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Christmas: God With UsПример

Christmas: God With Us

ДЕН 25 ОТ 25

One of Us

By Ally Velsor

“Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity. And when he had come as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a cross. For this reason God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name.”—Philippians 2:5–9 (CSB)

Around the time I became a Christian, I remember the film Bruce Almighty (2003) had been released, and the concept of a man becoming God seemed rather silly. Putting aside some of the questionable comedy, the movie's message was profound. Bruce didn’t get the expected job promotion, and, due to his reaction and attempt to humiliate the co-worker who got promoted, Bruce rightfully gets fired. He then challenges God by spitefully saying, “You’re the one who should get fired.” In turn, God offers Bruce His supernatural powers to teach him a lesson, but with His powers also comes the burdensome responsibility of being a just and merciful God.

This film taught me about God’s holiness because no one can EVER be like God. However, Morgan Freeman brilliantly portrayed God’s humility because God did become one of us the moment Jesus was born. The song “One of Us,” part of the movie soundtrack, by Joan Osborne ponders: “What if God was one of us?” As believers, we don’t have to ask because we know He was. He felt the agony of humanity by becoming a human and willingly suffering on the cross to deliver us from our sin, but He remained holy without eliminating His divine essence or Deity (Colossians 2:9). This means He chose to give up the right to enjoy His rights as God, but He still could never give up His rights. Jesus in human form is still holy and perfect, and He’s still God - a God who sympathizes with us all (Hebrews 4:15).

Jesus didn’t lose His identity when He became human; He knew who He was and His purpose for His existence. Although equal to God, He never exploited His connection to the Trinity.

Have you ever been in a situation when you name-dropped to take advantage of someone’s name because of who they are and their reputation? You figure if you use their name, it can get you places. Imagine Jesus walking around telling people who His dad was and using His position to rule the world. He could have, but He didn’t. Instead, He came into this world as a vulnerable and non-threatening being of our society: a baby boy.

He was born in some unprecedented circumstances in a manger to ordinary people. God chose Mary, a young unmarried virgin, to carry Jesus in her womb. God also chose Joseph, a humble carpenter descending from the royal lineage of David, to be Jesus’ earthly father. In Nazareth, this becomes a scandalous and controversial pregnancy. Mary and Joseph are not even married yet! Doesn’t God care about Mary’s reputation? Not a glamorous look for the King of this world! Jesus was born ordinary for an extraordinary mission, yet He followed the same trade as Joseph until it was time to launch His ministry.

Bruce failed miserably at his attempt to be, think, or serve like Jesus, just like we do when we try to live a righteous life by our own hands and will. He even exploited his powers and tried to benefit from the perks of being God without feeling the true weight of the world. He answered everyone’s prayers without listening to them and created a catastrophe in his city. Without faith, it’s impossible to please God(Hebrews 11:6). The movie ends with God and Bruce developing more of a personal relationship. Bruce realizes he can’t do good in the world without God’s help and guidance. God reminded Bruce of how much He loves him and wants to be part of his life, but He won’t force His way into Bruce's life because of free will. Most importantly, God urged him to BE the miracle in his community.

God loves you, and He wants to be part of your life, but He won’t force His way into it because of free will. Most importantly, God wants you to be the miracle in your community.

Pause: As we celebrate His miraculous birth today and say goodbye to another year in a few days, perhaps it’s time to reflect on this past year and our relationship with Jesus (2 Corinthians 13:5–6).

Practice: “People want Me to do everything for them, but what they don't realize is, they have the power. You want to see a miracle, son? Be the miracle.” (Morgan Freeman as God in Bruce Almighty). Be the miracle! Bless someone this Christmas with an A.R.K. (Act of Random Kindness).

Pray: Father, I’m in awe of how faithful You have been. Thank You for Your holy Son, Jesus Christ, for sending Him on a mission to save our souls. I don’t deserve Your grace, but I’m forever thankful for His sacrifice. Thank You that we can have a relationship with You and for loving me even in my worst moments. Help me be the miracle in my community so I can keep telling others about You. May this Christmas bring joy and unity in our fallen world and that Your name is known in every corner. I love you, Lord. Amen.


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