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The Path to Freedom: 5 Steps to Porn-Free LivingПример

The Path to Freedom: 5 Steps to Porn-Free Living

ДЕН 5 ОТ 5

Step 5: Prepare for Emergencies

Most children don’t enjoy long car rides. Parents may hear, “Are we there yet?” an unwanted number of times when their child has had enough of the journey. If we’re honest, we become a little childlike (and maybe even a little childish) when we get impatient on our own long journeys toward change. It would be nice if we could just follow the steps, nail down the process, and change overnight, but the reality is, lasting behavioral change also requires lasting changes in our brain and in our relationships. Experts in brain research have determined that this level of change can be a 2–5 year process.

What does that mean for us? It means we need to accept that our journey to porn-free living may require a process that takes longer than we would like, and we need to stay on the lookout for our old behavior patterns longer than expected. As human beings, we are susceptible to whims, emotional swings, and impulsive behaviors. We may feel like making the right choices 95% of the time, but we need to have a plan for the 5% of the time when we don’t. Nearly every person breaking free from porn will experience a strong desire to return to old behaviors. Sometimes this happens at the very brink of a great breakthrough, as the enemy seeks to keep us trapped.

This is why we desperately need our final step toward porn-free living: prepare an Escape Plan for emergencies. An Escape Plan is a predetermined plan of action that defines the specific, clear, and realistic steps we can take in case of imminent relapse. Do you remember the “Stop, drop, and roll” drill we learned as children? Those specific, clear, and realistic steps helped us remember what do in case of a fire emergency. In the same way, your Escape Plan is going to help you remember what to do when you face an emergency situation created by lust, temptation, or opportunity.

Here is an example of what an Escape Plan might look like:

1) Turn off any electronic device I am on.

2) Get up and leave the room I am in.

3) Recite out loud a favorite Bible verse or quote about recovery.

4) Call my mentor or accountability partner.

These steps can be practiced easily in a couple of minutes. Consider practicing your Escape Plan two or three times a week for a month so that you will be more likely to execute it when you need it most.

Thought of the Day: My road to recovery is a sure road to freedom. It may take longer than I’d like, but I will continue to trust God with every step, and prepare for the strong temptations the enemy will use to keep me from breakthroughs.

For more information regarding this devotional please follow this link, https://puredesire.org.

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The Path to Freedom: 5 Steps to Porn-Free Living

Porn addiction can feel like a never-ending cycle of resolve, temptation, failure, and shame. What if there was a way to break that cycle? We believe there is. This devotional invites you take your first steps toward porn-free living by offering a vetted, researched, and demonstrated pathway to lasting change.
