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Marriage: A Lifelong JourneyПример

Marriage: A Lifelong Journey

ДЕН 7 ОТ 7

Tie Yourself to the Mast

Are you unhappy in your marriage? If so, you might be interested to learn that two-thirds of unhappy couples who stay together say their relationship is significantly better within five years. To achieve that, it’ll require you and your spouse to “tie yourselves to the mast.”

In Odyssey, Homer’s epic work, Odysseus encountered the mysterious Island of the Sirens. The creatures inhabiting the island possessed enchanting voices that distracted sailors from their journey, imprisoning them forever. As Odysseus’ crew passed by, the creatures sang their beautiful song. But Odysseus knew the dangers. He put wax in his crew’s ears and ordered that he be tied securely to the ship’s mast to prevent him from being lured away by their seductive melody. Odysseus also commanded they stay true to their course no matter how bad their circumstances seemed.

Marriages in our culture have become more transient. Too often we’ll throw out relationships at the first sign of trouble. But God created marriage to be a covenant – a deeply binding commitment designed to help us weather our most difficult circumstances. But it requires us to “tie ourselves to the mast.” You have to dismiss the voices that try to lure you away from your marriage or convince you that divorce is an easy answer to your troubles.

If your marriage is unhappy, it’s not too late. Commit your relationship to a course of growth and healing. With hard work and faithfulness to God, you and your spouse may discover the relationship you’ve always dreamed of.

For a daily dose of encouragement and perspective, check out Jim Daly’s blog, Daly Focus, at JimDalyBlog.com.


Ден 6

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Marriage: A Lifelong Journey

When we speak of marriage, words like “commitment” and “hard work” don’t exactly ring with fairy tale-like charm. After all, love should be easy, right? Well, the truth is, relationships that stand the test of time take ...


We would like to thank Jim Daly and Focus on the Family for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.JimDalyBlog.com

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