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Comfort in AnxietyПример

Comfort in Anxiety

ДЕН 1 ОТ 7

A man without fear

“But I will be with you” (Exodus 3:12)

When the Lord sent Moses on a mission, He wouldn't leave him alone. The immense risk and power required would make it absurd for God to send only Moses, a Hebrew, to face the most powerful king in the world and then abandon him. It's inconceivable that a wise God would pit Moses against Pharaoh and the mighty forces of Egypt without His presence. That's why He assures Moses, "But I will be with you," making it clear that sending him alone is out of the question.

The same principle applies to me. If I embark on the Lord's mission, relying simply on His power and aiming solely for His glory, I can be certain that He will accompany me. His act of sending me obligates Him to support me. Isn't that assurance enough? What more could I possibly need? Even if all the angels and archangels were by my side, I might falter; but with Him by my side, success is inevitable. I must, however, ensure that I honor this promise by acting with courage, commitment, attentiveness, and humility. Being in the company of God demands nothing less. Like Moses, I must approach challenges without fear.


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