Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Ephesians 4:9

From Spark To Flame
3 Days
How would you describe your faith journey? Is it a well-established fire? Is it warming? Comforting? Does it push away darkness? Or is merely a spark? Not quite yet a flame? Hardly casting a shadow. These guided audio meditations will help recognize a spark from an encounter with God. And watch the spark turn to flame. Pushing out fear and darkness.

Easter Meditations: The Price That Was Paid
3 Days
In the days leading up to Easter Sunday, let's take some time to stop, dive deep into Jesus' journey to the cross, and invite Him to bring you fresh revelation of this season. It is helpful to have a journal with you as you reflect on the questions, and to track what God reveals to you in this time!

4 Days
We are joint-heirs with Christ. This is an awesome blessing! If you are doubtful and still need convincing, or if you are wavering and need some reminding, this 4-day reading plan is for you.

Focusing Effort
4 Days
God wants you to have a clear vision for your life! God didn’t save your life just to leave you aimless in life. This four-day study is going to equip you to discern the way God has wired you so that you can focus your effort on what matters most and take hold of the abundant life God has promised you.

KNOW Ephesians
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of Ephesians can teach us in four areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

The Church - Ephesians 4
4 Days
This 4-day devotional, "The Church" invites believers to reflect on and live out the teachings of Ephesians 4. It challenges us to embody qualities that reflect Christ's transformative work: humility, gentleness, patience, unity, and love. Each day offers practical insights and applications for embracing our spiritual gifts, putting off the old self, growing in truth, and fostering forgiveness and compassion in our relationships. With scriptural grounding, thoughtful reflections, and heartfelt prayers, this devotional encourages believers to walk in a way that honors God and strengthens the body of Christ.

Paul And The Body
5 Days
Of all the apostles, Paul’s conversion/calling story was arguably the most notable and miraculous, his assignment to take the Gospel to the Gentiles the most unique, and the tangible results of his obedience the most impressive by human standards. Even so, Paul did not operate as a lone wolf, set apart from the pack and self-sufficient. On the contrary, this hero of the Christian faith understood the essential role his brothers and sisters played in his life and stayed connected to them even when his assignment to preach and live truth called him away for long stretches of time.

Love Your Enemies: A How To Guide
5 Days
It is one of the toughest commandments we encounter in Scripture -- Jesus’ exhortation in Luke 6:27 to “Love your enemies.” In this five-part devotional, we’ll examine the ways Jesus wants and equips us to achieve that seemingly impossible task.

Fearfully and Wonderfully
5 days
The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the dynamic balance of the muscles—your physical being is knit according to a pattern of stunning purpose. Discover here the eternal truths revealed by our seemingly ordinary existence. The human body is a window into the very structure of God's creation and a testament to God's glory.

Flourish in Your Calling: Exploring God's Ultimate Call
5 Days
This five-day reading plan helps us understand that in every season, and wherever we are on the spectrum of knowing the secondary “callings” of our lives, we are only responsible for our personal answer to God’s ultimate call. When this truth transforms our hearts, it becomes infused into our dreams and desires and helps shape, guide, and even unearth the gifts and talents God has given us.

The Gospel According To Satan
5 Days
Not every lie sounds untrue. Some just sound right. And some are repeated so often that they virtually become "common knowledge." This is what makes lies about God so dangerous. So we have to ask, what might God's enemy want us to believe to lead us astray? And would we even see it happening?

Who Do You Think You Are?
5 Days
Your identity (who you are) is established upon the qualities, personality, beliefs, and traits that form the foundation of who you are and what you do. Our identity and security in Christ are essential as Christians. That you ‘know’ who you are, and that knowledge impacts your entire life. This devotional is a walk through the book of Ephesians.

Real Hope: Opinion & Disagreement
5 Days
Opinion & Disagreement is part 3 of 3 looking at the Intersection Of Faith & Culture. It’s hard to live out our faith in a world where the Christian life seems to be counter to the culture we live in. But together we can help one another navigate those challenging situations where the people we’re seeking to minister to may not understand or think we are just plain weird.

