
5 Days
In these uncertain times surrounding the coronavirus, your focus not only determines whether you get things done but also dictates your emotional state. When you focus on God, you can experience peace, joy, and hope in any situation. These fruits of the Spirit are available to you right here, right now. But your focus will determine whether or not you receive these blessings.

Real Hope: Overcoming Stress and Anxiety
5 Days
Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some stage in their life. This plan is designed to provide a Godly perspective on the subject and to give you tools and verses to encourage and strengthen you during this time.

Poor Me!
5 Days
Do you have trouble today? Have you been hurt by someone, or fallen ill, experienced lack, or suffered devastating setbacks? It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself in times like these. But God has made a way out for you! It’s time to shut down the pity party, rise up, take hold of God’s promises, and be an overcomer!

Lessons for the Climb
5 Days
Join Hillsong East Coast's online experience and walk through this corresponding plan based on Pastor Brenda Thorn's June 2021 message, "Lessons for the Climb." Read through God's Word within each devotional and reflect through guided questions for individual consideration and group discussion. We pray it encourages you to reframe your reality.

Real Hope: Weariness
5 Days
At times, life can be hard and full of twists and turns. Unexpected events, difficult situations, pandemics, relationships, and the daily grind can sometimes lead to a weariness beyond tired or exhausted. A weariness that caffeine and endorphins can’t fix. It’s a soul weariness. We hope in this plan that your soul will be nourished, your spirit renewed, and your heart filled.

Prayers for Hard Emotions: A 5-Day Devotional by Asheritah Ciuciu
5 Days
We've all been in that place of not knowing what to say when emotions rise to the surface that are ugly or hard to feel. These prayers encourage you to look to Jesus, right in the middle of your struggle.

Fighting Your Battles
5 Days
In life’s difficult moments, we find refuge when we remember that the God we serve fights our battles alongside us. In this five-day plan focusing on David's battle with Goliath, speaker and chaplain Jonathan Evans shows how you can face every hardship with strength and hope, confident that God will always use your trials for His glory.

Under the Wings of God by Cornelius Plantinga
5 Days
Longing. Hope. Love. Fear. Seasoned author Cornelius Plantinga explores these facets and more, reflecting on the joys and challenges of a life seeking after God. Each reflection is presented with a Bible text and a brief prayer, inviting you into a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the Christian life, equipping you with timeless insights into the ups and downs of a life lived in the presence of God.

Refined Through the Pain
5 Days
We experience hard times that often leave us wondering, “How can this be for my good when it doesn’t make sense?” Join Harriet Chunu via Grace Whispers in this 5-day devotional, where she walks you through being refined through the pain, and encourages you to a posture of surrender so that you can experience unexplainable rest, peace, and love through this tough season.