The 268 Declaration
5 Days
During the early days of the Passion Movement, God connected our story to the confession found in Isaiah 26:8, specifically the last phrase, which says, "For your name and renown are the desire of our souls." The heart of Passion is God's glory, and God is most glorified in us when we live lives that are fully satisfied in Him. We pray that this scripture journey through Passion's five core statements and prayers will encourage a posture of gratitude for what He has done and increase expectancy for what He will do in the future.

The Images of God
5 Days
Men and women are both made in God’s image. But why do we behave so differently then? Could it be that our differences are just a kaleidoscope of different reflections of God’s image? In this Plan, we will explore how to recognize God’s image through our differences in marriage.

The Party Crasher
5 Days
Political hostility is tearing apart our relationships and churches. But Jesus is the Party Crasher. He is calling us to refuse to bow to partisan religions, even if we lean one way politically. As we dig into Scripture, we’ll see how he is disrupting politics-as-usual and inviting us into a grander vision for kingdom life.

Holy Now: How to Be Christ's Presence Where You Live
5 Days
What the world needs now is more love from God's people as we put holiness into practice in our neighborhoods, workplaces, churches, and homes. How can we do this? In Ephesians 4 Paul urgently explains how those called by the Lord can extend Christ's healing and holy presence where they live. Learn five powerful ways we can be holy now.

5 Days
God made, loves and commissions you as a Black woman. He wants to show you how to root your identity in Him, see His purpose for you, and find real rest. In this week’s devotional, Dr. Sarita Lyons explores what it looks like to flourish in Christ as the Black women God made us to be.

The House That Jesus Built
5 Days
In recent years, many of us have been tempted to walk away from the Church—particularly in light of spiritual abuse, cultural deconstruction, and political divisions. Yet when we build our faith, our ministry, our churches on Christ, even the most violent storms won’t be able to knock them down. This week’s devotional explores what it means to invite Jesus back into his home and start the rebuilding process.

Hope After Trauma
6 Days
Written by a military combat veteran, this devotional explores the question, “How can I have hope after dealing with trauma?” Those that have suffered traumatic events in their lives deal with a unique set of emotional and spiritual issues that are clearly addressed in scripture. It is our prayer that you will find the hope and healing that God alone can provide.

Disability in the Bible: Life Lessons for Us All
6 Days
The Bible is full of people to emulate, not all of them “able-bodied.” Representation is important, and God gets that! If you or someone you love lives with a disability or difference, this Bible Plan may help you see the way God has chosen to use differences of every kind to accomplish His will. Read on to learn from five different and disabled people in the Bible.

Praying Through Ephesians with Hillsong Creative
6 Days
Join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we read and pray through the book of Ephesians. Paul wrote Ephesians as a letter of encouragement to the church in Ephesus and those in the surrounding region. Rather than addressing specific problems within the church, Ephesians stands alone as a message of unity for all believers: unity of Heaven and earth, unity of humanity, and unity of relationships.

The Body of Christ
6 Days
In several of his letters, the Apostle Paul described the Church as ‘the body of Christ.’ This metaphor is more than just an illustration. Paul didn’t say that the Church is like a body, but that it is the body; some kind of reality is being indicated by these words. Throughout this plan, we will explore what this reality is and what it means to the Church today.

Equipping God’s People to Stand Firm: Ephesians
6 Days
Dive into Ephesians with us and let’s see how Paul’s words to the Ephesians can strengthen your Christian walk and encourage you to develop habits that will mature your faith and deepen your relationship with God.

Chosen: A Study in Ephesians
6 Days
Written by Paul in prison, Ephesians beautifully describes the vast reality of the gospel. Chosen before the foundation of the earth, God’s eternal plan of redemption takes spiritually dead men and women and raises them to life in Christ. Ephesians reminds us the gospel is all of God, all of grace, and all purposed “to show the immeasurable riches of His grace towards us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7).